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How can Marco Rubio possibly justify his claim that President Obama is undermining the Second Amendment of the Constitution?

In his talk at the White House today, President Obama pointed out that he is a constitutional lawyer. Marco Rubio may be a bright guy, I'm not really sure.....but I am sure that President Obama has a deeper understanding of how the Constitution works, and how the Bill of Rights works. And I am quite sure that he is on solid legal ground and taking the executive actions that he took today. I would love to hear Rubio's counter argument. I would love to see the two of them debating this issue in an open forum.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Rubio is playing to the Republican base. He's desperate- he and Cruz hate each other, and Cruz is ahead of him in the polls. Saying things that are untrue hasn't hurt any Republican candidate yet.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The point is that Rubio knows his voters want to hear that it is a violation of the second amendment, that is what THEY think.

    So by saying that, they now know that Rubio is on their side.

    Whether he can justify his claims or not is beside the point, and not even up to him anyway. It's for the supreme court to decide. His opinion has no bearing on the matter at all, which is also why he said it.

  • 5 years ago

    You who are taking digs at the President and who are so cock-sure that you are right, that there is only one way to view this issue, that he is starting a fight that he will lose.....are all wrong. NONE OF THE PRESIDENT'S GUN LAW EXECUTIVE ACTION POLICIES WILL INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE, THE CITIZENS OF THIS NATION, TO BEAR ARMS. When you finally get that through your heads, everything that needs to change will start to change. Look at the polls people: the majority of NRA members favor strengthening GUN laws. And if you did not know that, then you need to hit the books and do a little bit more homework than you've done thus far. Go for it.

  • 5 years ago

    The Florida senator also told the host that Obama's impending actions will only make it harder for "law-abiding citizens" to bear arms. How is this going to effect the Gun Problem in cities like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore?

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  • 5 years ago

    He can't.........he's just blowng smoke and playing to the usual brain dead crowd that screams "Impeach Obama!!!!!! " every 5 seconds.

    Funny, for all these "impeachable offenses" , with a republican controlled one makes any moves to impeach him.

    GEEEEEEEEEE, I wonder why?

    But then I remember, all these azzclowns don't understand what the word even means.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Obama has had 15 executive orders overturned by the Supreme Court, due to executive overreach.

    Today's will be also.

  • 5 years ago

    Rubio is another GOP basket case.ANYTHING he says is already doubtrful,before it leaves his mouth.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    RUBIO doesn't know S*H*I*T! He's a lying little P*U*S*SY FART whiner who has his head up his A*S*S!

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What does shall not be infringed mean for 500 points, alex?

  • 5 years ago


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