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Is it legal for me to record my boyfriend verbally and physically abusing me?

I have been with this guy for 3 years. He has physically and verbally abused me probably 6-9 months since we were dating. Now we have a 2 month old son together and I m threatened to get him taken away from me everyday if the father gets pi**ed off. I told him he won t get custody with the way he abuses me (even sometimes holds the baby while hitting me.) He claims he ll get custody of the kid because he has a job and I don t. (I m 17, and I only don t have a job because I decided to move in with him, I had 2 jobs before I even moved in with him). I take care of the baby all day and clean the house and keep up with school. He says if we go to court I won t be able to show the videos because it s illegal to record someone without their consent but I had to do it because no one else lives with us and if he even catches me recording him I would get a very bad beating and my phone (which I pay for) would be taken away and locked in his gun safe which I don t have a key for. I don t know what to do. I have maybe 2-3 witness s who would be able to come to court and clarify that he is abusive but I want them to see the videos too! I m so scared to go to court because him and his dad constantly threaten to call children and youth on me because I USE to cut myself. I haven t cut myself ever since he was born and I only use to cut myself because my boyfriend will not let me leave his house and he puts me down everyday an I feel like I m being held hostage and can t escape. Help.

135 Answers

  • Anya
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    YOU CAN ESCAPE. GET OUT OF THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. LEGAL has nothing to do with you recording your boyfriend's horribly abusive behavior. It is your home, your place, and YOU can do whatever you want. The word "legal" does not apply. The only mistake you have made here is telling him that you would record him. And YES, you should do it. You need to get away from this abusive, loser of a man as soon as possible. He has VERY SERIOUS anger issues, and those issues are not going away. It is likely he will be this way for life, and, at some point he will end up in prison, that is for sure. Don't believe ANYTHING he says. He is trying to bully you into believing he can do whatever he wants, take whatever he wants, and telling you that you cannot leave the house. It's time for you to leave this horrible situation. There is NO way he will get your baby. You need go elsewhere, and make sure he cannot find you, and get a restraining order against him. Even if you have not recorded his abusive behavior, make sure he does NOT come near you again. Don't worry about the cutting; you are obviously WAY more stable than this loser and you WILL keep your child. Make sure you leave today, if you haven't already left. There is help out there for you, and even if you stay with a friend temporarily, do it. Your life is as stake here. LEAVE HIM.

  • 5 years ago

    I dont know you but NO ONE has the right to physically or verbally abuse anyone.

    This person does not love you, this person is abusing you, causing you harm, that is what we call hate, it is also an extremely dangerous situation for you to remain in.

    I cant give you advice, I just hope you realise that you should not have to put up with his behaviour at some point before its too late.

    Things that will happen:

    Your confidence will be slowly destroyed

    You will become withdrawn

    Your child is at risk

    You may develop mental problems

    You wont be happy.

    And no one should live like that. Your boyfriend isnt a man, Your boyfriend is a child who never grew up and became a loser the first time he abused you. Sadly its unlikely there is any way back.

    And as a warning: Many abused women end up dead.

    So please find the strength to call the cops and have his deadbeat butt busted, move far away and dont allow him to continue making you a victim.

  • 5 years ago

    Instead of asking question on t his site, you should be getting away from this abusive person. When your boyfriend is physically abusive to you there are marks on your body that would prove you are physically abused. These marks remain for several days.

    It is not smart of you to remain in a relationship were you are verbally and physically abusive.

    In most states you are not able to record individuals without their knowledge. There are a few states that would allow you to do this recording without permission.

    You should not be trying to see if you have the legal authority to record this individual or not. You should be packing your stuff and moving the next time he is gone to work or would be away from the house.

    You would need to stay with family or friend.

    This abuse would not get any better,eventually the child would be included. He is currently holding the baby while hitting you, according to your statement.

    You and your child are not in a good position at all.

    I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

    "FIGHT ON"

  • 5 years ago

    Yes, it IS legal. Don't believe a word that boy says, and yes, he IS a boy, a real man wouldn't do stuff like that. NO person would!

    What you need to do is pack your bags and leave while he's at work, if you've already got stuff recorded, keep it, take it with you, and run. Even if it's just voice recordings, that still counts as evidence.

    The longer you stay, the more danger the life of yourself and you son will be in. Whose to say that your boyfriend will stop hitting you? What's to say he won't move on to your son once he's older? This behaviour will only get WORSE, one day he WILL kill you! Far too many people are killed by Domestic Violence, don't let yourself and your son get on that list.

    Gather every bit of evidence you have, ask your witnesses if they are willing to testify against your boyfriend. Do NOT tell your boyfriend ANYTHING! Next you need to file for a Restraining Order, once you have that, then you can sue for custody and have him charged with assault. It will look better for you and your son if you get a Restraining Order first.

    You never mentioned if your parents are in your life, if they are, move in with them and explain the situation. They're your parents, I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help. If that's not an option, go to a friend's place, or failing this, go to a Women's Shelter. They help women in your situation all the time.

    Please get some help, see a shrink because you're going to need one. And make sure you take care of yourself and that beautiful little boy of yours.

    That jerk who sired your son isn't worth your life, NO ONE is worth your life. Don't let him control you anymore

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  • 5 years ago

    I literally just watched a court system episode today, which they played the recording that the young girl had of her b/f hitting her and destroying her house. So, the answer is YES! It is 100% LEGAL!

    Your b/f is lying to you, in order to keep you hostage and have full control over you. He knows everything he s doing is wrong and trying his best to keep you blind. Thankfully, the power of the internets here to help.

    Think positive and focus on the ones who has been through the same, who escaped safely. Find friends/family members to speak about this issue and ask if they could take you in there home for a bit, get a restraining order on him.

    Be patient, plan an escape, and do what you have to do to save yourself and your little one, as well.

    PS... There's some harsh people in the comment section, who have no idea what it is to be in a abusive relationship, no clue. You're not immature, we all are human and make bad decisions. You are ONLY 17 years old, you have a lonnngggg journey in front of you and to be quite honest. Making the wrong decisions at your age is PERFECTLY NORMAL! Just imagine how many older women are out there right now, married to an abusive husband... That won't be you.. Why?... B/c you woke up, sweetheart! Please, DO NOT pay attention to any of these NEGATIVE comments, just ignore them.

    STAY STRONG *Peace & Love*

  • 5 years ago

    I don't know where is the country or state you live in. My advice is that you record all this stuff, and without telling ANYBODY, go and search for a free lawyer that can help you, or even better, try to contact any association for abused women, young mums or something similar in your local town. I'm sure they'll help you a lot and give you the type of advice you need! Good luck!

    BUT very important: do not tell him nor anyone of your near-ones you are searching for help or advice, as consequences can be terrible. Also, NEVER talk with him anything about children custody or anything else, just shut your mouth, don't tell him anything, search for a part-time job when he's busy, and run for help into any abused women society, organization or association that can help you for real.

  • 5 years ago

    Sure you can get evidence in that way, but why in hell have you stayed with this guy for 2 1/2 years after he began abusing you? And then you went and had a child together! It will be hard for you to prove much abuse has been going on for the past 2 1/2 years and you had a child by him during this time period. I really feel sorry for that child! You're not even an adult yet, but you're in a bad, abusive relationship and have a child to consider! It's possible that Children's Protective Services could take your child away because of your age and likely inability to care for and house the child. You need to get away from the father and get your life in order so you can eventually provide a good home for your child. You need to get some help quickly so you can get started on the road to a better life for you and your child.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hey there.. Legal or not do it anyway OMG! Let me get this straight... Your boyfriend is abusing you and you want to know whether its legal to fight back and take steps to escape? My direct answer to whether it is Legal is: You have to just think that it is NOT Legal. Moreover you have to think in this case who gives a mother ****. This is not about legal.. This is about the fact that you are a Human Being & don't deserve to be treated this way. So **** what is legal and what ain't and think like a human being. Think how am I gonna escape, be made safe here? What he is doing is certainly not legal you may find. Reason being with the law... Nothing is 100% certain people who are powerful enough can seize opportunities and use it to their advantage and maybe get a lawyer who is able to win over you saying it was wrong of you to record him or whatever. But despite this I'm telling you it is probably Legal to record him in most circumstances. Lemme finish this answer in the comments..

  • 5 years ago

    You can take pictures record and anything like that because you're creating evidence for your case. Also you will get custody of your child because you have the evidence that he beats you and isn't suitable to be alone with child because he is dangerous and could hit the child too. Also the whole job thing they will see that you are going to school and you have children to take care of so you can't afford to leave them and go to work. The govt will help you! And depending what state you live in are diff laws. In Texas law says if you staying in a home/apt with someone else and the other person decides to kick you out even though your name is not on the lease or you don't pay any bills they cannot do that because you have clothes and personal belongings in the home which means you have established yourself there. The other person cannot pack your things and put them out and they cannot lock you out! You're the mother you have more rights then he does just don't do drugs or be alcoholic

  • 5 years ago

    Get out of the house. If you have no where to go go to a homeless shelter or to a family member or friend. The recordings may not hold up in court but you can certainly show and officer and tell him what he does to you about taking your phone. I know abusive people snatch phones and everything else so while he is gone get an officer at your house and they will likely give you and your son a ride. Child custody court is civil so it doesn't require hard evidence to price abuse but you can represent yourself in court too. Let him file first then all your filings are free. Go to law It is easy. Also, ya once you show the videos to the officer his reputation will be screwes so it doesn't matter if it goes to court. You don't need it. He may get visitation but if you feel he shouldn't have it then keep your son from him. Tell the judge you don't want your son having unsupervised until he is old enough to talk because it would be very dangerous.

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