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Almng78 asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 5 years ago

I'm starting to exercise at the university gym, I don't know where to start?

I had depression last year and I want to get rid of it by going to the university gym. The problem is that I've never been to the gym in my life. I'm underweight and I want to make myself feel better. I fear of judgement of other people from the lack of exercising. I don't know what my routine is or where to start in my exercise, please help!

3 Answers

  • Don
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    Best bet when going to a gym is to have a goal. Lacking that, here's a solid, generic gym routine:

    Mon/Wed/Fri: Start with cardio. Doesn't matter which, treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, rowing machine. Give it a solid 20 minutes. Finish strong. Don't worry about looking like a dork nooby at the beginning and not knowing how to use the various equipment. It's easy to learn and you be operating them with ease in no time flat.

    After wiping down the machine, go in search of some weight lifting machines. Use machines that work your upper body muscles, arms, chest, shoulders, and back. Experiment with the weight until you find one you can lift 15, 12, 10 and 8 times (reps) per set with about a minute rest between each rep. No strain. No arching your back. Work hard to push/pull the final 8.

    Tues/Thurs/Sat: go straight to the weights and work machines that exercise your lower body muscles. Calves, thighs, hamstrings, butt. Do the same as above. After doing three or four different exercises go and hit up the cardio equipment. If you use the treadmill, run slower than you did on the preceding day.

    You're going to feel awkward your first week or two. Don't worry. Pretty much everyone in there felt the same at one point or another. It takes a little while to get used to the various machines. It gets easier quickly.

    A couple easy rules to remember:

    Always have a towel handy.

    Always wipe your equipment down after using.

    Don't leave your towel or water bottle sitting around in public walkways.

    Don't just step in and start using a piece of equipment unless you know it's not in use by someone else.

    Don't lounge on equipment. Either use it or leave it.

    Don't stare at the hot chicks.

    Don't stare at the buff dudes.

    Don't stare at the folks who obviously are just starting.

    No judging others. No one who counts is judging you!

    Find a way to enjoy the gym. Join a spin class. Learn racquetball.

    Remember. It takes at least 6 weeks to learn and start a new habit. 8 weeks before YOU start seeing a difference. 10 weeks for everyone else to see it too.

  • 5 years ago

    Cardio is always best to start. it improves your endurance as well as keeps your heart healthy. running is what most people turn to, but if you have weak knees, cycling and swimming are great alternatives. swimming especially is a great cardio and strength building excersize. if you don't know where to start wth swimming , try learning the Freestyle stroke- it's the most common and easiest. even just a few high speed laps in the pool can improve your mood and give you a great workout. good luck :-)

  • 5 years ago

    I suggest ice cream fitness if you have 3 days a week or coolcicada's PPL if you have 6.

    Remember, you have to suck at something before you can get good at it. Everyone there has been in your shoes at one point.

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