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Ryan asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 5 years ago

Should I commit suicide?

This is a serious question. If you aren't going to give me proper input, just leave.

My Scenario:

2 years ago, my father left our family. Ever since, my mom has changed her personality almost entirely. We are now a family of 4, consisting of my mother, two younger brothers (ages 14 and 3), and myself (I'm 17). This might seem very stupid because there are obviously people in this world who are doing a lot worse than me, but still continue to push theirselves to keep living (i.e. those in third world countries), and I truly respect that.

My mom has really been on my back for the past few months.

Usually, after I finish all of my chores, I like to just go on the computer and play video games and all that, but every time I do, my mom tries to find something for me to do and yells at me for being "disrespectful" when I try to humbly prove my point, or just forget to do something, or when I get a D in a class that I have no interest in (It's APUSH; I thought I could handle it, but obviously I was wrong).

My younger brother who is 14 years old is very disrespectful to our mom, our 3 year old brother, and myself. I'm pretty sure it's because he's an adolescent and will soon grow out of this stage, as I have myself.

Now, you're probably wondering, "This doesn't seem so bad, why is this kid just complaining on the internet about his pretty normal life? He's just some spoiled brat", and you have the right to believe this.

Since middle school, my mom has been having


really high expectations for me, and I think that it's too much pressure. Every time she nitpicks and tries to find a flaw in me, she really sticks it to me, and I feel so "useless", and "ungrateful", as my mom puts it, but I try my best to get her approval, but she never seems to acknowledge my attempts at appeasing her.

She always goes on 1-2 hour long rants about how she was basically perfect in her teenage life, and says that it will only get tougher as you go on, and she wants me to

Update 2:

join the Navy, because that is what she did.

So, I think, "What's the point of even living this horrid life where everybody is basically disrespectful to each other and being successful is part of the American Dream that many would like to achieve, but never will?"

So that is my story. If you actually read it, I applaud you apologize for taking up your time.

Please respond with sincerity. I know this isn't the place for this kind of stuff, but I just want a bit of help.

9 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know that your life seems to be spinning to circles now, and everything just seems so pointless in life. But please, do not end your life. It is much too precious to take away when there's something greater, something better beyond this point. It may not seem like it, but trust me, your determination to get through it will reward you.

    About your mother, it's understandable that she's on your back. It's most likely to do with your father leaving your family. I think she fears that you'll do the same to another person, and is putting in so much effort to make sure that you don't. She's also worried for your studies, as education is not a luxury everyone can afford and it's your ticket to your dream job. I think you understand already that video games have an effect on school. I'd advise you to limit your game playing and focus more on what's best for you. Don't think that she's angry at you; her change in personality is due to your father and the changes that he has caused. She's also being your mother. She'll always want the best for you.

    I don't think she understands that ranting about how perfect she was will do you any good, because you're you and she's her. You're both different individuals living in different generations. Don't let her get you down, because if you've given all your best, there's nothing else she can do or say to change that because that's all that matters. I suggest you talk to her about it, pour out your heart to her. Try your best to not get into an argument, and if it doesn't quite work out as planned, write her a letter. That way, she can read all your thoughts without interrupting you or shutting you down. Bottom line is to speak out what you want (respectfully) and get her to understand you. You don't want to join the Navy? Tell her. Explain that your future is yours to hold and to take control of, because you'll never be successful doing what you don't want to do.

    There's so much more in store for you. So many things to discover and learn, so many experiences to enjoy. You're still young, I know that you can get through this. Just power through this tough time, find things in life to love and hold onto. After all your hard work in school, you'll be able to go out and meet new people, discover new things, go on dates, make money the way you want to. For now, connect and socialise with friends. Your life is only just beginning.

    Hope that helped. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be here for you. Don't give up on us, love.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Iam 16 and I feel the same way. My mom is a single mother so she has a lot of pressure raising my sister and me without any help from anyone so me and my sister have a lot of pressure on us to help out with everything and sometimes I just can't take it, I feel like I try so hard to be grateful and helpful but it's never good enough. I know my mom is amazing and she loves us so much but she's said some really hurtful things when she lose her temper. I remember once when she had to much to drink and went on a rant for like hours about how ungrateful and bratty we are, saying life would be easy if she hadn't had us and she should just leave us and go live somewhere else. Ik she doesn't mean it but when she loses her temper I swear she says the most hurtful things. I litteraly have gotten so unhappy I'd just cry in my room for no reason at all just feeling really alone and empty. I don't even tell anyone everyone thinks iam all happy.u don't know me but pleaseeee don't do it!! x-x

  • 5 years ago

    Hello Ryan,

    No, you should not commit suicide. Life is precious, YOU are precious, and neither of them are ever replaceable. You have all gone through an awful lot of change since your Dad left. Your Mom is trying to pick up the pieces, and continue making things work for you. You say she is being over-critical, she sees it as making you the best person you can be. Parents always want their kids to have a better life than they had.

    It is important that you know I am not trying to side with your Mom, or against you - I am not. I am trying to help you Ryan. I see a value in your life, and I would like for you to see that value also. I really wish I could address every single issue you have here, but it would be a very long reply. Each of your complaints has an answer, and you should talk to someone, a professional maybe, or talk with your Mom yourself, and get the answers.

    If you want to talk to me, to get more answers, or to ask more questions, feel free to contact me at and I will try to help you.

    Bottom line Ryan, DO NOT KILL YOURSELF - Please - you are priceless to many people !!!!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Life is just a compilation of suffering and torture. Suicude wont help because after some time you soul will return to this horrifying world. If there is a way how to suicude and destroy your sould, go for it, but other then that it doesnt matter. Take this as a video game. Whenever you die, you respawn at a checkpoint (another mothers womb) and the game changes itself. So anytime you are not comfortable or happy with your life, you can just restart it and try again

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Mon ami, suicide isn't the answer. Even if you have a mother who sounds like a complete b¡tch. In a year, you can move out and live your life on your own terms. She sounds like she hates your father and is taking it out on you, the oldest. In fact, that's exactly what she's doing. My mother did the same thing and went on to hate all men.

    Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Suicide isn't going to solve anything. If anything, it'll probably prove whatever point she was trying to make. Just try to find a job and look for housing so you can move out soonest.

  • edie
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    NO, you shouldn't commit suicide, there is nothing here serious enough for you to consider killing yourself for. first off you aren't going to learn any thing on the tv playing those games for hours. if you have a D in a subject in school you need to be studying instead of being glued to the tv playing games. if you are 17 your mother wants you to take responsibility for yourself and learn whatever is necessary so you can take care of your self, I don't know how long before you will turn 18, but when you do you will be considered as being a young man. you don't have time to play childish games because you don't expect to live with your mother for the rest of your life for her to take care of you. and your mother don't look forward to taking care of you when you get grown. you should be more interested in your studies at school and learn as much as you can. since you don't have your father there any more you might have to pick up responsibilities where he left off. it is a shame that he would leave you all like that. for whatever reason he is not a roll model for his family. you are the oldest so it is up to you to make something of yourself. it isn't too much for your mother to ask you to go to school and learn and to do other things for her and your self. what else do you have to do that is so important? nothing I bet! you are growing older not younger. plus all of this technology is ruining a lot of kids and adults as far as that is concern. they keep their heads down even to cross the streets and will get hit by a car because they aren't looking at what they are doing. the people that made those games up are making millions of dollars, is your mother that rich that you don't have to do your part in going to school to get a decent education so you can take care of yourself? I don't think so. so do everything you can to help your mother. you won't regret it I a long run.

  • Dafydd
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Start here > > follow instructions to certify you aren't a computized autobot and receive the first step in return - 6 more emails, one per fortnight, will follow - and after 98 days you will have all you need to decide the suicide issue yourself

    Source(s): 70 years of making sense of my world and place in it and the last 21 of them helping others make sense of theirs. Email me if you need to. The address is on my website.


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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I thi k I think that internet and games are making you depressed and isolated. go connect with people in real life and actually do something like art or volunteering. don't kill yourself, you wil be selfish as you will ruin your family all of them will be so sad forever. just stop gaming and stop isolating yourself f and stop listening or watching horror or sad crap music.

  • 5 years ago

    no, get some help, and if your dad is still around maybe you can go live with him

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