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Did Jesus and HIS disciples observe GOD's Passover or Easter?

"Behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world".

GOD provided the perfect sacrificial Passover lamb to cover our sins with HIS blood. Most people calming to be followers of Christ celebrated Easter on March the 27 2016.

However all four gospels make it clear that our Savior and HIS disciples were keeping GOD's Passover Feast when Yeshua said: "This do in memory of ME".

The Hebrew people, as commanded by GOD, have been keeping GOD's Passover for over 3,500 years.

This year GOD's Passover will be our April 22 2016 and our Savior was resurrected 3 days later.

In these last days Christians need to find out where Easter came from?

NO one in the Bible ever celebrated an Easter or Sun day morning resurrection.

According to Luke 23:56 - 24:1 the followers of Christ kept GOD's Sabbath day Commandment and came to the tomb on GOD's "first work day of the week" to finish the work of preparing our Saviors body.

The next time GOD's "first work day of the week" is mentioned is some 25 years later. Acts 20:7

Should we follow GOD or man's traditions?

We are running out of time!

GOD bless

5 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    The timing of Passover, as you know, is based on a lunar calendar. It can begin any day of the week, and is itself a week or so long. Now, when Jesus rose from the dead during Passover, he rose on a Sunday. In the early days of Christianity, local churches sometimes celebrated on Passover, and sometimes on a Sunday during Passover. week. So they came to an agreement, finally, that they would always celebrate on Sunday. Christianity had separated from Judaism already (as Judaism rejected the Messiah, Jesus), so it was no longer seemly to calculate the greatest Christian feast based on the date on a different religion.

    Pascha/Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. So the major issue for Christians is deciding when the vernal equinox is; some take it as an invariant date, and some figure it out from what's happening in the sky.

    Pascha, or a name like it, from Passover - is used in every language but English. In English, the rising of the Lord from the dead is named after the Anglo-Saxon word for "Spring" -- the season in with the festival always falls. It is *not" named after Asheroth or some other goddess.

    Christians celebrate "the Lord's Pascha", as Orthodox Christians call it. Truly a Christian festival of victory of God over death and sin.

    Forgive me.


  • Hogie
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    "Easter" is a word that comes form the old German and is used only in German and English to describe what is more accurately known as the "Christian" Passover, where Christ is our Passover, and not some lamb that was killed and eaten.

    If you want Christians to keep the Jewish Passover, then I suggest you start with yourself, and keep it properly, by going to Israel to keep the Passover, as per the instructions in the law. One outside the confines of Israel could not keep "the" Passover.

    With your comment about the Sabbath, it looks like you are hung up on the old covenant/testament shadows, thereby rejecting the New Covenant realities that replace them.

  • Matt
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Since Ester is the celebration of Jesus' resurrection, it would have been tough to celebrate when he was alive. Jesus and his minions were Jews, they would have celebrated Passover. In fact, much of the mythology surrounding Easter is lifted directly from the mythology surrounding Passover celebrations.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    > "Behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world".

    GOD provided the perfect sacrificial Passover lamb to cover our sins with HIS blood.

    In the time of Jesus and his followers,

    every one educated in culture and religion of the Roman Empire -- Jews, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians --

    ALL knew that the Jewish Passover Lamb was part of the symbol of the "punishment of the gods of Egypt" --

    The Lamb was related to the chief god of the Egyptian pantheon

    and the Jews kept it tied up for a week and then ate it as a symbol that the Egyptian gods are powerless!!

    Thus, those Christians who wrote the teachings inside the New Testament that Jesus is the Passover Lamb

    were rejecting "The God of Abraham" in favor of "The gods of Egypt"

    And they did this purposefully and expressly!!!

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  • S
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Passover. Jesus was an observant Jew. Remember the message of salvation was to the Jew first, then the Gentile. He came to the House of Israel.

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