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Has this administration opened the gates of hell against America?
6 AnswersPolitics5 years agoHas the US government turned against the American people?
If you have ever read the Bible you know that the government has turned against the American people !
They now seem to support everything that is illegal and immoral against the people.
21 AnswersOther - Politics & Government5 years agoDid Jesus and HIS disciples observe GOD's Passover or Easter?
"Behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world".
GOD provided the perfect sacrificial Passover lamb to cover our sins with HIS blood. Most people calming to be followers of Christ celebrated Easter on March the 27 2016.
However all four gospels make it clear that our Savior and HIS disciples were keeping GOD's Passover Feast when Yeshua said: "This do in memory of ME".
The Hebrew people, as commanded by GOD, have been keeping GOD's Passover for over 3,500 years.
This year GOD's Passover will be our April 22 2016 and our Savior was resurrected 3 days later.
In these last days Christians need to find out where Easter came from?
NO one in the Bible ever celebrated an Easter or Sun day morning resurrection.
According to Luke 23:56 - 24:1 the followers of Christ kept GOD's Sabbath day Commandment and came to the tomb on GOD's "first work day of the week" to finish the work of preparing our Saviors body.
The next time GOD's "first work day of the week" is mentioned is some 25 years later. Acts 20:7
Should we follow GOD or man's traditions?
We are running out of time!
GOD bless
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoAre we obeying GOD's word or keeping man's traditions?
NOWHERE in your Bible will you find Christians observing Easter on GOD's first work day of the week! In fact the followers of Christ had all kept GOD's Sabbath day before they discovered our Savior's empty tomb on GOD's "first work day of the week". Luke 23:56 24:1
Your Savior was crucified on Nissan 14 or Passover and resurrected 3 days later on Nissan 17 first fruits. This year people will keep the tradition of celebrating Easter almost a month before Christ was crucified no our April 22 or Passover.
NOWHERE in your Bible does it say that Jesus rose from the dead on GOD's "first work day of the week"!
The fact is that after the Gospel records of Christ followers keeping GOD's Sabbath and discovering the empty tomb on GOD's first work day of the week, the first day of the week is not mentioned for almost 25 years. Acts 20:7 and 1 Cor. 16:1-8 A meal on Saturday evening at the close of GOD's Sabbath at sunset and a one time welfare collection for the Saints in Jerusalem. Paul was to pick up this gift on his way trough.
This year will you obey GOD's word or keep man's tradition?
GOD Bless!
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoWhat is Easter?
Over 3,500 hundred years ago GOD instructed the Hebrew people to keep HIS Passover Feast. This will be celebrated on Nissan 14 or April 25 and HE was resurrected 3 days later on Nissan 17, April 28 this year.
Millions of people will celebrate Easter on March 27.
Just what are they really celebrating and just what is Easter?
Our Savior was resurrected on April 28 this year, almost a month later!
GOD Bless!
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoIs Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever Heb 13:8?
In Matthew 15:1-14 Jesus called out the Pharisees because they were keeping a tradition that made HIS Fathers Command of no effect. Jesus said they were hypocrites and worshiped in vain. The blind leading the blind!
Now fast forward some 25 years and a Pharisee by the name of Paul came to Jerusalem calming to be a follower of Christ. The Church is teaching that Paul started a new tradition that made GOD's Sabbath day Command of no effect.
If you believe Paul started a new tradition please explain how being tortured to death for the sins of the world changed our Saviors attitude about traditions replacing HIS Fathers Commands!
GOD Bless,
JESUS is Lord, not Paul!
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality5 years agoIs Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever Heb 13:8?
In Matthew 15:1-14 Jesus called out the Pharisees because they were keeping a tradition that made HIS Fathers Command of no effect. Jesus said they were hypocrites and worshiped in vain. The blind leading the blind!
Now fast forward some 25 years and a Pharisee by the name of Paul came to Jerusalem calming to be a follower of Christ. The Church is teaching that Paul started a new tradition that made GOD's Sabbath day Command of no effect.
If you believe Paul started a new tradition please explain how being tortured to death for the sins of the world changed our Saviors attitude about traditions replacing HIS Fathers Commands!
GOD Bless,
JESUS is Lord, not Paul!
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoWhy would a Christian celebrate Easter and not Passover?
According to the Bible our Savior was crucified on Nissan 14, Passover. HE was resurrected 3 days later on Nissan 17.
This year the Universal Church and millions of protestants will celebrate Easter on March 27. Our Savior was crucified almost a month later on Passover April 22 and resurrected on April 25.
Our Savior instructed HIS disciples to remember him on the day of the Passover Feast Passover.
Luke 22:19
In spirit and truth !
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoDid the apostle Paul believe he had the authority to start a new tradition that made GOD's Command of no effect ?
In Matthew 15:1-14 our Savior pointed out the fact that the Pharisees had started a tradition that made GOD's 5th Command of no effect. Yeshua said that they were hypocrites and their worship was in vain. The blind leading the blind.
Now fast forward some 25 years. The church is teaching that a Pharisee by the name of Paul came into Jerusalem and started a new tradition that made GOD's 4th Command void and of no effect.
If Paul started a new tradition that made GOD's 4th Command of no effect, please explain how being tortured to death for our sins changed our Savior's attitude about man replacing HIS Fathers Commands with new traditions.
Paul said I speak as a man "Let GOD be true and every man be a liar"! Romans 3:4-5
GOD Bless,
Yeshua is Lord, not Paul
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoWhy do Christians celebrate our Savior's resurrection on the wrong day?
This year the Church will celebrate our Savior's resurrection on March 27. However HE was crucified on Nissan 14, Passover, our April 22, almost one month later.
This means HIS resurrection will always occurs three days later, Nissan 17 or this year on our April 25.
They will worship ME in spirit and in TRUTH!
GOD Bless!
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoWhy did our Savior's definition of hypocrisy and vain worship change after HE was tortured to death?
In Matt. 15:1-14 our Savior, Yeshua, said that the Pharisees were hypocrites and worshiped in vain because they had started a tradition that made HIS Fathers 5th Commandment of no effect. The blind leading the blind!
The Church is teaching that some 25 years later a Pharisee by the name of Paul came to Jerusalem teaching that people should worship on GOD's "first work day of the week" making GOD's 4th commandment of no effect.
Why would being tortured to death for the sins of the world change our Savior's attitude toward man replacing HIS Fathers Commandments with new traditions.
Keep in mind Paul said to let GOD be true and every man be a liar and GOD forbids that we should make HIS law void because of our faith in Yeshua but we are to establish GOD's law.Romans 3:4 & 3:31
I am not looking for long winded theology that supports your beliefs. I want to know what changed HIS mind?
"They draw near to ME with their lips but their hearts are for from ME. But in vain do they worship ME teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" Matt. 15:8-9
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoDid Jesus change HIS mind?
In Matthew 15:1-14 Jesus called out the Pharisees as hypocrites and said they were worshiping in vain because they had started traditions that made GOD's 5th Commandments of no effect. The blind leading the blind.
Now fast forward some 25 years and we find a Pharisee by the name of Paul coming into Jerusalem starting a new tradition of worship on GOD's "first work day of the week" making GOD's 4th Command of no effect. Or did he?
Paul said to let GOD be true and every man be a liar. Romans 3:4
Loving GOD is keeping HIS Commandments. 1 John 5:3
Could someone please explain how being tortured to death for the sins of the world would changed our Savior's attitude toward men replacing HIS Fathers Commandments with a new tradition?
Jesus said not a single accent mark of a single letter of GOD's law would change until heaven and earth passed away! Mat 5:18
GOD Bless,
Yashua is Lord, not Paul!
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoDoes Hillary believe over half of America is stupid? Or should I say: is over half of America stupid?
We now know for a fact that Hillary is lying about the emails that have been released from her home server?
So far over 22 "Top Secret" emails have been discovered on her personal un-secure server!!
Who in their right mind believes she is telling the truth about the 30,000 emails she deleted?
As she smiles and says "trust me"! The FBI is lying!
11 AnswersPolitics5 years agoIs the West about to dance with the devil in the pail moon light?
It appears that the West is on their knees for the money that was just released to the terrorist state of Iran!
6 AnswersMythology & Folklore5 years agoIs obama trying to prove America is in submission to Islam?
He declared the war is over, as he releases the terrorist, allows Iran to move toward a nuke and our sailors to be humiliated by Iran!
We are at war with radical Islam and wars only end when one side wins or surrenders!
11 AnswersPolitics5 years agoWhat is this administration doing to Americans?
It has become obvious that other people are being allowed to invade America and then have no regard for the rest of our laws yet Americans are being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!
The invaders have been give a blank check to ignore our laws over and over again!
It appears this administration is taking America away from Americans and giving it to the invaders!
Is it to late for Americas to wake up? Have they already given America to the rest of the world?
4 AnswersPolitics5 years agoIs obama's war against "WE THE PEOPLE" or radical muslims?
4 AnswersPolitics5 years agoIs obama using our government to enforce shria law on America?
The FBI is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to bacon being placed at mosque!
It appears muslims are using our FBI to enforce shria law on all Americans!
In America we are free to take bacon where ever we please!
Or is it to late?
10 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago