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Satanists: where do you think you go when you die?

6 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    You either get thrown into the ocean, buried in the ground in a box or you get cremated. There is no afterlife that can be proven. Such a thing is nothing more than a superstitious fantasy created by humans to alleviate their own fear of death.

    As Satanists, we view life as the great indulgence. Death is the great abstinence.

    Source(s): Practicing Satanist of twenty-five years.
  • 5 years ago

    If satanists die and go somewhere, I hope they are all stuck together and are trapped to be with each other, having to face their own selves.

  • 5 years ago

    I'm not a Satanist, but I go to Rio.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    We go where everyone goes, to the Other side or what ever you want to call it. All souls go there once we finish are journey in this realm then we come back many times living different lives and being different people

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Most satanists are atheist, so I suppose they believe you rot in the ground.

  • 5 years ago

    LaVeyan Satanists are not evil like people think, and they are atheists with hedonism. Satanists love kids and animals. As Black Magicians they ask for their desires while wishing badly for them to come true as they request them from the forces of darkness. It is asking for assistance, a blessing. Also read "Satanic Rites and Ceremony's" by Rev. Yaj Nomolos and Lucifer Rising by Gavin Baddelley and visit the forum at modernchurchofsatan or Karla LaVey's sites and

    Quotes from famous musician, Atheist and High ranking Church of Satan member and very close friend to Anton LaVey - King Diamond "Satanism is about the Powers of the Unknown. I have had hundreds of strange supernatural experiences with the occult, the other side, the beyond, whatever you want to call it that proves there is a spiritual world that can cross over into our world. Satanism is a life philosophy so within it you can have your own religion, any religion you want. Or take from various religions or your own whatever makes you happy. I have my own religion and Religiously Satan on a spiritual level stands for the Powers of Darkness, the Powers of the Unknown which are always all around us at all times. This is the best way to talk about these Spirits and Powers. Not a god or a devil as both of them are christian god's and that has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course there are different types of satanism.

    Must need something bad and use that during ritual then you might be able to get help from these powers I believe are all around us. But that is only if they like you. I do not believe in the two christians beings god or the Devil, I believe in the Powers of the Unknown, Powers of Darkness. I have done Satanic Rituals and have seen and heard spirits.

    Some people like to call "Them" God or the Devil or whatever, but I do not believe there is all one good and one all bad power. I believe there are many, many different Spirits and Powers that exist and that they are not good or evil, like humans they have both inside of them and I always treat them with the highest amount of respect and feel that respect returned by Them. It is massive mutual respect. Not Power, but Powers, Big difference. I believe we are one and the same me and these Unknown Forces. You really have to respect them for the incredible power they have. I believe they come to those who they feel can handle it and who will be faithful believers." In the song "Welcome Princess of Hell" you hear me singing to these spirits and powers and they sing back to me. They came to me to let me know they are here for me on my journey and that they are behind me and that they wish me good luck so I see them as my protectors almost like guardian angels. We all live several lives so that our powers/souls can grow in order to reach a higher plane and join with something greater. Our powers live in a human shell several times that will enable us to go on to a new life form a higher plane of being or join one day with a larger greater force. But 99 percent of the population live by the Satanic Philosophy whether they know it or not. As Anton LaVey even told me that Satanism is simply a life philosophy and NOT a religion. Satanism is basically Humanism. Satanism is based on logic and things that are proven which is why it could never be a religion as religion is based on things that cannot be proven.

    Personally I do not use electrical lighting at home and on my Altar or in the studio when I record vocals, only black candles as electrical lighting drives away the spirits and I love having them near me. People who see Satanism from the Christian view point are not treating these powers with respect and that is very dangerous. I once actually summoned a spirit in order to prove they are real to a girl who doubted and Satan came.

    In Satanism you are your own God. LaVey felt and I agree that we are all individuals born with different needs and views and so he felt everyone should make up their own mind about what to believe in spiritually if anything at all which is why he left a huge void in the Satanic Bible when it came to spirituality or any kind of religious beliefs and so within the Satanic Philosophy a person can still be a Christian if that fulfills their spiritual needs. Satan also means the Opposite, Inverted, Reversed which is why we wear the Satanic crosses and pentagrams. Satan means the opposite of religion. Satanism is living out your feelings and instincts without feeling it is a sin, enjoy yourself while you are here now while you can and have your own individual beliefs. One thing I consider almost mandatory though is believing there are powers around us. And you can use these powers to help yourself or those you care about. Or throw these powers at people in a negative way. I am not religious at all but you can say I am spiritual due to my experiences and beliefs. The Satanic bible is not really a bible because a bible is for religion so it should be called a book of philosophy instead. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

    When people see the word ‘Satan’ they see only negative. Satan is not only bad, to me. It represents both sides of everything. I don’t believe in the Christian devil.

    “Christianity has both God and the devil. I believe there is neither of these two. I believe in the powers of the unknown, which I have experienced many times. I know that rituals work. I don’t do them often because you can easily misuse them. They will get back at you if you don’t respect them. Rituals can channel the forces that surround us all the time but I respect the powers and will not abuse them in any way. The Satanic Bible is 70 percent Philosophy and 30 percent magic. Satan is the power of the universe. Satan to me is the Powers of Darkness, not a man with horns. Some people think Satanism is what the Christian church portrays it to be. If you are as bad and as evil as you can be and you think that’s Satanism you have become part of the Christian religion. That is Christian Satanism which is not what I am about at all.

    LaVey Church of Satan Rev. Thomas Thorn of the Electric Hellfire Club - " There is a spiritual dimension that communicates with us and there are powers and deities in this spiritual world. We use Satanic Rituals to summon, communicate with and make pacts with Demons. "Pacts with the Devil" is a book I use in ritual. My spiritual beliefs may differ from the spiritual beliefs of other Satanists. Drugs help the ritual mindset as well"

    This is why the Books The Satanic Bible and the Satanic Rituals by Anton LaVey stress to treat these entities with respect as friends and companions and to be in league with these Powers and not use protective circles and pentagrams which insult these forces. And to use rituals to create sort of a relationship with these powers. Anton LaVey spent his life researching the occult, magic and the supernatural and was a ghost hunter. He said he created a glowing pentagram to attract these forces and did essays on the trapezoid which opens gateways to supernatural forces. As Anton LaVey himself said in books and video interviews he tried calling up spirits and demons using circles and names of God and Jesus for protection and it did not work so he knew he needed to then be on the side of the demons instead of using protection in order to call up Demons and gain magical powers and have things go his way. LaVey also said how Satanists thrive in the darkness surrounded by the Dark ones and the Infernal spirits and that belief in the power of magic is key to results as well as using ritual to inject thoughts into the mind of someone getting them to do your will. Curses will fail though if target is not deserving according to forces. LaVey also said there are no limits to what you can put into the supernatural. And you must appreciate the desire once done or the powers will reverse it! Anton LaVey was a ghost hunter and haunted and psychic investigator. LaVey said he called on brother Satan to spare the boys life and it worked! "A Satanist commands his gods rather than praying to them" I wrote Satanic Bible as I looked for a book on real magick and saw I needed to write it myself- Anton LaVey

    Church of Satan video documentary "Satanis" many Satanic Church members were asked if they believe in a God or Powers and they said "Yes they do"

    Church of Satan Reverend Bryan Moore - We believe in curses. Was it coincidence or was it curse around the making of the "Omen" well it seemed like a lot of bad things happened around them

    COS Rev. Vincent Crowley - I believe in a Demonic world. Not the type christians talk about but the kind a Black Magician can tap into and demand their will be done. I think things are out there, I think there’s forces out there, I think obviously things you can tap into, but I don’t think of them as little horned creatures ready to poke you with a pitchfork or that kind of stuff. I think of them as almost crafty kind of concepts. Things are in maybe different realms or different dimensions—could be scientifically explained somewhere down the road you know, not some weird hell or tales like that. I’ve had quite a few encounters like that. And Satanism is simply a philosophy it has nothing to do with religion

    Karla LaVey - We do believe in the power of magic

    Church of Satan Warlock in Australia “It is a spiritual thing and magic is very real. I saved my dogs life with it which shocked the vet and I used it to help a friend in need. I told him not to worry that I would take care of it and I did.”


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