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  • Why do people say Satanism is just Theatrical Atheism?

    Seth of the Thinking Atheist podcast and others always refer to Satanism as simply Theatrical Atheism and others say it is just Humanism with Horns or a Black Mask.

    What does all of that mean?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • How do atheists know what is real science and what is pseudoscience?

    There is SO much pseudoscience in the world promoting fake things like spirits and gods and magic and souls and spirit guides and law of attraction, auras on and on.

    So how do atheists know which information is really accepted by science and which is fake science claims? And where do you go to find out what is proven true by science and what is really not?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • Should LaVeyan Satanists change their name/label since hey are really just atheists?

    They say they are atheists who use the term Satanist because its for show and theatrical but it has brought them so much negative attention and misunderstandings.

    So will they change the label they use soon? And should they?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year ago
  • So science now shows we all came here from spirit in order to experience misery as part of a universal play?

    Rich Martini used a scientific method over many years where he discovered from thousands of cases that all prove the same thing that we all are spirits who came here in physical form in order to experience bad things as we decide to be part of a "Play".

    That we all decide to play a role in this play that is being watched by the spirit world and that our spirit guides help make sure we experience horrible things that we agreed upon before coming here.

    What he does not explain is why we all decide to do this? Does anyone know?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • So science now shows we all came here from spirit in order to experience misery as part of a universal play?

    Rich Martini used a scientific method over many years where he discovered from thousands of cases that all prove the same thing that we all are spirits who came here in physical form in order to experience bad things as we decide to be part of a "Play".

    That we all decide to play a role in this play that is being watched by the spirit world and that our spirit guides help make sure we experience horrible things that we agreed upon before coming here.

    What he does not explain is why we all decide to do this? Does anyone know?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • So science now shows we all came here from spirit in order to experience misery as part of a universal play?

    Rich Martini used a scientific method over many years where he discovered from thousands of cases that all prove the same thing that we all are spirits who came here in physical form in order to experience bad things as we decide to be part of a "Play".

    That we all decide to play a role in this play that is being watched by the spirit world and that our spirit guides help make sure we experience horrible things that we agreed upon before coming here.

    What he does not explain is why we all decide to do this? Does anyone know?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • What is the point of LaVeyan Satanism? Is it really just Theatrical Atheism?

    LaVeyan Satanism is simply about being yourself which means all people are Satanists. As someone said in the book Lords of Chaos your basic everyday housewife is even a satanist or as Montel said LaVeyan Satanists are like your local boy scouts. Seth Andrews of the Thinking Atheist Podcast says LaVeyan Satanism is just Theatrical Atheism.

    So what is the point of using that label then if LaVeyans are just your basic everyday common people? Is it just because it is a cool label?

    6 AnswersConservation2 years ago
  • Why do LaVeyan Satanists have to wait and do a ritual before masturbating?

    In the Satanic Bible it has them having to do many ritual steps with candles and an altar and sword and chalice and invocations to Satan and demons to appear and only then can they finally masturbate. Then once finished they have to do ending ritual steps

    Why cant they just masturbate any time they want like regular people without having to wait for a specific time at night and wait and then do such an elaborate ritual with ritual tools and everything before they can finally Masturbate?

    Why go through so much trouble before and after masturbating?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • So Laveyan Satanism is just about being who you are without feeling ashamed?

    Just be who you are and think what you think, and feel how you feel and live according to you feelings and instincts and live a good life doing what ever you want as long as it does not hurt anyone. And do so without feeling ashamed of who you are and how you were born like religions tell you to do which say to hate yourself and instead Lavey Satanism says to love yourself and your one and only life as you only have one life. And Satan is used Satan the word means being opposed to all things like religion that frustrate and condemn man for being human and Satanism embraces being human and being ashamed of it

    Even the Satanic Rituals are just about masturbating, crying and being angry which we all do they just do it in a theatrical way. So basically are all people that live on earth all Laveyan Satanists then? All people except for rapists and killers as that goes against satanism. But all normal good people seem to all live according to the philosophy of the Satanic Bible it seems. Is this correct? and if so why do so many not admit it? is it because of the stigma still attached to the word Satan?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Is it true that our negative thoughts actually attract into our lives the things we do want?

    many false teachings these days claim positive thoughts attract our desires and negative thoughts repel them. But in my own experiences it seems the opposite is true. And now I am finding others that say the same thing. In fact many people say if they desire something they convince themselves they will never get and then they do get it!

    Has anyone else found this to be rue or tried this? Is it true then that if we are convinced we will never get something we desire that something somehow makes it happen that it does indeed come into our lives?

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore2 years ago
  • In Godfather 2 why did Michael tell Al not to harm Fredo?

    In the scene with Michael and Fredo after Fredo admits his betrayal Michael tells Al Neri that he wants no harm to come to Fredo while his mom is alive. Why would he say that? Wouldnt Al or anyone else need direct orders from Michael before harming anyone?

    Wouldnt harming him without orders be a betrayal as well? So why does Michael feel he needed to stress to Al that he wants no harm to come to Fredo?

    7 AnswersMovies2 years ago
  • Why in Godfather 2 When Michael returned he asked his bodyguards to leave the room when he wanted to talk to Tom?

    Why did Michael ask his bodyguards to leave the room when he wanted to ask Tom about Fredo? His men know what is going on so its no secret.

    And earlier in the film he told the senator that asking his men to leave the room would be an insult as he trusts these men with his life so what changed?

    2 AnswersMovies2 years ago
  • Why do so many people say that our thoughts create reality?

    Science has actually proven thoughts do not create or change reality plus that should so so obvious. And people that practice this never change anything.

    So where did this concept come from? Is it pseudoscience/the occult? I know LaVeyan Satanists preach this as well. As does "Abraham" Hicks

    And why do people believe in it when I have seen many of them practice it for many years and not only do their lives not get better but they actually get worse?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Why is this ritual so crucial to LaVeyan Satanism? What does it do?

    Hear me Lord Satan! I am persecuted on all sides. My enemies hem me in and would set out to cut me off. They would deny me goods and services because I serve thee, O Dark Prince.

    The celebrant should now throw himself to the floor, and with arms and legs flailing cry out:

    It’s not fair! It’s not fair! It’s not fair!

    This should continue until the celebrant seems thoroughly purged. It is possible that tears will flow during this part of the rite. If so, give way to this emotion fully.

    By this time the celebrant should realize what a whiny asshole he has been. He should now stand and face the altar and take up his whip or scourge. Taking the scourge in his left hand he must whip himself 9 times. He should then turn to the south and say:

    Lord Satan. I’ve been an a@@hole. I will no longer be such a whiny bastard.

    As he says this he should bring the scourge down across his back 9 more times. He should repeat this procedure apologizing to all Four Princes. The celebrant should then meditate for a moment on the lessons of this ritual.

    So it is done!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Are LaVeyan Satanists really able to control people through their thoughts?

    In their books and interviews LaVeyan Satanists claim that through Satanic Rituals they can use emotions to inject thoughts into the minds of their targets and get them to subconsciously do what they want.

    They claim this is how they get results from their curses or lust rituals and healing rituals, etc Is this really possible? Does science accept that we can send thoughts too people during emotional experiences and control them this way as Laveyans claim?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Is King Diamond both a LaVeyan Satanist and a Theistic Satanist?

    In many interviews with him it seems that is the case as he talks about living by the Satanic Philosophy of Laveyan Satanism. But then he talks also about how his religious beliefs are about Satan being the Powers of Darkness that are all around him that haunt him and that he calls on in ritual to help him with his desires

    So does that mean his life philosophy is Laveyan Satanism but that his Religion is Theistic Satanism?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Is King Diamond both a LaVeyan Satanist and a Theistic Satanist?

    In many interviews with him it seems that is the case as he talks about living by the Satanic Philosophy of Laveyan Satanism. But then he talks also about how his religious beliefs are about Satan being the Powers of Darkness that are all around him that haunt him and that he calls on in ritual to help him with his desires

    So does that mean his life philosophy is Laveyan Satanism but that his Religion is Theistic Satanism?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop2 years ago
  • Why does Lavey Satanist heavy metal singer King Diamond claim he has supernatural spirits around him?

    King Diamond claims he has had hundreds of haunting experiences over decades including objects floating and moving , things growling, voices, breathing by unseen demons, being grabbed and pulled. apparitions, and on and on and says these powers are his guardians with him at all times and says family members and band members are witnesses even Metallica too

    Yet not one of these people verify any of this. Is King making all of this up for attention? Or is it real as he is a real Laveyan Satanist?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop3 years ago
  • Why do prayers in laveyan Satanism get results when christian prayers do not?

    What is the difference that makes the prayers in Satanism work that christians do not do which is why prayers in christianity fail?

    LaVeyans say when they do ritual prayers they have hurt and healed people and cast lust spells that worked every time

    Is it because Laveyans use complicated rituals when they do their prayers?

    What is the key that Laveyans know about and use that get such powerful results each time?

    2 AnswersCommunity Service3 years ago
  • Why do prayers in laveyan Satanism get results when christian prayers do not?

    What is the difference that makes the prayers in Satanism work that christians do not do which is why prayers in christianity fail?

    LaVeyans say when they do ritual prayers they have hurt and healed people and cast lust spells that worked every time

    Is it because Laveyans use complicated rituals when they do their prayers?

    What is the key that Laveyans know about and use that get such powerful results each time?