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How do atheists know what is real science and what is pseudoscience?

There is SO much pseudoscience in the world promoting fake things like spirits and gods and magic and souls and spirit guides and law of attraction, auras on and on.

So how do atheists know which information is really accepted by science and which is fake science claims? And where do you go to find out what is proven true by science and what is really not?


Thanks to those who gave real answers!

15 Answers

  • 1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fake scientists like Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin and Gary Schwartz and Moody and Rich Martini Chris carter and so many others prove they are fake by not having the guts to let real scientists review their work. They also all fear James Randi and his million dollar challenge just as all other frauds have done. Now if they had evidence dont you think they would jump at these chances to show the world!

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Why are you so obsessed with satanism. I can help you out a bit with this. The Christ that you make believe to worship. You know the one that you create in your own image and then call it Christ and then make-believe to worship it? Yeah that is way closer to the devil than anything you bring up here. Your stupidity is evil.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Science is fact based with mountains of evidence to back it up.

  • 1 year ago

    Ir's based on personal beliefs, just like their belief that God doesn't exist.

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  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Real science is testable, observable, repeatable, falsifiable, validated, and verified.

    Pseudoscience is not.

  • 1 year ago

    You don't have to be an atheists to question what is real science or not. The internet has given the illusion of authenticity on many fronts. The Oxford definition is that science is "knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that you can prove, for example by experiments"

    You need to do your research on the sources given, as well as the researchers involved.

    Climate change is the perfect example. When you hear a scientist state there is only one cause, you can call it pseudoscience. A reliable scientist will tell you that there are multiple causes and provide 'unaltered' statistics.

    One cannot prove or disprove the existence or nonexistence of God, for instance. The Wisdom of Kabbalah has a scientific approach. They state that God is neither a person nor a being, but rather a Force. This Force of nature controls everything in reality. Once you understand everything that is taught, you are told that in order to continue on the path, you are still doing so in 'faith above reason'. Ultimately, when it comes to belief, you have to try it out to see if it holds up to close scrutiny. You can find a definition here:

  • yodi
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    perception oft times lacks reality

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Atheism is the lack of belief in God, anything else is irrelevant to atheism. Why are you so moronic that you can't understand this concept? Has theism made you this stupid or is the stupidity natural?

    There is a scientific study I would be interested in reading the conclusion, "Does theism make you an idiot, or are idiots more likely to be theists? A metaphorical chicken or the egg scenario, where you an idiot first or did Christianity turn you into an idiot.

    I can answer you question, not as an atheist but as an educated individual whose intelligence has not been subordinated to faith. Pseudo-science are beliefs or claims mistakenly claimed to be based on science but that have not been examined with the scientific method.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Science is backed by facts.

    Christian "science" is "backed" by "faith", which means it is not backed at all.  That is your pseudoscience.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    The problem a lot of atheists have is the fact that there is lots of evidence for the non material

    Really when an atheist looks towards science, really they mean the unproven ideology of materialism

    All prominent atheists are materialists, Dawkins, Hitchens, krauss etc

    Sadly for them, materialism is an unproven 19th century ideology held together by as many assumptions as most religions, it’s a belief system and a lot of uneducated atheists are simp,y unaware of this

    Any intelligent person knows intuition and telepathy and true, but as the dominant ideology in science is materialism proving it can be difficult

    Once it is proven, the belief of materialism and ergo atheism will come crashing down like a pack of card s

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