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Why do so many people say that our thoughts create reality?

Science has actually proven thoughts do not create or change reality plus that should so so obvious. And people that practice this never change anything.

So where did this concept come from? Is it pseudoscience/the occult? I know LaVeyan Satanists preach this as well. As does "Abraham" Hicks

And why do people believe in it when I have seen many of them practice it for many years and not only do their lives not get better but they actually get worse?


Positive thinking has no effect on reality at all

Update 2:

Slave: So it seems that being very negative is the key to getting what you want as being positive keeps your desires away from our lives.

8 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have believed things many times so strongly and would be so happy believing things were coming that I desired only to be shocked and heartbroken badly when it did not. Just as I have been confident that bad things were coming in certain situations many times and would be angry and depressed only to be shocked and happy when it did not happen and things went better for me. How do these theories about belief and the law of attraction explain this?

    It seems in reality you get what you believe you will never get and you dont get what you believe you will get! How CRUEL to teach people to believe you will have what you desire only to have it not come. Not getting something you want is cruel enough but to have people feel and believe and be positive they will have it and feel it already only makes it a million times more painful when it never happens!

    I also have known many who got themselves to believe and feel strongly things would go there way which made it that much worse on them when they went the opposite way. Sending them into depression even suicide! . Again it seems even others get the reverse of what they believe and expect! the reverse happens of what people feel and believe

    In fact I have many times instead of trying to pretend things would go my way I have many times cried and thrown a tantrums over bad situations and instead of attracting bad things as we are told it would, it only made me feel better and things actually then went my way. And I know many who use this for ritual magic too. Instead of believing things would go their way they too instead used sadness or anger over the situation and over how they wanted things to change and cried about it to not only feel better but find things then tend to go their way. Again the exact opposite of what these attraction laws of beliefs say

    I have said this many times and expected people to argue with me and prove me wrong and instead tons of people have agreed with me and said they have found this to be true for them as well! Some people told me they now convince themselves they will never have what they desire and that before they know they actually get it!

  • 12 months ago

    It comes from psychology where it has been a mainstay for years.  People who think negative thoughts lead negative lives, those who think positive lead positive lives.  Its not a guess, its testable reality that has been extremely well researched, look it up.  

  • 1 year ago

    They don't know what they are talking about. Reality is what it is and our thoughts don't change it.

    Source(s): common sense
  • 1 year ago

    Why do so many people say that our thoughts create reality? Because it is true. The world you live in is created by how you see it, it is your thoughts. This world you live in is real to you. Isn't it? What you love or hate about it is based on your thoughts about it. So it goes that your thoughts create your reality. Have you seen when the same misfortune happen to a a group of people, and everyone reacts differently? It is the individual reality that each live in created by their personal thoughts.

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  • 2 years ago

    It depends on what you mean by 'reality'. If you mean by reality, that which the absolute physical universe then the evidence is that we do not change that.


    it is our cognitive self (beliefs, thinking, perception, memories, learning etc.

    creates our individual reality.

    From that creation we make out social reality... i.e. look at the beliefs and morality of Tudor England.

    Where it goes wrong is when cognitive cannot successfully contradict the physical reality. i.e. the problem of immunization. In the UK, we had a self serving doctor who just wanted to make a name for himself. He claimed that there was a link between the MMR and autism. Unfortunately, people believed him and thus stopped having their children vaccinated. All this despite lots of evidence that showed conclusively that this is not so. The result is that death and life long disablement from the the illnesses that the MMR protected the children from, has massively increased.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    they've lost faith in notions of Objective Reality because The Schools and Society more braodly is telling them that there are no Universal Truths, instead, Truth is what we agree is True. Under a Subjectivist construct, we are free to make things up as we go along - it's all "plausible" although physical violence and social censure will probably influence the way we express our beleifs in what is real.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Science has never found a thought.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    What you think about becomes what you believe. What you believe becomes a part of who you are, at your core. Who you are becomes what you say and what you do. What you say and what you do becomes your character. Your character determines your destiny.

    So don't believe everything you think.

    I was in torment for many decades because I believed lies. I was a slave to the things I loved.

    Here's my story.

    There are only three negative emotions - anger, fear and sadness - and variations of them.

    Because we are trained to hide our weaknesses and show our strengths, people use anger as their 'go-to' emotion when they are (in reality) hurting.

    I was methodically tortured by several people growing up within my own family. One of my earliest memories is having my thumbnail ripped out with a pair of pliers when I was 4 yrs old. I was stabbed when I was 8.... beaten with a belt every few days.... the list goes on and on and on. I was meek and timid. Afraid all the time. Sad all the time.

    When I was 15, one of them was beating my head on the floor with two handfulls of my hair, and to stop the beating, I dug my nails into their bare feet. This was the first time I fought back, ever. A full on fight ensued, but I defended myself. I didn't 'win'... I wasn't out to... I just didn't want to be beaten anymore.

    I felt vindicated. I felt empowered. This new thing - this anger - that was within me, started to surface more and more. It was MY GOD! I dug myself a rut for the next few decades until I had no control and despised myself. The abused became the abuser. My nickname was 'The Junkyard Dog'.

    I remember those days... thinking that my anger was a cry for help.... couldn't people see past it?.... oh what I would have done if someone... anyone... showed me a little kindness.

    Jesus set me free. I am as gentle as a sheep... and would give you the wool off my back. He cured me of all my hate (including self-loathing), my anxiety, my tears, my screaming, a thirty year smoking addiction and completely cured my addiction to all the temporary pleasures the world offers, including my addiction to sex (shamefully, I had over 200 lovers during my adult life)...

    Believe it if you want, or don't. I don't care. You can't make up this stuff. I'm content all the time no matter what's going on, and I have a heart for the junkyard dogs out there.... they didn't get that way on their own.

    After carefully investigating the claims he made about Himself, I was convinced that Jesus was no ordinary man. When I said the words out loud and believed in my heart, that Jesus was the Son of God, I was instantly given a shiny new life.

    I am a living testimony of Jesus' claims..... and happy to be able to share, hoping it leads others to Him.

    God bless you in your journey.


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