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Liberals, why is it righteous for people to stop doing business in NC because they disagree with a political point?


However, you also believe that a private business should be forced to do things against their political beliefs (like making a cake for a gay wedding)?

15 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Thank you for a common sense question. I mean, does the man have to be "dressed as a woman?" And, if so, exactly what does that mean? Is a woman in jeans and a t-shirt not dressed as a woman?

    If any liberal can intelligently explain how we're going to keep the pervs and rapists out of the women's bathrooms now, I'm willing to listen. This is the same crowd that doesn't believe anyone at all should have a gun because an incredibly small percentage of guns are used for evil. However, now they want us to allow any and all men into a woman's bathroom with absolutely no way of screening any of them.

    At least there are steps to go through before you can buy a gun. You have to prove you're not a criminal or mental patient. Can we at least have some sort of license for entering a bathroom that doesn't match your genitalia? You libs are all about forcing people to prove they are worthy, so why not with this one?

    Your rights end where mine begin. Why don't libs ever understand that simple fact?


  • 5 years ago

    You're asking a liberal a logical question. Expect much hate and babbling on about how you're evil, racist, a Nazi, etc. What you won't see is one single intelligent answer about why this is OK.

    With a liberal, it's always about THEIR feelings and THEIR rights. They never stop to realize that their rights end where mine begin.

    They have a right to live wherever they choose. However, they can't choose to live in my house. You need to earn what you want.

    They have a right to spend their money as they choose. However, they do not have the right to force me to spend my money on their causes. If you want to save bunnies and trees, go ahead. Just stop asking the government to steal my money to back up your opinion of what is important.

    They have a right to eat whatever they want. However, they can't come into my restaurant and demand that I cook whatever meal they want. They must pick from my menu.

    They have a right to say just about anything they want (can't threaten people, etc.). However, they don't have a right to stop others when they are speaking. If someone pays for a venue in order to speak to people, liberals have no right to interrupt like toddlers throwing a temper tantrum when mommy says you can't have cake and cookies for dinner.

    Liberals are just plain ignorant. They think they're smart because they went to a few extra years of school. They worship the word "education" as if it somehow makes you a more valuable human being. What they don't realize is that intelligence is being able to solve problems and think logically. What they learn in school is simple memorization and regurgitation. That is not intelligence.

    If they were intelligent, they wouldn't have to force their feelings down everyone's throats through legislation. They could logically explain why their ideas are better and sway people's opinions.

    Come on, libs - tell us why your "right" to use whatever bathroom you want is more important than my right to be safe from perverts and rapists.



  • 5 years ago

    These businesses are just exercising their closely held beliefs and not offering services to a certain group of people. Why aren't you 100% on board with this?

    Edit: Why does baking a cake for a gay couple violate anyone's religious beliefs? The values of your customers do not reflect your own values. It's just a cake, not an affirmation of their lifestyle.

  • 5 years ago

    I don't know about "righteous", but I am a big believer in the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, that includes the entire state of North Carolina. Obviously regressives are ok with that too.

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  • 5 years ago

    Businesses can choose where to do business. Simple.

    How does a business have religious or political beliefs? Since when does a business transaction count as an exercise of religion? I think it's an interesting precedent to set is all.

  • 5 years ago

    What about my choice to not have a 35 year old male in the bathroom with my teenage daughter?

    No one is saying that cross-dressers (etc.) are perverts. The problem is that perverts will use this law to gain access to women's bathrooms. Exactly how does one prove that they're simply choosing to identify as a woman today and they're not going to invade my daughter's privacy?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It would have to be some kind of lazy person to do something like that but there is always great places to be one comes to mind Russia oh another china wait a minute North Korea.

  • 5 years ago

    Its up to the businesses, if they feel strongly enough then to them it's righteous

    As for making pink fluffy camp cakes, if that business only wants to make them for butch straight guys with their shirts off, then have at it

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I love the fact that people are pretending this is about protecting women. Women's rest rooms have stalls with doors. No one sees anything. This is really about men's rest rooms because men are paranoid about who sees their penises at the urinal. If they'd use the stalls, no one would see them, either.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What about the rights of the poor females that LGBT lifestyle crowd thinks should have to share a restroom with a man sporting a rock hard ç:ø:ç:k?...

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