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How to politely tell your dr. that you are not interested in losing weight ?

We have gotten a new doctor at the clinic I go to, and the last visit, she pointed at the BMI chart and told me that, by my weight, I was obese. I couldn't give an eff less. :(

I am 48, and have been fat since I was 3.

I have yo-yo dieted, and have had 6 kids. I had been at 150, for over a decade, and when I had met my husband of almost 20 years, I'd had the last 3 of my 6 kids. They are grown. Sooo, in the this time of my life,i am enjoying it. I eat what I want and do what I want. If I go to bed at 4 am, and get up and noon, so be it. If my husband wants to make himself something to eat, he does. We pretty much live like roomies anyway. So, this BMI chart, is outdated and to me defunct.

My calves are muscular, as I go up and down stairs alot during the day. My blood pressure is 120/ 80. My heart is ok. So what gives her the right,besides being my dr, to tell me to lose weight, when no other doctors didn't ? She is also petite and has no kids. I have been a stay-at-home mom and enjoyed it when my kids were hone. Now, this is MY time,and I am enjoying it. How to I tell her that I do not want to lose weight, and that I have done so, in the past, and didn't care to keep it off ? I hate to exercise and I hate to diet. It has nothing to do with self-discipline,but everything to do with the fact, that I do not think it is her plae to give me outdated info.


Also,I need to point out,that not once,but four,yes,FOUR,times she had pointed to the BMI chart to tell me that I was obese.Which I had pointed out also,4 times,that the BMI charts are inaccurate. She kept pointing out that I was obese,that the chart was her way of telling me that I was obese. I know that it is healthy to do so, but I really don't care to.I am happy with my weight. I have been thin before ( having lost 100 + pounds) and wasnt happy.The charts don't take into account muscle mass.

8 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Most people do not realize this, but you have a right NOT to be weighed at the doctor's office. Therefore, since you are happy with your weight and are otherwise healthy, why not step on that doctor's office scale again?

    This will give your doctor the hint that your weight is not up for discussion. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. If she does not know how much you weigh, she cannot compare your weight to those charts on the wall, right?

  • 5 years ago

    If the numbers say you are overweight (or have high blood pressure or whatever) then your physician has both an ethical and a legal responsibility to provide you with education about healthy weight (or healthy blood pressure or whatever). Stop taking this as a personal attack. The doctor is just doing his/her job. Just tell the doctor that you understand the information he/she has provided and that you aren't interested in weight loss, diet, or exercise at this time. This isn't a big deal unless you choose to make a big deal out of it.

  • 5 years ago

    You clearly have issues. You realize you are PAYING her to monitor your health and give you directives. It's certainly up to you if you want to ignore her. If you are happy with yourself obese, nobody can convince you otherwise. But don't make up BS about outdated information, or try and make her feel bad for doing the responsible thing, just because your other doctors didn't.

    Just do what you want and ignore her advice, or find another dr. If someone I worked with, or hired me, told me not to tell him the correct information because it wasn't what he or she wanted to hear, I'd suggest they find another professional.

  • J-Dawn
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Why bring it up? I had a doctor try to tell me about the possible health risks involved because of my weight. I just smiled and nodded and then promptly forgot everything he told me. No need to be confrontational about it.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Here's a thought. Get another doctor.

  • Romeo
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    It is not so much her right to do so as it is her job to do so. You are asking how to tell her not to do her job.

    She is concerned because she knows that unless you control your weight your future will one of all the things that come with metabolic syndrome. These are heart disease, stroke, accelerated aging, possible diabetes and the amputations that come with it.

  • Mabe
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    By adding that you know it's her job and you will consider her advice, and I'm sure she will think that is reasonable enough, and you're both on the same page.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Play the game, say oh is it, nod your head and yes to everything. Then go and have a Big Mac :)

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