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Non custodial parent visitation rights with a teenager?

I am a good father and love my children dearly. My 15 year old son is from a previous marriage. I have never missed a time to pick him up. Has always been there for everything. And has never missed a child support payment.

My son and I got into an argument about 2 years ago. I have not seen him since. He won't talk to me or anyone on my side of the family. Not being able to talk to him is killing me.

I have given him his space because of his age. Hoping he will come around one day. But this has gone on long enough. I don't want to force the visitation rights, because I don't want him to grow up to hate me completely. But I feel that if I sit back and do nothing, this will continue on. I don't know what to do.......thx

9 Answers

  • ???
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I've known a few kids in this situation, and you've been making a huge mistake. On some level, your son expects you to force visitation if you love him. By waiting it out, you're sending him the opposite message. It is much better to be hated for a few weeks or months and repair your relationship (and his self-worth).

    Thing is, mom is getting something out of this or she would have forced it too. Even if it's subtle, she's going to be in opposition, so be prepared to fight it out with her. Call her and say you've made a mistake by trying to wait things out and will be picking him up on your scheduled dates. If she says anything about waiting to see what he says or it being up to him or she'll ask him about it, etc, you inform her that she's been very unhelpful in fixing this and that if she doesn't want to be in trouble for parental alienation, she'll make sure it happens.

    Then DO it. Show up at every visit on time and don't take him home until the very end, even if that means fighting with him or hunting him down on the roadside while he tries to walk back. It may be hard for a few months, but it will repair your relationship. Waiting it out will ensure that he never feels better about you, or about himself.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If you can't get through to him by reaching out and you refuse to have visitation enforced , you're screwed .

    Keep in mind , your ex and her family have been fanning the flames with the intent of alienating you . That's why this has gone on so long .

    If the boys mother was a responsible parent she would have long ago taken steps to mitigate the hostilities and helped facilitate a reconciliation .

  • 5 years ago

    Don't force anything because it'll more than likely make him rebel Try to set a session with a mediator or a therapist to figure out the source of his anger and why so you both can move on from the situation at hand with a positive outcome

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Get his email address from the mother or write him text messages on the phone. Call him friquently. I m sure he will come sooner or later, just dont give up. Also for me and my children school counsellor helped very much. If i had smth difficult with them or didnt know what their behaviour meant i always asked for her help. That peson is getting paid and has nothing to do all day, soni m sure he or she will be glad to help u and will be a mediator. The counsellor may ask him why is he pissed still and explain that u re sorry and love him. Sincerely - ask for help at his school

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  • 5 years ago

    You force the visitation rights! Sir, I wish you'd done that 9 months ago. Do it now. You must figure out a way to love and relate to and communicate with your son. You're Dad! You are this young man's father. Get it done. All you are proving now is that you don't miss him or care very much about him.

  • 5 years ago

    I have never stopped trying to communicating with him. He has quit talking to everyone. He wont respond to any birthday cards, phone calls, emails, etc...

    So, he has had enough time and space to think about this. I have gotten nowhere doing it this way. So, I am going to force visitation. Which this will not go over well, but I have to do something.

  • mmm
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Write him a letter in a card. Once a month even if you get no reply. Every month send a letter telling him you miss him. My son didn't talk to his dad for a year I had to be the one to force the issue. He now lives with him and he is 19. There is hope ..I will pray for you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Two years? You've sent the message that you don't want anything to do with him, dumbass. 2 weeks is giving space. 2 days is giving space. 2 hours is giving space.

    You have alot to make up for.

  • lala
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    You will have to write him a long letter ;explaining why you stop communicating with him[ to give him his space ]

    Tell him that you love him and will always love him

    If he doesnt respond to your letter

    just send him a few words like ;;; HI Have a nice day

    In short you will have to restart the communication slowly and respect his []speed ]

    MOther of 5 grown up sons

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