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I don't know what to think about him? Should I be worried?

So a couple weeks ago I went out with some of my friends and then we went out to meet more people and I met this guy and he added me on facebook and it was pretty obvious right away that he was interested. He had a girlfriend at the time but he didn't actually try anything or flirt with me, it just seemed obvious. He asked me to hang out one day (with other people) so we did and he was telling me and his other friends how his girlfriend is crazy and stuff and that he needed to break up with her. I was pissed off at him the other day because we had plans and he cancelled to hang out with his other friends because a girl that was there doesn't like me. When he realized I was mad and I was ignoring him he kept saying he was sorry and stuff and it was too much work to stay mad at him so we're ok now. He told me the other day he was going to break up with his gf (that day) and I was like thats too bad and he was like "it needs to happen" and "now you cant use the excuse that I have a gf" so that's pretty obvious he likes me right? He was saying that I'm cute and that he wants to keep me around and stuff but yeah. I don't know how to feel about it. I guess what I'm asking is a few things... 1, is it a red flag that he was talking to me like that while he still had a gf? 2, should \i straight up ask him if they broke up (I'm pretty sure they did but he never confirmed it) and 3, should I be straight up and ask him whats going on with us? I think I could like him but I'm just worried


forgot to add out ages if that will help. He's 20 I'm pretty sure and I'll be 19 in a few days

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1) Yes it's a red flag. How much of one depends on how good his relationship was before he met you. If it was already falling apart, that's less of a worry.

    2) It shouldn't matter

    3) Yes, you can ask him that

    Be careful though. You don't want to just be his rebound

  • I would definitely follow up to verify that he broke up with his girlfriend. I don't think it is a big deal he flirted with you. It is not like he tried to bang you while he had a girlfriend.

    Some guys try to string girls along without asking them on dates, etc. If he asks to hang out, I would just say, "Are you asking me out on a date?" That should clarify where you stand with him.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First, with him being like that while still in a relationship only expresses his distaste with the relationship from what you said about the girl she sounded really controlling and there is no problem that he showed interest in you instead. Second, and Thirdly, YES! Please make sure everything is clear before having a relationship with this guy.

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