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  • How do I safely change the time of day that I take my medication?

    Right now I am taking effexor in the morning (around 10am) and seroquel at bedtime to help me sleep. My psychiatrist has added wellbutrin and I read that when taking effexor and wellbutrin together to take wellbutrin in the morning and effexor at dinner time (6pm) to avoid them peaking at the same time. Regardless of the wellbutrin, I want to take my effexor later because I find it makes me tired. How do I do this safely (to avoid side effects)? And should I start taking the wellbutrin now or wait until I ve switched the times of my effexor?

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Ovarian cyst - could it be ovarian cancer?

    I'm only 19, so I know it's unlikely. But I googled my symptoms and it matched the symptoms of ovarian cancer.

    -Abdominal bloating or swelling

    -Quickly feeling full when eating

    -Weight loss

    -Discomfort in the pelvis area

    -Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation

    -A frequent need to urinate (this is the only one I don't currently have, but did a couple months ago)

    I was at my boyfriends cottage over the weekend, and the second day we were there I had pain in my lower stomach and felt very nauseous. I had no appetite (it was thanksgiving) so I barely ate anything the entire weekend. The next day, it had gotten worse. We thought it might be my appendix (that's where the pain was) so I went to the hospital. The doctor did tests (urine, blood, temperate, etc) and he didn't think it was my appendix. He did an exam and it hurt a lot, he said it wasn't normal to hurt that much and said that he think's it's an ovarian cyst. He told me to go to my family doctor immediately when I got home and said to come back to the hospital if the pain got worse. My stomach hurt really bad later that night (my stomach area, not my ovaries) for hours but eventually I fell asleep. It didn't feel much better but I managed to drive home. I went to my doctor yesterday and she agreed she thinks it's a cyst. I'm going for an ultrasound on Friday but do you think this could be more than just a benign cyst? I also heard those don't usually cause symptoms or pain.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • does an internal ultrasound hurt>?

    How big is the part that goes inside? I'm going for a pelvic ultrasound (I have a cyst on my ovary) and it's painful. I was almost in tears when the doctor was just doing an exam, so I assume the ultrasound would hurt more. I've only had an external ultrasound and I remember it hurting. Not sure if it's suppose to, but I had very bad stomach pain last time

    4 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Random hysterical crying/laughing fits?

    Triggered by nothing? This has happened more than once now. The first time, I was driving home from my boyfriends house and then randomly my vision went blurry for a second and I started laughing hysterically, and then I started crying. At the same time. I was crying so hard my vision went blurry and I almost had to pull over. And then I snapped out of it. And it just happened again, except right now I'm sitting in my bedroom. What is this?

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • Can people with anorexia have symptoms before they are actually considered "underweight"?

    I have a friend, she is a normal healthy weight, but has little to no appetite and hardly ever eats. She will eat a couple bites and be full. If she forces herself to eat too much, she throws up because she's too full. She can not stand the cold. Even when it's slightly chilly outside she shivers violently, even with a thick sweater and a coat on. She is also very tired all the time and gets dizzy often. clumps of her hair fall out when she washes it, not sure if thats from being malnourished or not but she normally has thick, strong hair, and her hair is breaking. She has the symptoms, but she is just not underweight (yet). and mentally she's just kinda out of it, like scattered. she's gotten into minor car accidents lately because of how distracted and unaware she's been

    3 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Can people with anorexia have symptoms before they are actually considered "underweight"?

    She is a normal healthy weight, but has little to no appetite and hardly ever eats. She will eat a couple bites and be full. If she forces herself to eat too much, she throws up because she's too full. She can not stand the cold. Even when it's slightly chilly outside she shivers violently, even with a thick sweater and a coat on. She is also very tired all the time and gets dizzy often. clumps of her hair fall out when she washes it, not sure if thats from being malnourished or not but she normally has thick, strong hair, and her hair is breaking. She has the symptoms, but she is just not underweight (yet).

    2 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • Do you think I'm pregnant? What are the chances?

    So this past month, I've been "seeing" this guy. I've slept at his house multiple times and each of those times we had sex, multiple times. And he "finished" inside of me every time (no condom). And I just realized today that I missed my period (should have got it a couple days ago). I have a family history of miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies and fertility problems (all the women on my moms side of the family) should I be worried? I haven't really had any symptoms. He is not the first guy I've had unprotected sex with and I've never gotten pregnant before (I'm not on the pill)

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Can you develop bipolar disorder?

    For example, you were tested for bipolar disorder at 16 years old, and diagnosed with depression (not bipolar). Can it turn into bipolar disorder/ can you develop it as well later in life (19 years old)?

    7 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • how can I get my puppy to eat after surgery?

    I ended up taking my pup to the emergency vet yesterday morning as he was sick for a couple days before that (not eating, vomiting, and trouble going to the bathroom. He was also very lethargic and just not his normal energetic self. The vet took and x ray he had a blockage throughout his entire intestine. They did the surgery and he had some sort of rope in there. Now he is home and still very sleepy but doing better, but he has no interest in food. I'm worried because he hadn't eaten for days before his surgery and now he still isn't. He wen't from 15 pounds to 8. What can I give him to eat that will be gentle on his stomach? He needs to eat something so his pain killers dont make him sick

    6 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • I'm scared I'll annoy him by messaging first? Please read?

    I met this guy last month (June 11th) at a party (his roommate was having it and invited me) and after hanging out with him a few times (like 2-3) I started liking him more and more. So I added him on facebook and messaged him one night and we started talking through that just casually and the other day he messaged me randomly and said "do you want to do something sometime" so I was like yeah sure :) and he was like cool and we didn't talk much after, I asked him whats up and all that and yeah. We've never just hung out before - i've only seen him when his roommate invites me over and only one of those times it wasn't a big party. Now should I wait for him to initiate it or should I ask him? Like ask him what he's doing on the weekend or something? How do I ask? Should I wait for him to initiate it because he's the one that asked to do something in the first place or should I ask? I really don't want to seem pushy but I'm worried he's already losing interest

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Opinion on dogs wearing seat belts? Would you recommend it?

    I recently got a small car and I am used to keeping my dogs in the back of my moms SUV where they are behind a cage, safe. Now in my new car, there is nothing stopping them from going flying if something happened. Would you recommend a seat belt? What are the cons? My boys are hyper naturally, they are 10 months and a year old so they pace a lot in the back of the car. How does the dog seat belt work? Can they still stick their head out the window (we all know how much they love that). Do your dogs have seat belts in the car? I m just a worrier because they are like my babies lol.

    10 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • "Popper" withdrawal? What can I do?

    If you don't know what that is, it is tobacco mixed with weed. I have been taking poppers every day, multiple times a day for roughly 6 months. I think they are really starting to effect my body. Does anyone have experience with it? How bad does the withdrawal get? Can I do anything to reduce the pain?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management5 years ago
  • What should I do about him? (talking to another girl) is he just going to hurt me? (Please read)?

    I met this guy a couple weeks ago through friends and he added me on facebook and started talking to me and it was pretty obvious he liked me. At the time, I wasn't sure how I felt. He asked me to hang out with him one day and I did. Nothing really happened that night but after a little while i started feeling something, it just came out of nowhere and I wanted to talk to him and see him more. We hung out yesterday and all we did was drive around all night but it was fun, i thought, he told me he did too. We parked outside my apartment and sat there for like 2 hours just talking and we discussed whats going on (he likes me and I like him). Nothing happened but he was holding my hand and that's it. But there's another girl. And it's not just any girl, this girl HATES me (i used to go to high school with her). He met her like 3 days ago and apparently she's been talking bad about me to him and their friends (they met through friends). She likes him, she told him that she does and that he's confused. He said that he doesn't want to hurt either of us but he thinks if he chooses me over her that all his friends who are her friends will stop talking to him. That's ridiculous right? This is stressing me out and it hurts. What do I do? I'm trying not to rush him and be pushy but I can't wait for him. It's too hard on me, emotionally and physically. (I have a very bad stomach and this morning I threw up because thinking about the situation was stressing me out) ....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I don't know what to think about him? Should I be worried?

    So a couple weeks ago I went out with some of my friends and then we went out to meet more people and I met this guy and he added me on facebook and it was pretty obvious right away that he was interested. He had a girlfriend at the time but he didn't actually try anything or flirt with me, it just seemed obvious. He asked me to hang out one day (with other people) so we did and he was telling me and his other friends how his girlfriend is crazy and stuff and that he needed to break up with her. I was pissed off at him the other day because we had plans and he cancelled to hang out with his other friends because a girl that was there doesn't like me. When he realized I was mad and I was ignoring him he kept saying he was sorry and stuff and it was too much work to stay mad at him so we're ok now. He told me the other day he was going to break up with his gf (that day) and I was like thats too bad and he was like "it needs to happen" and "now you cant use the excuse that I have a gf" so that's pretty obvious he likes me right? He was saying that I'm cute and that he wants to keep me around and stuff but yeah. I don't know how to feel about it. I guess what I'm asking is a few things... 1, is it a red flag that he was talking to me like that while he still had a gf? 2, should \i straight up ask him if they broke up (I'm pretty sure they did but he never confirmed it) and 3, should I be straight up and ask him whats going on with us? I think I could like him but I'm just worried

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I don t know what to do anymore?

    I feel absolutely horrible. I feel like I m the second choice or back up friend for everyone. And physically, I feel like **** all the time. I wake up every morning sick enough to go to the hospital and right now my lungs feel like they re filled with tar from smoking so much and my head just feels so stuffy and everything hurts so bad. My limbs are all weak and I m so tired. I m exhausted and I can t sleep. I try so ******* hard and I m never anybody s first choice. Whats the point? Someone give me a reason to keep going because I can t handle this anymore. I m going to be 19 in 10 days and I m so sick of feeling like this. I shouldn t be so ******* sad all the time. I ve seen so many doctors and I just can t ******* handle this anymore

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Ovarian cyst? Can doctors always feel them?

    I've been having pain in that area, I went to the doctor today and she did an exam but said she couldn't actually feel any cysts but wants me to have an ultrasound. We still don't know what's wrong with me, we just know something is. Could I still have a cyst (or worse) without her being able to feel anything physically? (I am 19 and obviously female lol)

    2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • If a guy that has a girlfriend asks you if you think he's attractive, I should be honest right?

    Even though he has a girlfriend? because the answer is HELL YES I find him attractive. He's way out of his gf's league

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I met a guy online and I don't know where to go from here?

    We started talking on a dating app and then I gave him my number and snapchat and we started talking that way and he asked me to hang out and yeah. We've hung out twice now, both times just at my apartment. He just texted me asking if I just want to be friends or not. He says that he likes me but doesn't want to waste both of our time. I don't know what to do, I feel pressured that I have to decide right now. But I feel like if the answer was "yes, I want to be more than friends" I would already know it. Right? What do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Am I sick? Or am I pregnant?

    For the past little while I have been thinking that my abdominal discomfort and other symptoms were because I'm sick, I thought I had stomach ulcers. I guess that could still be the case, but the more I think of it, the more I think I could be pregnant.

    To start off, I am 18, almost 19 years old. I'm not on the pill or anything, and back in April (around April 14th) I was at a party. I'm going to cut right to the point, I ended up having sex with this guy, he told me he was a virgin. He didn't use a condom and he pulled out when he "finished" but we all know it can happen before that. That was a one time and one time only thing, we don't talk anymore and I am glad for that.

    Now, I have always had a very sensitive stomach. I almost always have a little bit of abdominal discomfort. But over the past couple weeks I've been pretty sick. Nausea is all day long pretty much, constant abdominal pain, exhaustion, back pain (only a little, could be from working out), things that I used to love make me sick. I do smoke, and the smell of it last night made me so nauseous I couldn't even smoke. Also, mcdonalds was always my favourite food and now I can't even take one bite without feeling like I'm going to puke. I dont know if this one is a pregnancy symptom, but about a week ago a friend was at my house and he spat and I literally had to get up from my bed and run to the bathroom to throw up. I literally threw up from the sight of someones spit. Even thinking about it makes me nauseous

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago