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Lv 4

christians, in the new earth, how is life gona be? bible talks about mansions, no more wife, dad, mom, just bro & sis, how do you see it?

so, we live in mansions, means we have privacy, food, bath, toilet, play room, den, office, gym, work room?.., no more or mom, all are brothers and sisters in christ, so we have friends, does it mean good times, laughters, parties, cook outs, movies, billards, bowlings, outings? DO WE ALSO HAVE ROMANCE? I guess not, brothers and sisters remember? also said we will be changed, question is will you still be you after?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    There will be An Earthly Paradise...

    "For look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth;

    And the former things will not be called to mind,

    Nor will they come up into the heart.

    18 So exult and be joyful forever in what I am creating.

    For look! I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joy

    And her people a cause for exultation.

    19 And I will rejoice in Jerusalem and exult in my people;

    No more will there be heard in her the sound of weeping or a cry of distress.”

    20 “No more will there be an infant from that place who lives but a few days,

    Nor an old man who fails to live out his days.

    For anyone who dies at a hundred will be considered a mere boy,

    And the sinner will be cursed, even though he is a hundred years of age.

    21 They will build houses and live in them,

    And they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage.

    22 They will not build for someone else to inhabit,

    Nor will they plant for others to eat.

    For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree,

    And the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.

    23 They will not toil for nothing,

    Nor will they bear children for distress,

    Because they are the offspring made up of those blessed by Jehovah,

    And their descendants with them.

    24 Even before they call out, I will answer;

    While they are yet speaking, I will hear.

    25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together,

    The lion will eat straw just like the bull,

    And the serpent’s food will be dust.

    They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” says Jehovah" (Isaiah 65:17-25. Bible).

    Source(s): Does the “New Testament” refer to a future earthly paradise or is that only in the “Old Testament”?:
  • 5 years ago

    That will be a time of teaching and peace according to scripture. Jesus said, in my Father's house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. now, translate using the original tongues/languages that the bible was written in which are chaldee, aramaic, greek and hebrew. to mansion means to rest.

    Scripture also teaches that we will know our loved ones. Even your pets will be there.

    When we die, scripture tells us that we leave the flesh body and go into the spiritual body. The spirit body has no need of what the flesh does, so no picnics, barbeques, parties, etc., we will rejoice and worship The Heavenly Father, no more weeping or troubling, illness or grief, because the spiri body does not get ill, diseased nor does it deteriorate.

    The spirit body is made of Air, from the greek, Pneumo, air.

    brother and sister here means on one accord in the love of christ and children of God touching and agreeing in our belief and faith with substance which is christ.

    Although I have never seen in the bible the way you wrote this, I think I understand what you are trying to say, ask and understand.what you are trying to understand.

    I think life is going to be wonderful, see ya there.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Revelation 5:10 says those who go to heaven rule with Jesus christ over the earth. Those who go to heaven do not get married, have a flesh and blood body so they do not eat, sleep or have sex.

    HOwever, those who live on the planet do have a flesh and blood body. The planet is brought back to the perfect place it was in the beginning. Where no one dies, everyone has plenty of food to eat and no one is ever sick. Here you can marry and have sex. It was not just for having children many years after the children are grown parents have sex. So the new earth will be wonderfful. A really better hope. By using the illustration of brother and sister God was saying we are all equal to him.

  • 5 years ago

    You're a bit off. LOL

    The Bible says no such thing. Yes, it promises everyone will have a home of their own... but it does not promise mansions. As for the rest, I think it would be hard without family. And, in fact, we are promised the resurrection of our loved family members. I'm looking to seeing my Mom and my "baby" brother again, along with many dear friends.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There are NO Sexes in Heaven! Not even brothers and sisters! The Bible states we will only be worshipping GOD all the time in Heaven! Loving all others! Zero rate! Anyone that dies on Earth with Any Hate in them are to go to hell! Including church leaders!

  • ZCT
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I think you are confusing Christianity with the movie The Invention of Lying.

    The Bible does not promise us all mansions.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    "Christians, in the new earth, how is life gona be? bible talks about mansions, no more wife, dad, mom, just bro & sis, how do you see it?"

    The BuyBull's "new earth" that you are referring to, is just like Middle Earth.

    It's non-existent, fairy tale crap. Grow up!

  • 5 years ago

    Just a Glimpse in this video...

    Attachment image
  • 5 years ago

    we will live in peace with each other. no more food. we will be spirits we will not need to eat food to live

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Your question is a train wreck of non Biblical nonsense.

    The entire picture of heaven is actually a sexual romance between Christ and His Bride the Church uniting together into One shared Body, (Ephesians 5:25-33). It is absurd to suggest that there is no romance in heaven.

    Each one of us shares in this One perfect romance. We represent every perspective and way to experience this relationship, every unique take on it, every flow of enhancing ideas and creative thoughts, every aspect of every level of intimacy, every height of ecstasy, every perfectly timed duration of event flows, every breadth and depth of experience within every manner of possible expression. This Person is called the 'last Adam.' He and His Wife are all that Exists as God looks out upon humanity. Each unique person within this perfect Body is a unique psyche with physical forms called 'pneumatikos soma,' (Greek: 'spirit-based bodies'). The current bodies are called 'psychikos soma,' (Greek: 'soul-based bodies'), (1 Corinthians 15:44). Both are material bodies, not immaterial. It is not improper to imagine the participants the way we currently imagine 'microbes' and understand that they are dazzlingly complex and invisible systems, but not 'immaterial' systems. Together with all peripheral energies, these life forms, the simian animal, and all others with direct connections to that entire system are the current 'psychikos soma.' This is what God 'breathed' into the first Adam, making Him a living soul.

    Inside of the 'last Adam,' we are comparable to the body's 'microbes,' except we are highly intelligent, perfectly orchestrated, fully sentient and capable of experiencing and contributing to every aspect of being the 'bigger' Self. This is the 'pneumatikos soma.' There is nothing for us to add to the Great Romance by playing out various distantly pallid versions of it. These would only contain needless disappointments, failures of intimacy and creativity, etc...The distant pleasure you may get from watching a cinematic romance or reading about one in a well written book are versions of this type of experience. The reward of heaven is measured in our degree of personal access to the Great Romance. Even the least in the kingdom experiences more than the very best vicarious pleasures of earth's 'entertainment' and is a direct and intimate participant in it rather than a mere observer. The one with full access has no restrictions set upon these intimacies and forms of personal expression. The highest calling of God even offers the experience of what it is like to sit upon God's Throne itself, (Revelation 3:21).

    The original 'Adam' was also a romance similar to this, but the participants were not yet fully intimate with God. They could not be, because they had not yet faced the required test which would reveal their collective decision to join God in this special union called 'spirit.' God Himself is spirit, (John 4:24). That expressed choice is the distinction between the 'soul' and the 'spirit.' Despite this, mankind was once a perfect expression of all of his created potential. Imagine all of humanity's potential genetic expressions all simultaneously expressed in One Creature, rather than arranged across time as 'generations.' This creature is what the Bible calls 'Adam.'

    He existed inside a superstructure of highly cinematic living interactive allegories called 'Eden.' He and his wife were not even aware that they had simian bodies, as was evident at their sudden realization that they were both 'naked' immediately after their failure of the required test. There was no discussion of procreation since it was not necessary and would have been redundant. All potential bodies existed already inside of one dazzling dynamic life form which could call upon whatever resource they needed or desired. They had no concept of isolation or separation until the moment when they 'died.' God had told them that they would die the moment they ate of the interactive allegorical tree containing the forbidden knowledge. In the narrative, Adam and Eve do not physically die, (as we now define 'death'), for many subsequent generations. So God was obviously not referring to physical death. He was referring to the moment when the perfect composite of Adam's fully expressed potential would be ripped apart and lost. He would suddenly see himself and his wife as separate isolated animals, beginning a new narrative which required a completely new cosmic explanation.

    This moment of death is the moment scientists call the 'big bang.' Eden had once collapsed the vast spaces of time and distance we now familiarly recognize as the 'cosmos,' into readily approachable and accessible interactive allegories. It had been keeping mind-melting perplexities and incomprehensible processes of nature from appearing random, chaotic, purposeless, and headed for an unavoidable and fiery oblivion in some mysterious place within an untraversable chasm. Eden suddenly unfolded and the 'lost' cosmos took its place. This was the new narrative. Mankind found himself upon an isolated rock hurling towards the fiery judgment he had earned for himself through his foolish disobedience.

    The 'last Adam' represents our return to Eden and the re-collapsing of this narrative once again, along with the cosmic arrangement that ends only in a fiery oblivion of inescapable judgment. We can still choose to see ourselves as an isolated and confused piece of a dying giant under inescapable divine judgment. God will never remove this choice from us as individuals. However, there is now a new way of escape from this perception if we can accept the foolishness of our original decision and embrace a new romance. We must humbly take our place as a 'microbe,' not yet knowing how it will be less demeaning or identity-robbing than being a common microbe here, but trusting in God's word that we will be completely fulfilled, not forgotten, not stripped of our uniqueness and reflection of Himself, not 'expendable,' but equally honored, valued and beloved---even somehow able to experience what it is like to Be God Himself.

    Only the 'meek' can accept this new narrative. That is why they alone will inherit the earth, (Matthew 5:5). Heaven and earth will be made physically One, God Himself dwelling fully within both, (Revelation 21:1-3). Jesus illustrated the capabilities of the new type of physical body for us before returning to heaven. It is capable of every mundane activity the current one is capable of experiencing, (walking, talking, eating, drinking, etc...), but is also unrestricted by any of its present limitations, (Luke 24).

    There is no 'immaterial' reality and never has been. There are only those physical realities we have yet to appreciate and enjoy. They seem 'invisible' but they are dynamic, vital and indispensable. We learn to appreciate and experience them by abandoning the faithless experimentation that set us on this self-destructive course and by embracing the more patient and reverent course of direct natural genius which God provides for us. We experience this initially through our natural conscience. 'Faith' itself is that direct natural genius which begins only as a distant feeling informing us of entire bewildering processes, only later finding expression and clarification through many diverse forms of unique conscious creativity. Through this we begin to experience God's version of 'cinema' once again. Dreams and visions give us tastes of Eden, (Joel 2:28), and transform our current physical experience without the proportionate harm we find using the alternative 'experimentation.'

    We can know all of the same 'advances' without the inescapable arms races, states of perpetual war, weapons of mass destruction and planet poisoning mega-industry dragging us back down. They are not the required 'price' of advancement. They represent unnecessary judgment for a price that has already been paid and the needless squandering of a natural inheritance that is already ours by divine birthright:

    'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise.' (Galatians 3:28, 29).

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