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What do people not just christains but people in general have against satanism?

Now before u go off and criticize me u should understand what satanism is and is NOT . Laveyan satanism looks at satan as just a symbol not am actual being . The reason why we utilize the symbol of satan without believeing in it is simple . Satan was the one who refused to follow god he was the free thinker . We don't actually believe he nor jesus existed . But let's just say ok wrong and decieved as u people r gonna say and I'm fooled .. Let's just say he's real .. Satanism issent even standing for anything bad lol . We don't murder or kill or rape . Actually if u break the law and convicted of a felony u will immidiantly lose your membership ! We obey the law. We don't believe in which craft demons ect . We leave people alone we DONOT try and convert people we respect christains just ask they don't bother us . We love children ( if u hurt a child in front of a satanist trust me your in for it ) we love animals :) we don't do sacrifices lol . People watch to many horror movies lol . we believe in forgiveness . We don't believe in anything supernatural . It's a very sound philosophy so I ask for people who actually know what REAL satanism is rather then what there TOLD what it is what about our philosophy is EVIL or BAD . We don't even believe in the usage of ouija boards lols . U people are so silly lol :) I'm a satanist and friendliest person you'll ever meet :)

15 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Most people don't know what Satanism actually is. The majority of the disinformation about what Satanists believe stems from numerous sources, including but not limited to:

    - the Satanic Panic of the 1980's and '90's;

    - modern Internet sources, especially Wikipedia, which allow any moron with a computer connection to post incorrect information without oversight.

    Of course, other religions will be against it because it takes money from their collection plates.

    Source(s): Practicing Satanist of twenty-six years.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    It's evil. All forms. Laveyan satanism is just a guise for TRUE satanism. Satan is an actual being and the high-ranking Laveyan satanists know it, and so do the high-ranking freemasons. You're either lying (which is a virtue for a satanist) or you are a low-level initiate who doesn't know the truth. Either way you are involved in something evil and hopefully you eventually figure that out.



    Lots of research, different people's testimonies, and honestly just reading between the lines. Look at how overtly evil Anton Lavey looked. The original church of satan in San Francisco was black, the interior is black/red, the members chant "hail satan", there are goat-heads and upside-down pentagrams throughout the place, there is a dungeon, there were sex rituals. I mean come on, Lavey was clearly not just proposing a particular brand of atheism...he was a SATANIST. Some of his quotes are very telling as well. For example in the book "Lucifer Rising" which was written by fellow satanist Gavin Badaley, Lavey was asked about having a "watered-down" form of satanism and he responded with this:

    "If they’re at all intelligent [other Satanist's] …they’ll realize that there’s only so much I can say publicly…I will not advance things in print which make my position untenable…How long would the Church of Satan have lasted if I hadn’t appeased and outraged in just the right combination? It required a certain amount of discretion and diplomacy to balance the outrage."

    He is pretty clearly saying that in order to keep the church of Satan from being shut down he had to market it in a particular way. Also, former members have stated Lavey was a true satanist. For example now-jailed former-member Susan Atkins said in an interview:

    "Anton told me that as a Satanist he does believe in the God of the bible but he refused to worship Him and made a conscious decision to worship Satan instead"

    Understand that the Bible says that satan is the "father of lies" so what would you expect from his followers besides lies? The church of satan is EVIL and like I said, hopefully you figure that out before it's too late.

    Do me a favor, watch this 8-minute video and ask yourself: "do these really seem like the actions of an atheist, or do these seem like the actions of a true satanist?"

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Satanical viewpoint is I am God. This is the opposite of the Buddhist view, God is everything. The left facing swastika is the symbol of Buddhism, while the right facing swastika is it's opposite, the Hindu symbol meaning evolution. It's the yin and the yang, the selfless, and selfish. You actually need both to survive, but there is no one single group of us doing anything. I don't go to church. I don't even call myself a Satanist, unless I'm trying to annoy Christians. Jesus was killed for saying I am God, and in his trial he brought up the old testament verse you are gods, all of you, sons of the most high. I never read that book by Anton LaVey, and I don't plan to. I suggest you read a bit about Buddhism, because on a basic physical level at least, everything is one thing, and even though they made Buddha a Hindu God, like thousands or even millions of others, (people drinking soma), he said he wasn't one, and it was stupid to worship gods, even yourself.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    It's like showing up to a baseball game with a football jersey on. The people there may not have strong feelings about your team (or faith) but the feel like you are rebelling against/disrespecting them, or generally up to no good.

    Also in the 80's a lot of pedifiels were thought to be saitan worshipers.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    hehe ... reading you, you'd like people to think you're an angel but not a demon follower which is what you are ... in essence.

    you use the word 'satanism' , then put an interpretation that would describe an angellic being ?

    its obvious to me that your education is low.

    Look up ... satanism.

    now, stop being a smart**** when you're clearly NOT.

    no one should believe a word you utter ... they're filled w lies and s*hit.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Thank you for educating us on what is satanism.

    Personally, I have nothing against the idea.

    Simply, I am not a fan of organized belief systems per se in any form.

    I am more a fan of uniqueness, personal empowerment.....that sort of thing.

    Each of us walks our own path.

    And it harms none.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Satan is a charcter from Chirstianity... thats like stealing the villain of "eye of Sauron" and ignoring the Heroes in lord of the rings universe...

    why not create your own symbol character instead of stealing it from another belief system? say a spegetti monster?

    belief what you will but it's trolling to take a villian from someone's belief system and using it as your main symbol.

    While Satan refused to follow God .. he at least belived in the existance of God.

  • 5 years ago

    It's imagination.

  • 5 years ago

    I'm a firm believer in going with whatever floats you boat. If others think your entire faith is silly nonsense, what is that to you?

    You have to do what makes your heart sing.

  • susan
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your views with us. Can you tell me this- if Satanism has nothing to do with a being called Satan, and it only means free thinking, and especially if calling it Satanism results in being misunderstood repeatedly- why not call it "free thinking" instead of calling it "Satanism?"

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