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  • Now that we know kimbo slice had a heart problem does that explain his performance against dada5000 ?

    People will say kimbo wassent known for his cardio but when he fought dada5000 he didn't look his old self . True he was 42 getting older and not an elite mmaer but still he never looked like that ... He died months later and needed a heart transplant do u think that's what caused his performance against dada ?

    1 AnswerMartial Arts5 years ago
  • What do people not just christains but people in general have against satanism?

    Now before u go off and criticize me u should understand what satanism is and is NOT . Laveyan satanism looks at satan as just a symbol not am actual being . The reason why we utilize the symbol of satan without believeing in it is simple . Satan was the one who refused to follow god he was the free thinker . We don't actually believe he nor jesus existed . But let's just say ok wrong and decieved as u people r gonna say and I'm fooled .. Let's just say he's real .. Satanism issent even standing for anything bad lol . We don't murder or kill or rape . Actually if u break the law and convicted of a felony u will immidiantly lose your membership ! We obey the law. We don't believe in which craft demons ect . We leave people alone we DONOT try and convert people we respect christains just ask they don't bother us . We love children ( if u hurt a child in front of a satanist trust me your in for it ) we love animals :) we don't do sacrifices lol . People watch to many horror movies lol . we believe in forgiveness . We don't believe in anything supernatural . It's a very sound philosophy so I ask for people who actually know what REAL satanism is rather then what there TOLD what it is what about our philosophy is EVIL or BAD . We don't even believe in the usage of ouija boards lols . U people are so silly lol :) I'm a satanist and friendliest person you'll ever meet :)

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Is it weird to feel emotional when a celeb passes ?

    Call me crazy but I feel like i lost a family member .. One of my sports heroes died and I've been teary eyed for like three days . I never met this person just grew up watching this person as a can and looked up to this person as inspiration .. Is this weird ? I never had the closest relationships to my mom or dad or rest of the family for that matter so I guess I d looked up to famous people exspecially ones that achieved greatness after going through hardships like me .. So I feel more emotionally attached then say a regular fan .. This common or am I just weird for crying about this ? Serious answers and honesty much appreciated

    2 AnswersCelebrities5 years ago
  • Why do so many people dislike justin bieber ?

    Exspecially guys ? I hear a lotta people dislike him talking bad about him .... . I listened to one of his CDs and he sounds a lot like other black r and b singers . I don't git why all the hate ?? He's a talented young man and women love the dude . Why hate on him ? Shure he did some stupid stuff but fame that young wouldn't be easy on anyone . so again why do so many hate on him ?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Ladies are u more into the pretty boys or the ruff type of guys?

    Pretty boys Ike Ashton kutcher , paul walker and justin bieber come into mind . Very fit nice skinned we'll groomed handsome men . Or the ruff type of guys ? Aren't as interested in there style , a little not as we'll groomed more "manly " according to some women ... Jw . I'm more the pretty boy type but very masculine at the same time . So best of both worlds here Lols

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why are there so many contradicting bible verses ?

    Gays shall be out to death .. I thought the bible said thou shall not murder ? How many children has god killed as we'll ? Including in the flood ? Was there not children who died ? Didn't jesus slay new born babies in Egypt ? Doesn't god burn for all eternity gays ? Is that right ??? But then gods all forgiving and loving right ? So then gays don't go to he'll??? It just makes no sense ... People read different versus and interperate different things from the bible .. Why doessent god justngit rid of satan now and just come down and clear this all up right this very second ? Instead he's in the clouds wile people are getting raped and killed ? That's Satans faulght ???issent that gods faulght since he's capable of riding satan right this second but let's him comet all this evil for thousands of years ????? GODS PLAYIN TO MANY GAMES !!!!!

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Can u get into shape with just running situps pushups and pull-ups ?

    I run a hard 3 mile run the next day it's core strength day I do ten pushups then quickly with no rest get on my back and do 20 situps then after that I do ten pull-ups .. Rest for a min then repeat I do 5 sets of this .. It burns it's hard then the next day I'm running hard again .. When i need a break I take a day off then repeat . I'm looking more toned and losing some weight . Even tho these are basic excersizes I push myself hard I run at a pace In which I'm outta breath after running the three miles and when I do my core excersizeing i go until my muscles won't carry me anymore .. Can i git into good shape this way ?

    1 AnswerMen's Health5 years ago
  • Why do christains dislike satan so much ? Hasn't he kept the church in business all these years?

    I mean think about it . Doessent every religion need the bad guy ? On movies do to we need the bad guys ? Without them there's be no point in going to church ... There's no bad guy to place Blaime on . Instead of placing blame on him we'd have to take responsibility for our own actions .. There's be no point I'm going to church because we blame everything on satan , depression , violence ect . So without him people would have no need to go to church .. So I think we owe thanks to satan he's actually the one keeping the church on business if u think about it

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Why do christains dislike satAn so much . Issent he who keeps the churches I'm business ???

    I mean think about it . Doessent every religion need the bad guy ? On movies do to we need the bad guys ? Without them there's be no point in going to church ... There's no bad guy to place Blaime on . Instead of placing blame on him we'd have to take responsibility for our own actions .. There's be no point I'm going to church because we blame everything on satan , depression , violence ect . So without him people would have no need to go to church .. So I think we owe thanks to satan he's actually the one keeping the church on business if u think about it

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Is it bad for a 27 yo male to talk to a 18 yo female details inside?

    I've been single for about a year .. We got this new girl and we started talking . She was so nice to me and cute hard not to be attractive she told me she was 18. The next day at work one of my co workers gives me a paper it has her number . She wants to talk ore with me . Making a long story short we start talking more and people notice this at work . Two of my coworkers talked to me about this and said I look like a creeper and that's not the look I want exspecialy at work ... I thought about it and told her we shouldn't talk anymore . What's your opinion on this ? Is this in appropriate ? Am I that guy who looks like a creeper ?

    14 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • Out of all the retired mma fighters who do u miss the most?

    I'm not talkin about talent wise just who do u miss seeing the most ??? I was a huge chael sonnen can and the ufc seems so much more less attractive since he's been gone . Whether people wanna admit it or not we need villans in the sport . Also his strength and conditioning was truly nasty . Most exciting wrestler of all time in my opinion and a fearless competitor .

    1 AnswerMartial Arts5 years ago
  • Why does everybody dislike cris cyborg?

    She's finally in the ufc where she should be . I feel dana white was trying to protect ronda rousey from her makeing it unfair for cris sayin there couldn't be any catch weight and wanted crus to lose so much weigh to fight ronda .. Cris cyborgs in ufc and I feel if a HOT attest is girl that's as good as cris is there's be much more hype about her entering the promotion . Why do I get this sense that people make excuses to dislike based on her appearense ? I thought we was gonna take women's mma seriously ? Not make it into a sex selling promotion ... If it was modeling ok cris wouldn't be worthy I admit this but it's fighting And looks shouldn't matter . She's the best women's mmaer out there give her respect

    53 AnswersMartial Arts5 years ago
  • Why am I feelling so tired when I get enough sleep?

    Here's the thing I've suffered from insomnia and depression stress and anxiety . Ya sucks lol but I've worked on my problems and the last three days been getting 8 hrs of sleep now which is great . Depression anxiety ect is fading and I'm recovering .. But I'm noticing Is that I'm still tired and fatuiged . Is this bcus it's only been a few days of getting enough else and my body just needs time to recover from fatigue ? Or is there something else that could be the prob ? Thanks

    3 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Should I have a talk to my mother about this or just try and forget?

    Hello ... First and foremost thank u for taking the time to answer this ... My question is I haven't talked to my mom in ten years we just started to talk .. She basically abandon me sent me away .. Long story short I wanna just forgive her and move on . I'm the one who took the first step she didn't .. I wonder if she even cared about me the ten years. Was gone ... Basically she said sorry fr abandning me but the reasson she did so was because she couldn't give me the life I needed so she sent me to my grand rents .. Sounds ok but if that's the case why didn't she even call ??? She had my other bro and sis and she kept them she didn't give them away ... There's still questions I need answered I feel to move on ya know ? But I'm afraid if I ask her shell get defensive and what not ... I just wanna heal I don't wanna argue I'm not angry still sad tho ... Should I just move on ? What to do ? I wanted to talk to her before about this bi she just sayd no ... Bcus she doessent wanna go around in circles anymore she said sorry and that's it ... I don't know how to feel about this right now . I was with her yesterday or Mother's Day and it honestly made me sad because my other bro n sis were there and she spent evey mothers day with them and never even called me /.. I tried to be happy but again the questions arose .

    3 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • Can u meditate twice a day?

    They say 45 mins is good I was wonder g if I could do 15 mins right after work and then my 30 mins later after the kids are asleep ?? Or is this disuseful and is it better to just do my 30 mins and forget my 15 min meditation ?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Is urijah hall overrated ????

    He looks amazing one moment then he looks like doessent even give a rip some fights ... He hassent beaten any big names yet . Chris Weidman koed him back on the day as we'll ... People keep talkin about him honestly he hassent even proved himself yet and he's already 31 years old ... I don't get why people hype this guy up so much ?

    2 AnswersMartial Arts5 years ago
  • How many times a week do boxers jump rope ?

    And remember boxers got all that other training they do on top of that ... So how many times do they jump rope a week

    2 AnswersBoxing5 years ago
  • Second time I've felt I was going to orgasm after I was finished having a massage?

    It was an old man once and an old women so by no means was I turned on lol .. Just so deeply relaxed and feeling great . After I was done getting my massage I stood up and almost immidiany my felt that tingling feeling between my legs and felt like I was cumming without even an erection . Shure enough I go to the restroom Nd ya there's a little mess . This is a serious question is this normal ? Again I'm not even aroused ...

    2 AnswersMen's Health5 years ago
  • Why do people believe in god satan angels and demons when noones even seen them?

    Bible vearsus prove nothing ... So what it says this Nd that in the bible how do we know it's true ? Because there eye witness accounts of it ? Same gods with Bigfoot , lochness monster aliens ect ... The Noah's ark being found was a hoax ... Noones ever seen the cross nor is there even any proof it even existed ... U believe man was made of what ? Dirt? And a women a rib bone ??? Seriously do u TRULY believe I'm what u r saying ? Think about it u guys this is rediculous ....

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Boxers can u tell me how to get into shape for boxing training at home?

    Now I know that people say we'll you'll get into shape in the gym but i read how fraziers book and he recommended getting into shape before u go to the gym . Now I'm not asking for technique training that i know u should have a professional show u correct techniques but what about the strength and conditioning training ? How man miles should I run ? How many days a week ? Jump rope ? Do U do that directly after the run ? Or do u weight till like a few hours pass ? I just need kinda a layout schedule of how to properly get into shape to repair myself to go to the gym . Ty

    1 AnswerBoxing5 years ago