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Is Astrology an accepted form of Racism?

Racism is one of the most evil social constructs of all times. How dare you describe to me personality traits. You don't even know me but you'll tell me you know these things about me and you know me. And you say I share these personalty traits with a huge group of people. I don't even know them and you don't know them but not only do you say that we share the same character traits but that we also share a form of common destiny? And you make all these presumptions based on a fluke of birth. How dare you..what's that? For the last time I told you this relationship isn't going to wok. I'm a Leo and you're a Capricorn this isn't going to work. Now, as I was saying...

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Astrology does not make you a racist, no more than the bible was used to enslave millions of people. I do get your point and I believe that you are your own best expert. Astrology enthusiast are not ordained by the heavens to objectify you by promoting themselves to supreme beings with superior knowledge of why you were born but yet, many do this . It's just that WE ARE made of Stardust and it's useful to be reminded.

    Astrology practitioners will try to be the interpreter of what this means, and that's really ok to imagine , but the truth is closer to home . One problem here is that a handful will call themselves experts but a wise person can quickly dispute that claim because they are aware of who they are. The chart will only show you some of what was present on the day you were born. It does not show life or your environment after day one. It's equivalent to going to a Dr and being told you have 2 months to live and you say ''hell no'' .. and at that very moment ,you have a new mind.. you begin heal yourself and live 30 more quality years 'cause this expert didn't really know,,or The God in you

    Why is this true for some and not others ? The answers are really found from within. Is my stardust better than your stardust ? ask the experts :)

    Source(s): SN conj Cancer Sun,Uranus,Mercury & Jupiter 12 to 11
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No, real astrology is not a form of racism because our birth chart doesnt include just our sun sign. I might have sun in leo, but my moon sign in aries and venus in capricorn.

    People do misuse it though. At the same time, everyone has different personality traits and some will clash onto us sooner or later while others won't. So astrology can help determine that, only if you are an expert in astrology and only if you know their time of birth. Otherwise it is very hard to determine whether two people are compatible solely on their birthdate and location.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    >Racism is one of the most evil social constructs of all times<

    Ever been in a war? Talk about being judgmental. This ignorant rant must take some kind of prize You know life is way too short to go through it as someone's trained seal, flapping their flippers, barking on command all in the hopes of getting a fish. Try thinking instead.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It's not racism, it's LIKE RACISM. Could say astrology stereotyping make it a first cousin. If the stereotypes are supported evidence, the point is moot.

    Astrology and racism share many of the same ideas. For one thing, in both cases a person is being judged by factors beyond their control. Just as people have no control over their skin color, they also have no ability to determine when and where they were born.

    Both astrology and racial stereotypes are based on a framework of belief that basically says: "Without even meeting you, I believe something about you. I can expect this particular sort of behavior or trait (stubbornness, laziness, arrogance, etc.) from members of this particular group of people (Jews, blacks, Aries, Pisces, etc.)."

    When an astrologer finds out a person’s astrological sign, he or she will bring to that experience a pre-existing list of assumptions (prejudices) about that person’s behavior, personality and character. In both cases, the prejudices will cause people to seek out and confirm their expectations.

    Racists will look for examples of characteristics and behaviors in the groups they dislike, and astrologers will look for the personality traits that they believe the person will exhibit. Since people have complex personalities (all of us are lazy some of the time, caring at other times, etc.), both racists and astrologers will find evidence confirming their beliefs.

    Of course, astrologers are not racists. But the belief systems underlying both viewpoints are identical: prejudging individuals based on general beliefs about a group. If we do not assume that African-Americans are lazy, Arabs are terrorists, or Asians are scholastic geniuses, why would we assume that Cancers are emotional, Aries are born leaders, or Geminis are optimistic non-conformists?

    People should be judged as unique, individual persons, not based on what arbitrary group they belong to. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr., a person should be judged not by the color of their skin -- nor the date and time of their birth -- but by the content of their character.

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  • 5 years ago


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What brought that on?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago


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