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If a god cannot be known, why do people think they have a personal relationship with a god?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are brainwashed to believe that.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    God can be known as God reveals His thoughts, desires, and character in the Bible which has been validated by objective science.

  • 5 years ago

    Who said that God cannot be known. I know of no scripture in any religion that says that. You have to be very careful about what words you use when w you talk about God. There is a scripture in the Bible that says that, "Man cannot look on the face of God and live". This is true but only in a certain sense and in a certain way.

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  • 5 years ago

    The God who created this universe and all life in it has chosen to communicate something of His Being to humanity. Otherwise, we would not know how the first human's relationship with their God was spoiled - which spoiled it for all of us, as we followed our first parents in rebellion against God.

    God has made it known through the written record about that that sin spoils our relationship with Him. We have to have our sin (which is rebellion against God) dealt with and removed before right relationship can be restored.

    Individuals over the centuries have experienced God bringing them into relationship with Himself. We learn from them (if we are sensible) and that leads to discovering how God, in Christ, removed the barrier so that we could be brought close to Him. It's all in the Bible, especially the bit that explains how the Son of God left Heaven to become one of us, but without sin. That's how followers of Jesus Christ know about this amazing relationship. The links show what the Bible explains on this topic. AiH

  • 5 years ago

    God is known.

    If he wasn't then we would have no reason to follow him.

    I'll cite the argument from religious experience:

    Some sort of experience lies at the very core of most people's religious faith. Most of our readers have very likely had such an experience. If so, you realize, in a way no one else can, its central importance in your life. That realization is not itself an argument for God's existence; in fact, in the light of it you would probably say that there is no need for arguments. But there is in fact an argument for God's existence constructed from the data of such experiences. It is not an argument which moves from your own personal experience to your own affirmation that God exists. As we said, you most probably have no need for such an argument. Instead, this argument moves in another direction: from the widespread fact of religious experience to the affirmation that only a divine reality can adequately explain it.

    It is difficult to state this argument deductively. But it might fairly be put as follows.

    Many people of different eras and of widely different cultures claim to have had an experience of the "divine."

    It is inconceivable that so many people could have been so utterly wrong about the nature and content of their own experience.

    Therefore, there exists a "divine" reality which many people of different eras and of widely different cultures have experienced.

    Does such experience prove that an intelligent Creator-God exists? On the face of it this seems unlikely. For such a God does not seem to be the object of all experiences called "religious." But still, he is the object of many. That is, many people understand their experience that way; they are "united with" or "taken up into" a boundless and overwhelming Knowledge and Love, a Love that fills them with itself but infinitely exceeds their capacity to receive. Or so they claim. The question is: Are we to believe them?

    There is an enormous number of such claims. Either they are true or not. In evaluating them, we should take into account:

    the consistency of these claims (are they self-consistent as well as consistent with what we know otherwise to be true?);

    the character of those who make these claims (do these persons seem honest, decent, trustworthy?); and

    the effects these experiences have had in their own lives and the lives of others (have these persons become more loving as a result of what they experienced? More genuinely edifying? Or, alternatively, have they become vain and self-absorbed?).

    Suppose someone says to you: "All these experiences are either the result of lesions in the temporal lobe or of neurotic repression. In no way do they verify the truth of some divine reality." What might your reaction be? You might think back over that enormous documentation of accounts and ask yourself if that can be right. And you might conclude: "No. Given this vast number of claims, and the quality of life of those who made them, it seems incredible that those who made the claims could have been so wrong about them, or that insanity or brain disease could cause such profound goodness and beauty."

    It is impossible to lay down ahead of time how investigation into this record of claims and characters will affect all individuals. You cannot say ahead of time how it will affect you. But it is evidence; it has persuaded many; and it cannot be ignored. Sometimes—in fact, we believe, very often—that record is not so much faced as

  • 5 years ago

    They think they know him.

  • 5 years ago

    It's known as delusion.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


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