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Lv 4

I don't understand why religious people are worried about whether they are going to heaven or hell when in the bible it Specifically states?

That when you die you return to the dust in which you came and that you are conscious of nothing. And that you will remain that way until armageddon and judgement day. If you are accepted during the times of judgement you will return from the dust and live paradise on earth forever and eternity. I am agnostic and even I know that. So I think that people who believe that they are going to heaven or hell actually haven't READ the bible and are only believing in what their churches speak. The references to hell in the bible is talking about our earth and the suffering and devastation we are in, not a fiery inferno in which we suffer after we die.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Good question. Could it be that people only believe what they want to? That course has nothing to do with reality. Are most people in religion just conned by tricksters seeking money and power?

    And your observations about the Bible are correct. Me? At one time I was atheist. Then with research using math common sense and a number of the physical sciences, I also became agnostic. But the Bible? I at one time considered the Bible a work of man. Then the harmony of some 40+ different men over a 1600 year period made that view statistically impossible.

    So the obvious conclusion is simple. The Bible really is the word of God. Look around the world in many hundreds of languages and you find the same word of God. True some translations use archaic language. The King James for example. Languages are dynamic, living growing things. Sadly many people do not understand what happens to words over time. Ex, in the King James at 1 Corinthians 10:31 the counsel is give to eat what is sold in the shambles. To us, a shambles may be the condition of a teenagers bedroom. But over 400 years ago a shambles was the local meat market. Check it for yourself.

    Are translations accurate since they are not the original inspired writings? Here is where science comes to our aid. There are literally thousands of original language copies of entire books and fragments. Look to museums for proof. Comparing all these copies, the originals come through. How can we tell. Just use this illustration to see how comparisons work. Ask a 6th grade class of students to copy the Declaration of Independence. Each individual student will make one or more errors. But it is illogical to believe all of the students or even many of them will make all the same error. So by putting all of these copies together, a correct copy of the Declaration is easily obtained. However some additions and/or changes to the original text were made so far back in the second or third centuries of the Christian Greek scriptures that make it very hard to determine. Additions made later in time are easy to find. Here is where language comparisons have saved the day and recent discoveries of ancient manuscripts have resulted in only a very few suspect verses in the whole Bible.

    The Bible is so detailed in names, titles, places and peoples that archeologists seeking places to dig into the past opt for the Bible to indicate where to dig. The history is accurate.

    As to hell? That is merely the grave. Hellfire, translated thus from the word Gehenna is a graphic reference to the garbage dump of Jerusalem. Sulfur was used to keep the fires burning hot, consume the refuse and keep down the smell. Of course at the edges, carcases were not entirely burned and were fly blown so they were eaten with maggots. Thus the reference by Jesus at Mark 9:47, 48 to Gehenna where the worms live and the fire is not put out.

    Going to heaven? That was a promise to those who Jesus described as a little flock that he had to go and prepare a place for them (compare John 10:16, John 14:2; Rev 14:1-3; Rev 20:4-6)

    Jesus promised the earth for the meek or mild tempered ones (Mathew 5:5) Here he quoted Psalm 37:29.

    Bottom Line

    Heaven is for those chosen by God to be Jesus brothers (John 6:44)

    Earth is for humans. See Psalm 115:16

    Man does not have an immortal soul. Rather he is a soul. See Genesis 2:7

    Hell as a fiery place of torment is the product of a demented mind.

    The future of man is in a resurrection into a cleaned earth. Both righteous and unrighteous ones. (Acts 24:15; 1 Corinthians 15:42) And those who will inherit the promises of everlasting life must pass one final test at the end of the 1,000 year reign of the kingdom. Those who do will actually be children of God. (Rev 21:3-7) Focus on v 7.

    The future of mankind is incredibly bright. People will live on earth as long as there is a sun and moon (Psalm 72:5, 7) Science tell us that is some 3 billion years in our future. That is along time with out war, crime, disease, hunger. I love the promise of the God who cannot lie. (Titus 1:2)

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • Linda
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    You are 99% right. Hell in the bible is a mistranslation of the old Hebrew sheol and the Greek hades, both of which mean simply, grave.

    If you know the bible that well, why are you not one of God's people? Do you not believe the promises He has made? He hasn't broken one yet.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    See how you are? You were taught to believe this crap by reading it in a book of utter nonsense! ! Get real honey! Heaven and hell do not exist! End of story when you die, no armageddon, no judgement day, there is nothing of such ridiculousness like that, all of this nonsense is in your god infested brain.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    You are reading a man's words who is following the world and he said that all is meaninglessness. That is NOT what God said, that is what that man said.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    That dust back to people thing sounds highly implausible, do you think it might be made up nonsense?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    the bible says everyone goes immediately to heaven or hell when they die.

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