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  • Phantom smells?

    For about a year and a half I have been getting these random smells come from nowhere. The scent lasts a few seconds and a lot of the time they are actually really pleasant and have been quite nostalgic and sometimes it smells awful or I know the smell but I can't put my finger on what it actually is. 

    Here are some things I have randomly smelt

    Ouch strawberry bubblegum

    2 different types of soaps with one being imperial leather

    tropical cordial


    banana smoothie


    powdery mould

    yucky musky perfume

    cat feaces

    hot chips

    popping candy

    pink antibiotic liquid

    ginger beer

    fruit loops

    tutti frutti jungle chew


    musk sticks


    toasted marshmallow

    cherry starburst

    This isn't all of them, just an example. I have been writing a list every time I smell something I recognise. I will be speaking to my GP but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced smelling things that aren't there.

    2 AnswersOther - Health3 months ago
  • Heaven, hell and religion?

    Why do many religious people worry about going to heaven or hell when in the King James Bible (the closest to the original bible) it specifically states- genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

    Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame [and] everlasting contempt.

    Churches use heaven and hell as a scare tactic to follow their system and it just goes to show the bias in religion when they will read the bible recommended from their church and not get all their facts.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • I don't understand why religious people are worried about whether they are going to heaven or hell when in the bible it Specifically states?

    That when you die you return to the dust in which you came and that you are conscious of nothing. And that you will remain that way until armageddon and judgement day. If you are accepted during the times of judgement you will return from the dust and live paradise on earth forever and eternity. I am agnostic and even I know that. So I think that people who believe that they are going to heaven or hell actually haven't READ the bible and are only believing in what their churches speak. The references to hell in the bible is talking about our earth and the suffering and devastation we are in, not a fiery inferno in which we suffer after we die.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Pregnant and desperate for help?

    I am 18 weeks pregnant and unbelievably itchy. I know it is normal to itch in the abdomen but I am extremely itchy on the top of my thighs, hips, back and side. Mainly on my right as well. It has been going on for almost a week and I have scratched that much my skin is burning. I went to the doctor and the hospital and got tested cholestasis and the blood tests came back clear. I should mention I have no rash. I have tried 2 different antihistemines, creams even a steroid cream prescribed by the doctor and nothing works. I am not sleeping because I am so irritated. Has anyone had this experience or have any idea what it could be. I am desperate for help.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • can you get super nintendo games for the nintendo ds?

    I like the game Harvest Moon for the super nintendo and someone told me I might be able to get it for my DS but I would have to find a special place that puts games onto the game card themselves (is it legal?). I have tried the different versions made for the DS and I hated them. I like the super nintendo version. Does anyone know where I could get it.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Does anyone know where to find these movies?

    I have seen many movies on TV that I have enjoyed watching but I can't find them anywhere to own on DVD. No where in shops or on the net but what I have found out is that they are actually TV films. Does anyone know where I can find them here are a couple of TV movie examples - Reversals, Critical Assembly, She's too young etc.

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • constant dry lips, chapstick not working.?

    I have had dry lips for months now and are sore. I have been drinking a lot more water than usual hoping it would help and also with the dry lips I feel thirstier than usual. I first thought of diabetes but I am eating healthier now than 2 years ago and I have lost quite a bit of weight so I don't understand how it could be that. I have never had problems with my blood sugar levels even though it has been a while since my last test. Does anyone have any other ideas that could be causing this.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Help, regarding eyebrow waxing please?

    I had my eyebrows waxed today and I tried a different place to where I usually go. It is a company well known so I thought they would be good but now I am so embarassed. The woman stuffed up my eyebrows. They are so uneven and it's on my face so everyone can notice. I am too embarassed to even pick my daughter up from school. Does anyone have any tips to help the hair grow quicker or something. I don't know. I can't stay in my house for 2 - 3 weeks. I don't know what to do. I would rather have bushy brows that what I have on my face at the moment.

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • 50th anniversary gift ideas?

    It is my Nanna's and Poppa's 50th wedding anniversary this weekend and I have no idea what to buy them. I can't afford a lot and the awkward part is that they don't really have anything in common. They are hard enough to buy seperate presents for let alone a joint present. If I had a bit more notice I would have had more of a chance finding something but I only found out about yesterday. Can anyone help me. I need to be able to give it to them on Sunday.

    I should also note they are both diabetics so chocolates are out of the question and they don't really like going out either.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Vacuum sealed food advice...Please.?

    I have some bacon that has been vacuum sealed and we have frozen it. But we are wandering does anyone know how long it will last once it has been defrosted in the fridge. I can't find what I need anywhere on the net. Thankyou

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Sharp pains randomly can anyone help.?

    I keep getting sharp pains at random. The main places I have them is left side just under breast, both sides in my pelvis area and my lower back/side around liver area. On occasions but rarely I do get them elsewhere. Does anyone know what it could be?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Why do I get Stomach cramps and hot flushes after eating eggs, anything dairy and greasy foods?

    For some reason I get really bad Stomach cramps, hot flushes, sweaty and diarreah the day after I eat Eggs, dairy or greasy foods. It has only been happening the past few years, does anyone know what it could be.

    4 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • If Adam and Eve were created 6000 years ago....?

    How do you explain anatomically modern human remains to be over 100,000 years old. There are even older remains that have been found.

    Here is just one site reference

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What could be causing these pains, Please can anyone help?

    For a few years now I gave been getting shooting pains randomly throughout my body, to start off with I thought the pain was shooting through my nerves but after paying closer attention, I actually think its shooting through my veins. Some days I get this electrical current shooting pain in my hands and feet, other days it could be my whole body. I don't have any other symptoms. Can anyone shine a light on what it could possibly be?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • What is causing the crackle sound?

    I have had a cough for just over a week now and I have a crackle sound in my throat area which makes me cough more. I don't have a sore throat, no fever, no aches or pains etc. I just have the cough and the crackle and sometimes a runny/blocked nose. Does anyone know what would be causing this.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases10 years ago
  • Why don't people want to donate blood or their organs?

    I don't understand why people are so reluctant to donate blood or organs, how would you feel if someone in your family desperately needed a blood transfusion or they would die but no-one donated blood. 1 in 3 people will need some blood in their lifetime but only 1 in 30 people give blood. Just think how many people are dying because not many people are giving this liquid gold.

    I would absolutely love to donate but unable to and that frustrates me to no end. I wish I could give people a chance to live, why don't others feel the same.

    I am very fortunate that some people are kind enough to donate otherwise I wouldn't be here today and actually neither would my husband. It is such a precious gift.

    5 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • How do some of you deal with Restless Leg Syndrome.?

    I have suffered restless leg syndrome for over 10 years, It is absolutely awful and I have major troubles sleeping. My neurologist said there is nothing that can be done but he did suggest some ways that may help a little. I have tried vitamin B6, Magnesium, calcium, Vitamin D and other vitamin and mineral tablets etc, I have also tried elevating my legs, bum, head etc. I have tried a bath with epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), I have tried sleeping pills and nothing helps. I have been told of some medication but I hear a lot of bad things about them and it causing augmentation.

    Does anyone else suffer RLS and how do you deal/manage it?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • what are the Blue dots on dogs nipple?

    I have a Jack Russel x Chihuahua and she has blue coloured spots on her nipple that stick out a little, and are sort of like black heads but a bit bigger. Does anyone know what they are and what causes them.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How long after ectopic pregnancy do you start ovulating?

    I had an ectopic pregnancy 3 and a bit weeks ago, I had to have emergency surgery because of internal bleeding and got my right tube taken out. Approx how long will it take for me to start ovulating and getting my periods?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • I lost my baby and because i was only 7 weeks, i don't know the sex. But i would like a name?

    I am trying to find a nice unisex name, If anyone has any suggestions that would be great, It would be even better if they had meanings. Preferably non-religious and non-biblical meanings. If anyone could help that would be fantastic. thankyou

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago