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What would you do? Should I take the job? 17 year old girl needs help!!!!!!!?

Okay so for a bit of context, I'm 17 and I've been looking for work since last year. My best friend and I went in to this gift store with our resumes about 3 months ago and she got the job. Neither of us have really that much experience so I've only had about 3 interviews. Anyway the manager called me about a month ago saying there's another opening just for sundays (my friend works on Thursday nights and Saturday) and that I could apply if I wanted... so I gave her my resume again, had 2 (unpaid) trials on separate sundays for a few hours. It was stressful. The shop is very quiet but the manager (she's an older lady who is VERY serious) kept giving me strange looks like I have no idea what I'm doing. When I did the cash register (first time with one like that by the way...) I messed up a number and she got very angry with me in front of the customer. I was humiliated. I try to make conversation with her but she hardly ever smiles it's so awkward. She gave me the contract a few days ago and gave me a few speeches/lectures. She said that all the girls she's hired stay for at least 3 years so she needs someone very reliable. (she even asked me what university I'm planning on going to!) She told me that she doesn't want someone to accept the job but then leave after 5 months. I guess that's fair enough but at the end of the day it's also my choice if I want to leave. (a bit more in update section)..


She told me I can start this sunday if I wanted but my family is going away to see my grandmother in the weekend, (something we had been postponing because of my trails the past couple weeks) she got mad and said I need to tell her these things- but I haven't even accepted the job! How would I know it was necessary to tell her we were going away when I didn't even know I have the job

Update 2:

I really want/need a job and this might be the only offer I get all year. I just don't know if I like the woman I'll be working with (and vice versa..) .. so should I take it and see what happens? Or should I keep looking to find a job I actually enjoy.

2 Answers

  • Eddy
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    This is the kind of job that is filled with guilt for you. But, you have been looking for a job since last year. Do you live along the Canadian border or something? Just you and a few bears and a few hunters that want to kill the poor bears? You are going to be able to learn all the details of the job and be competent, right? You are going to settle into the schedule and be just fine, right? Do you have any other jobs in this area you are living in? Or are you REALLY living on the Canadian border? She is obviously a very cruel person. She humiliated you in front of the customers? This is a tell tale sign that she is either to be avoided at all cost or she is a natural training ground to prepare you for all the hostile and destructive managers yet to come in your future. You could look at it that way. A TRAINING GROUND. You say you need this job so you might as well stick to it and make it a place to practice customer relations, marketing, SALES, Cashiering, psychology, sociology, communication, spontaneity, verbal behavior, interpersonal anxiety, ethics, handling hostility, resentment, suspicion, quick tempers, mood swings, irritability, negativity, resentment and lack of patience. You can test yourself to avoid psychological harm and damage and stop yourself from verbal aggressiveness or anger and hostility. You want to teach yourself to avoid profanity and obscene words, epithets and vulgarities. YES, this is the world's best TRAINING GROUND for you. All I can do is say that I send you my best wishes. Next time you might want to say where you live and what you would like to do in the future. Then I could draw up a plan of action. But, for now, you must handle this job with all the decorum under the sun.

  • 5 years ago

    Do can shows an line you will make a lot of money of your 18

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