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Zika virus spread after the use of pesticides?

Is it just me, or has anyone else realized this. As soon as I seen that they were "treating" Florida, I immediately called out that it was going to spread.

Do you think that the pesticides that they are using, are actually causing the virus?

5 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    They just sprayed in my town. For the very first time. For the West Nile virus. Mosquito born. Years after Dallas began spraying. Seems lots of cash is made monitoring and 'spraying'? Ever more funding and now we have Zika?

    DDT is still made at 3300 tons per year in India. Maybe we should buy some??? Spray once--done. I bet my two vintage 1960's cans of Gulf Oil Company Moth Proof carries enough DDT to do more good than two truck loads of modern 'spray'?

    Ever notice Diazinon is now gone and the replacement Triazinon does effectively nothing for pest control? In the same dosages I mean. I wonder if there was ever a Monazinon? Bet it was great stuff if there was?

    We could not kill Malaria so we killed the carrier. With effective pesticides. Now Malaria is on the march again in the 3rd world. Here we are failing to kill enough of the carriers. So, stuff like Zika and West Nile spread. While no one tells you Malaria is making a comeback here.

  • 5 years ago

    No, the pesticides that they're using are reducing the numbers of mosquitos, not causing the virus. Congrats on recognizing that the virus will spread, something that everyone already knew.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Pesticides kill the birds which eat the insects they are trying to kill along with every other insect that is beneficial. I grew up in the 60's. I remember the DDT fog machines wiping out all life, then they wondered why the caterpillars of the gypsy moths crawled out of the ground and ate all of the vegetation because we killed all of their natural enemies.

    We have such short memories.

  • Mog
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No. It seems that way because the fact that it has been in Florida for a while was being kept hush hush because of the tourism industry

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  • 5 years ago

    No, you are not the only one that came to the BLATANTLY FALSE conclusion.

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