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There is no beginning, there is no end. There is only boundlessness. Death is merely an illusion of rebirth. Reincarnation, Universal Energy, Dimensions... We're stuck in a never ending L∞P.

  • Can you see from a mirrored perspective? The GOOD in the BAD? The BAD in the GOOD? Similarities.... likeness?

    It just makes me feel as if EVERYTHING is an illusion and can be deeply interpreted. This deep interpretation is normally in simplicity...

    Like the whole good and bad concept. If bad things didn't happen, we wouldn't appreciate the good things that do happen...

    Then I compare good to light, and bad to darkness.

    If darkness did not exist, we would be blinded by the light.

    If light did not exist, we would be blinded in the darkness.

    They both need to coexist, in order to create this physical experience.

    Why is it that I find likeness in differences?? Do you see it, too?

    Another quick example from the R&S category...

    "How can a rational human being believe in God?"

    "How can a rational human being 'disbelieve' in God?"

    "Christians! Prove to me that God exists!"

    "Atheists! Prove to me that God doesn't exist!"

    These questions are opposite, yet they are alike. They serve the same purpose. Are we even aware of this likeness??

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Why is "God" a HE? Shouldn't "God" be an IT?

    If "God" were truly omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.... shouldn't "God" be an essence or form of energy, rather than a physical "HE" being?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • What's the point of fighting in a fixed war (no winners)? There is a God... There isn't a God.... You're going to Hell....?

    -R (Religious) -A (Atheist)

    "There is a God" -R

    "There is NO God" -A

    "You're going to Hell" -R

    "There is no Hell" -A

    "You lack intelligence" -R

    "You lack intelligence" -A

    "There is a God" -R

    "There is NO God" -A

    "You're going to Hell" -R

    "There is no Hell" -A

    "You lack intelligence" -R

    "You lack intelligence" -A

    "There is a God" -R

    "There is NO God" -A

    "You're going to Hell" -R

    "There is no Hell" -A

    "You lack intelligence" -R

    "You lack intelligence" -A

    Shouldn't WE think that it's a little odd to be arguing about something that cannot be "PROVED" or "DISPROVED"?

    Why should what we believe or disbelieve, determine OUR positive and negative actions/reactions towards one another?

    The Religious want the Atheists wiped off of the planet.

    The Atheists want the Religious wiped off of the planet.

    We think that this will change the world, but it won't. Religion and Atheists aren't the problem, the problem is mankind. The problem is the hate filled judgement towards others that are "different" from ourselves.

    What is different?

    What is likeness?

    Religious and Atheists are my examples. Two opposites. Belief and disbelief.... Yet they still argue the same. They are both capable of having morals. They are both capable of doing great they are both capable of doing negative things.

    If our differences were so important, why is it so easy to find that we share similarities "in our differences"???

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Why do we experience loss of our connection and loss of our empathy? With or without 'God', it's OUR job to change the world?

    What causes the loss of our connection?

    What causes the loss of our empathy?

    Is mankind destined to fail? Are we doing this "life" thing, all wrong?

    How do we become aware of our likeness?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Why do we experience loss of our connection and loss of our empathy?

    What causes the loss of our connection?

    What causes the loss of our empathy?

    Is mankind destined to fail? Are we doing this "life" thing, all wrong?

    How do we become aware of our likeness?

    2 AnswersPsychology4 years ago
  • How do you get over the fear of driving?

    I enjoy driving out in the middle of nowhere (where I live), but I'm wanting to go back to work (where there is a ton of traffic) and I want to be able to go to work on my own and not have to worry about depending on others.

    I am absolutely terrified of other vehicles and traffic.

    I'm 25, I have a car that I had bought last summer, and my learners permit.

    The problem that I'm having now, is... How do I get out to practice when I have 3 children with me at all times and it seems that everyone is too busy.

    And how do I get over being terrified of other vehicles and traffic?


    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation4 years ago
  • If Satan is EVIL and tortures mankind?

    How did God punish Satan, by giving him a job that he enjoys doing?

    If Satan truly is EVIL, this concept seems like a reward?

    "Here you go Satan, here are the men that you can continue torturing them in an eternal hellfire."

    If torturing mankind in an eternal hellfire was a punishment for Satan, wouldn't that mean that Satan does NOT want to punish mankind in an eternal hellfire?

    Did God reward Satan?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Which similarities do Atheist and Religious share?

    Of course their thoughts and opinions differ, but what about actions?

    Know that answers are irrelevant, if the difference is a product of their opinion.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • Zika virus spread after the use of pesticides?

    Is it just me, or has anyone else realized this. As soon as I seen that they were "treating" Florida, I immediately called out that it was going to spread.

    Do you think that the pesticides that they are using, are actually causing the virus?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • Which is the bigger sin?

    Not believing in a god, living a good life without being told to do so


    Believing in god, not following the commandments, while expecting something in return.

    Wouldn't the believers now spread a corrupt word? Is it wrong to consider yourself religious, just because you believe and can't follow the "word"?

    Don't get me wrong, there are good and bad people out there, but do religious labels or the lack of, really determine if you are a good or bad person?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Christians: Do you really love your neighbor as yourself?

    Are you sinning, if you do not?

    Aren't you contradicting your own belief? And is this sin okayed by God? Why is it okay for you to sin, though everyone else that sins "must repent"?

    Do you, yourself repent every night, just to be sure that God accepts you into his kingdom?

    I'm being serious. How does this work?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Do all dogs really go to heaven?

    As I sit here watching my two female dogs hump each other...

    I didn't preach the word of God to them.

    Is it my fault? Or did God create them this way?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Why do you believe the bible?

    when the bible was written, then edited, then rewritten, then re-edited, then translated from dead languages, then re-translated, then edited, then re-written, then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts, then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again, then given to the pope for him to approve, then rewritten, then edited again, then re-re-re-re-rewritten again....all based on stories that were told orally 30 to 90 years AFTER they people who didn't know how to write...

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Do people really understand the meaning of FREEDOM?

    If you're for freedom, should you go against others freedom?

    Ex. You believe in freedom, but do not believe that gays should marry....

    Do gays not have the right to freedom?

    Does that mean that you're really against freedom or for it?

    In my opinion, Freedom is for everyone... Not just yourself.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Should I go to the hospital? 34 weeks pregnant with back pain and contractions all night?

    I've been having contractions since last night, they have been irregular, but persistent. Some have been strong enough to wake me up. I've also been having a lot of back pain since I've been contracting....

    Should I go to the hospital or just wait for my appointment tomorrow afternoon?

    I've already had about 4 episodes of contractions in the past month, that have lasted over 4 hours. I haven't been checked yet for dilation or effacement.

    Thanks in advance! xx

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago