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Which is the bigger sin?

Not believing in a god, living a good life without being told to do so


Believing in god, not following the commandments, while expecting something in return.

Wouldn't the believers now spread a corrupt word? Is it wrong to consider yourself religious, just because you believe and can't follow the "word"?

Don't get me wrong, there are good and bad people out there, but do religious labels or the lack of, really determine if you are a good or bad person?

14 Answers

  • Hal
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You mean like this?>

    "6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”

    7 To those who by persistence in doing good....he will give eternal life.

    8 But for those who are self-seeking and...follow [do] evil, there will be wrath and anger.

    ...God does not show favoritism."

    13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous."

    14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)"


    So, just what you are asking is exactly correct, according to the Bible -- it's much better to do good without religion, than it is to have 'religion' but not do good.

    Far, far better.


    We have a way though -- through Christ -- to make it far easier to do good even when others do bad to us. That's a remarkable strength, and it comes from something more than only human nature alone. We get transformed if we follow Him, and He is truly the "way, the truth, and the life", as you will find if you seek.

    Source(s): Romans chapter 2
  • 5 years ago

    In Islam it was Syirik, polytheism. Believe in many God and power. Not like atheism who is not believe in God, yeah it is sins but since atheist is not find the truth yet, Insya Allah, Allah will forgive all sins you has did before just like that if you surrender to Allah. And if you die in that day as a Muslim, a heaven is open for you since all your sins is being forgiven by Allah who created heaven and hells. As long we don't commit a suicide. :)

  • Mark
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    "Wouldn't the believers now spread a corrupt word?" The words are not corrupt in either case they come from the same source.

    All men fall short of the glory of god.

    SIN doesn't matter because the blood of Jesus Christs washes us clean from SIN so we may stand before god perfect in his sight.

    It is better for a man never to know god then to know him and turn from him.

    Because one doesn't follow the word doesn't particularity mean he has turned from god it means he falls short from his glory.........

    God is merciful and the love of Jesus Christ is unconditional.

    if the actions fall outside the ability for forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ then the soul is placed at the mercy of god....... let your behavior be of a good Samaritan so god will favor your heart .

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The greatest sin possible is not to believe in God or his provision for your continuous life!

    Listen up let me bring something you might understand a judge says you are guilty of a crime but he offers to drop all charges if you will complete a probation program.

    You move away 2000 miles away and be good really good but one day you get stopped for running a stop sign and there is a warrant on you for never completing probation.

    They extradite you and you tell the judge but your honor I've been good for 15 years!

    And the the judge says no the hell you haven't!

    You knew you had a probation and court order!

    All you did was escape and hide!

    Freind that's what gods telling you when you come before him and say God I did not believe in you but I was real good all my life!

    And gods going to say go to hell! You knew Jesus offered a probation program and you slap refused it! You haven't been good!

    All you did was ignore the courts rulings and say I don't believe in God!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What do you want for the biggest sin, a trophy? We don't judge. That's God's job.

    Your job is to love and to care for people. Stop asking silly questions and get on with it.

  • 5 years ago

    The religiously indoctrinated has traded their moral compass for a reward in the after life. This is a terrifying thing.

    "You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!"

    -Immortan Joe, Cult of the V8

  • 5 years ago

    People of ethics and principles live good lives, whether religious or not.

    Most people have neither ethics nor principles, so they join a religion that promises heaven for the believer.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    As long as you remember that 'sin' is a pretend crime against a pretend entity.

  • 5 years ago

    Making up partners with God, like saying God has son, or there are other Gods beside the true God. It is the great sin ever.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    To those who have given much, much is expected.

    Good and bad is innately known. Acting good is a discipline and a decision. You know enough to judge yourself and society.

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