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What's the point of fighting in a fixed war (no winners)? There is a God... There isn't a God.... You're going to Hell....?

-R (Religious) -A (Atheist)

"There is a God" -R

"There is NO God" -A

"You're going to Hell" -R

"There is no Hell" -A

"You lack intelligence" -R

"You lack intelligence" -A

"There is a God" -R

"There is NO God" -A

"You're going to Hell" -R

"There is no Hell" -A

"You lack intelligence" -R

"You lack intelligence" -A

"There is a God" -R

"There is NO God" -A

"You're going to Hell" -R

"There is no Hell" -A

"You lack intelligence" -R

"You lack intelligence" -A

Shouldn't WE think that it's a little odd to be arguing about something that cannot be "PROVED" or "DISPROVED"?

Why should what we believe or disbelieve, determine OUR positive and negative actions/reactions towards one another?

The Religious want the Atheists wiped off of the planet.

The Atheists want the Religious wiped off of the planet.

We think that this will change the world, but it won't. Religion and Atheists aren't the problem, the problem is mankind. The problem is the hate filled judgement towards others that are "different" from ourselves.

What is different?

What is likeness?

Religious and Atheists are my examples. Two opposites. Belief and disbelief.... Yet they still argue the same. They are both capable of having morals. They are both capable of doing great they are both capable of doing negative things.

If our differences were so important, why is it so easy to find that we share similarities "in our differences"???

10 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    God does not condone of wars. Even God son, Jesus Christ, hates wars. Jesus said that God’s friends would have love among themselves. We do not kill people we love. (John 13:35) It is even wrong for us to kill bad people. When the enemies of Jesus came to arrest him, he did not let his disciples fight to protect him.—Matthew 26:51, 52.

    Source(s): Bible/
  • Davros
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    If only life were that simple.

    Human belief is a dynamic system so believing that there are no winners is something you have subjectively imposed on the argument, it is not known to be true, only believed by some to be so.

    There are many things Humans historically believed that we have abandoned - that flies are created by bad meat, that the sun circles the Earth, that awful smells cause disease or that the Human mind resides in the heart rather than the brain. So why did any of these views change? Why is the battle for these ideologies not still raging in some fixed war? Because when we studied these phenomena we found solutions that made more reasonable sense. I personally believe supernatural belief is just one more such argument. It's on a much grander scale than any one item of folklore, and the erosion of the belief may be much more gradual, but it is not without potential end point. Seeing it as a war is the wrong way to go about it. It's just asking the right questions in life and waiting for people to eventually figure it out for themselves, even if it takes centuries to get there.

    There was a point in Human history when there was no Christianity. There was a point when there was no monotheism, there was a point when there were no religious beliefs. These are additions to what we are, we weren't evolved with them. Anything we have culturally added to ourselves beyond our basic natures is capable of change.

    Now one place you've gone wrong on atheism is categorising it as some sort of religious polar antithesis. Atheism as a world view simply states that there is no belief in a deity. It makes no claims on anything else (not even hell). In it's neutral form atheism is more of a sidestep from the argument rather than one end of it.

    Atheists are just as likely to have no opinion on religious belief. Some might even support or promote it. The point is atheism is a highly narrow single issue viewpoint and the individual atheist's own views are the source of any further opinion.

    Also atheism is not an absolutist position either. Most atheists will say "there is probably no god." rather than roundly declare one is impossible. I consider myself one such "agnostic atheist" and would never say with grandiose conviction "there is no God". I think that position is untenable for the reasons you suggest - it's impossible to prove or disprove and therefore foolish.

    My position is that I lack a belief in a God (or Gods) because the concept lacks compelling evidence. I am not opposed to believing in one IF the evidence is provided. As with all reason, the burden of proof is on the one who makes a claim.

    There are those who are the antithesis of religion and that is anti-theists. They are usually (although not exclusively) atheist. However it's important not to confuse atheists with anti-theists. There are a lot of atheists out there, myself included who wouldn't thank you for it. Whereas I've already stated many atheists probably don't care about religion or debates on God, anti-theists are specifically out to destroy religion. As a philosophy it specifically believes that religion is harmful and destructive and they are much more likely to be categorised as one end of your polar argument.

    Personally my preferred approach is a good education system and an attempt to eradicate poverty and lack of health provision. Let people believe as they will, and time should do the rest.

    Your question also ignores the very real issues in society that the clash of beliefs creates. Issues that aren't so easily categorised into polar opposites. What is your take on abortion rights? How do you feel about the LGBTQ community? Do you accept transgender folk? Should there be a blasphemy law? Should religion have a say in political government? Is adultery punishable by death? Is pork a permissible food? Is removal of a beard a crime? Should children be taught in school to pray? Should a religious family be allowed to let their 8 year old die horribly of a treatable illness because their belief does not allow a blood transfusion? Is it moral for a black person to have a child with a white person?

    These issues are all real and they all affect (or end) lives. When it comes to stuff like the above, the tree-hugging "can't we all just get along?!" routine just won't cut it. It becomes a form of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "laalaalaa" whilst someone somewhere suffers the consequences.

    Regardless of which answer you pick to each individual question, someone else will condemn you for it.

    Human beings are certainly more similar than they are dissimilar, I don't think anyone would dispute that, but we need to strive to make the right choices because the paths they can lead us down can take us to some very bleak places.

    It is my belief that there are wrong answers in the world. And those who would do deliberate harm are likely the ones who made them. That goes for both the religious and non-religious alike.

  • G C
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    It isn't is fixed, but it is certain. Either you are fighting on behalf of God or you are fighting on behalf of Satan and there is no third choice.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The point is that eternal souls are in the balance. Real Christians do not hate atheists and wish them off the planet. They view them as lost people who need salvation. The problem is basically sinful human nature and Jesus is the only cure.

    Source(s): The New Testament (recommended reading)
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  • Up-up, Down-down, Left, Right, Left, Right, (select,if appropriate,) Start!

    Thirty Lives! Take your chances!!!!

    Source(s): Konami
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Bashing. What reaction must another have? More bashing.

    Earth's history? Bashing?

    Unfortunately it works...for a while.

    One side wins....oppresses the other.

    Ppl love their own, hate outside their own.

    Wealthy, VERY wealthy families Rule the entire world,

    and it's 'me and mine'.

    I believe this will continue war, using, abusing the less privileged.

    It seems like RELIGION vs. ATHEISM.

    I think it's power vs. oppressed by the power.

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Why do you ignore FACT and promote fiction?

    The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

    Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin, and asked: "Is there really a paradise and a hell?"

    "Who are you?" inquired Hakuin.

    "I am a samurai," the warrior replied.

    "You, a soldier!" exclaimed Hakuin. "What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? Your face looks like that of a beggar."

    Nobushige became so angry that he began to draw his sword, but Hakuin continued: "So you have a sword! Your weapon is probably much too dull to cut off my head."

    As Nobushige drew his sword Hakuin remarked: "Here open the gates of hell!"

    At these words the samurai, perceiving the master's discipline, sheathed his sword and bowed.

    "Here open the gates of paradise," said Hakuin.

    Source(s): Logic
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    1 John 5:4

    For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    There is no point, that's why I don't participate in that nonsense. Good observation, neighbor.

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