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Christians: Why was Lucifer given the power of death if there is no death in heaven?

Hebrews 2:14

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Lucifer has been trying to ascend to God's heaven to prove God to be liar, following a more advanced version of the same conjecture being pursued by modern science, only Satan's version isn't naive enough to be atheistic.

    He believes that God is not who He claims to be, that He is a randomly formed elohim like all of the other natural intelligences, (better known as 'angels'), only vastly more skilled and intelligent than the others. God has informed Satan and those who are choosing to follow him, (now including deceived humans), that they will NEVER enter His firmament at the height of the physical universe because it requires both material knowledge of the universe and a moral knowledge even to locate it, which only He can provide. God's ability to enter and leave any of the distinct domains of the other elohim is also part of this proof of His status as their Creator. Only one third of them followed this nonsensical conjecture asserting God's dishonesty.

    Death is the end result of the process of sin, (James 1:15). Lucifer had authority over this process until it was destroyed by Christ's work. Now Christ Himself has this authority, (Revelation 1:18). Death will never enter heaven but will be discarded into the same eternal 'lake of fire' where all items and elements of Creation find their destiny after they are no longer useful to God, (Revelation 20:14). That includes Satan himself and everyone who repeatedly attempted to demonstrate God to be a liar by making these foolish ascension attempts. Even after being irrecoverably deceived into believing that God doesn't exist at all, unrighteous humans continue to play out these attempts, wasting their own blood and treasure only to end up in the same 'abyss,' (Luke 8:31, Luke 16:26, Matthew 8:12, Revelation 9), which they see as 'above' a fictional deity, but which is actually out, away and then down, after they fail to alight upon the firmament of God. This separation goes on forever.

    God describes 'space' as a bottomless pit and the eternal home of all unrighteousness. It becomes a permanent residence only when the deception is broken and choice is made with willful knowledge. Unrighteous mankind is headed in this direction while pursuing 'enlightened space aliens.' Their ignorance is the only reason why humans are currently permitted to return 'home' and are not immediately incarcerated alongside their angelic counterparts who are already there. God calls their vast prison 'Tartarus.' The one awaiting humans He calls 'Gehenna.'

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why was Lucifer given the power of death if there is no death in heaven--

    Because anything is possible in fairy tales.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    There is only one person who get the power of death from the Almighty my friends and its not lucifer. It was the angel of death, Izrael. :)

  • Candy
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Jesus says in Revelations 1:18--I am he that liveth,and was dead,but behold;I live forever more;Amen,and have the keys of death,and hell.

    Jesus now controls death,& hell.Jesus went to hell after physically dying for 3 days..And,took the keys of death,& hell away from the Devil.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    When GOD made Adam & Eve HE had planed for them to live forever! But they Sinned and lost it for everyone! If you check ages, they did live for HundredS of years, along with other generations after them!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    death came to creation, and death because of sin

    the creation is not in heaven, it's in the created universe

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You really wasted points just to ask this?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


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