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Body shaming? Why? Answer for answer?

Okay so I'm a girl, 15 , and really fit because I'm a runner and I go to the gym a lot. Well I know that i can't complain because I'm skinny and I love my body but I think that people do shame people for being skinny. (I also think that shaming people who are larger is a problem too)

At school the other day a girl complimented my outfit, I replied "thanks I love your shoes". Than she said " ya you can only pull that off because your a lucky skinny ***** who still looks like your 12". I just kinda said nothing and walked away. But like that was really hurtful.

In the locker room my real bra was on the floor cause I was wearing my sports bra and this other girl commented "is that seriously your bra? I haven't seen a bra that small since I was in grade six" I just answered "ya it is. Why?" And than it was really awkward.

Do you guys think skinny shaming is a real problem or is it just me.?

11 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    It's honestly just jealousy. There's no such thing as being a "lucky" skinny person. People that say that are just too lazy to stay active and take care of thier body. Also remember that skinny does not always mean healthy. Its completely normal to have a smaller chest if you are really think so don't feel bad. You will fill out more don't worry. Just stay involved in fitness and brush off the hate because it'll always be there. From lazy people.

  • 5 years ago

    Body shaming in general is a BIG problem. I, for one, believe that there is no 'perfect body' society is a place where no one is perfect. Honestly, if you are healthy and have a good personality and clean heart then YOU ARE PERFECT, eff the rest of the world. They can do one.

    Body shaming for both men and women has to stop.

  • 5 years ago

    I'm to skinny to my friend people complement on me a lot half the time they are jealous nope u should be glad your skinny ( no offence fat people ) but its better then being chubby I even tried to eat b candy steak hamburgers long story short I cant gain wait But no I realized I'm perfect and so are u and this is a serious answer and yes it is a problem love your body girl u only have young body once

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    People can only body shame us if we let them. If the comments upset you then maybe it's because deep down you are self conscious about your skinny body. You need to work on loving and accepting yourself and not trying to change, only then their comments will stop hurting.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't agree with that, no matter whether you're 20/90lbs over weight or even fatter. Don't have anything nice to say? Don't say anything at all. Giving man a mouth to speak with was God's greatest fall!


  • 5 years ago

    Who gives a damn? **** society and all of their shitty standards. I fit a lot society standards. I also do NOT fit a lot of society's standards. Do you think that I allow either one to shape how I am? NOPE. I literally hate society. Everyone is going through something. Everyone is insecure about something. So instead of lifting everyone up, people decides to find a flaw in YOU (or what they think is a flaw in you) and tear you down for it. Next time she says something rude to you, say something about her. She'll then udnerstand how you feel.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    funny story: i spent my childhood being fat and got consistently bullied for it, i then changed my diet to almost eating nothing so i ended up getting really skinny and had the same people commenting about it. point is some people are trash no matter how you look.

    it's just a small passing period of your life it'll be better eventually.

  • 5 years ago

    Screw them, everyone is different and those monkeys wouldn't understand that. If it makes you feel better I like people despite their physical appearance, and you're beautiful no matter what they're blabbering about. Only dumb, small minded people make remarks like that. Tell them to go eat a banana cause they're not K...

  • 5 years ago

    I pray to live till the day that people learned to mind their own business and everyone lived in peace:\

    You're perfect honey the way you are, let no one tell you else, some girls when get jealous like to say Things which are completely inaccurate.

  • Anyone who says that is jealous. Don't take that to heart because she's only making herself look stupid, you're better than her so be proud of who you are.

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