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  • I am doing an Exteneded project qualification and I need some help...please help me out! :)?

    I have written my intro and I would like some help on two things:

    1) Is the intro ok? Do I need to add anything else?

    2) How would I start my main body for the essay/dissertation?



    "You have heard of the saying “don’t believe everything you read” right? Well, there are a collection of people that do believe everything that they read. Their ability to be fooled poses a question in my mind - “How impactful is media?” With the current state of the world, I would be naive to say that Islam is not being slated every day for the acts of a few. Many are being impacted due to the actions of extremists – some lose their loved ones, others are brutally injured and a number of people are emotionally tortured. In this dissertation I wish to see how media has played a role in this. I wish to see how they have played a role in the increase of islamophobia.

    I will delve into the opinions of the general public – with the aid of primary research and the voices of many I will be able to look into what the people of the United Kingdom have to say about this very controversial topic. I will search the web looking for content – reading comments and accumulating a variety of sources to allow me to form an unbiased judgement on the matter. Where there is good there is bad, as a result I will also search for if media has helped to reduce the rise of islamophobia. I expect to see a mixture of the two responses."

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Year 12 work experience advice?

    I am aspiring to be a maths teacher - wanting to work in a secondary school.

    I am currently in Year 12 and we have been told to find a place where we can get work experience during the upcoming summer holidays. Where could I go and get work experience if I want to be a teacher, like I won't be able to get any suitable experience if all schools are closed...can I please get some suggestions please?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education5 years ago
  • Please can Muslim ladies answer this question?

    Asalam mu alaikum

    So basically, I am a 17 year old girl... Born a Muslim. My parents are both Muslims, my mum never really answers any of my questions that I have about Islam, probably because she doesn't know herself. And I can't really ask my dad because they're not ones to ask him.

    In Islam is it permissible to remove arm and leg hair?

    Is it allowed to remove the hair of the moustache region?

    Please can you keep the language simple as I don't understand the complicated Arabic words... And can you provide quotes from the Quran if possible?

    Jazakallah in advance!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago