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Republican logic. Republican President goes into middle east and destabilizes the region. But the subsequent president and secretary of?

State are responsible. Despite not being in a position to effect the outcome.. It's them.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    The Republican MO has always been to blame all the worlds problems on the Democrats if for no other reason than to take the attention off of them. If they can make you and I believe the Democrats are the problem then we note them into office, regardless of what the truth is. This has been their standard procedure literally since WWI. You also have to understand that Obama is trying very hard to keep American troops out of the Middle East. Any way you look at it the Middle East is a unresolvable quagmire that could eat up any presidency. This could very easily be portrayed as a do nothing attitude, when in reality it's a simple understanding of the situation. Obama didn't come up with this on his own. The CIA, State Department and the DOD are all telling him the same thing, keep involvement in the Middle East to a minimum no matter how much of a temptation it is to send in the Marines.

  • 5 years ago

    It only took a couple of weeks for the Bush admin. to learn that their invasion of Iraq could not succeed. When our troops had to sit by helplessly and watch the Iraqis unload an enormous weapons cache, because we didn't have enough people there to stop them, we knew we'd lost. Every one of Bush's real military experts told him it wouldn't work. They told him we'd need half a million troops to stabilize a country the size of Iraq, but he didn't listen to them. He wanted to be a 'war president'.

    But at this point, Bush couldn't just say 'Oh well, we failed. Let's bring the troops home and pretend it never happened'. He saw that his only option as to keep the war going indefinitely at any cost, keep insisting that total victory was just around the corner. Sooner or later the Democrats would take it out of his hands and end it, and then for decades after that the Republicans could insist we were doing great in Iraq! We were WINNING but the Dems chose instead to SURRENDER.

    The GOP has not been able to deal with the Bush failure! When has it ever been in our history that a sitting president wasn't invited to his party's national convention? Today Republicans have to pretend they don't even remember him! Their whole primary process this year was taken over by an angry circus peanut because none of the 'establishment' candidates were able to offer any ideas significantly different from what failed so badly for Bush!

  • 5 years ago

    Obama and Hilary are responsible for what they did; not for what Bush did.

    Just because Bush didn't do everything right doesn't mean Obama, who has now been President for almost eight years, can blame Bush for the things he still can't handle.

    p.s. you say "destabilizes the region" as if the Middle East was a wonderful, peaceful place to live prior to the invasion.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Your assessment and understanding could not be more wrong. When Bush left office, the Middle East was extraordinarily stable. It was under Obama, who abandoned Iraq and Afghanistan and gave rise to ISIS and the resulting wave of death and refugees sweeping into Europe. To truly understand how out of his depth Obama was in understanding the crisis he created, he referred to ISIS as the 'JV Team'. If that doesn't speak to the man's ignorance and incompetence, nothing does. As to Hillary, rather than blaming Benghazi on the Islamic extremists who organized and carried out the attack, SHE blame America and Americans for the attack. She even had a fat little guy out in California arrested and imprisoned for 'causing the attack' in Libya!!

    And all of that went straight over your little head.

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  • 5 years ago

    I agree with you that they were unable to have an effect on the outcome. Despite being the President and Secretary of State of the most powerful nation on this planet, ineffective people seldom become more than just ineffective people.

  • 5 years ago

    What do you mean they were not in a position to effect the outcome???? Off course they have all sorts of opportunities to effect the outcome and they consistently chose the wrong path. But they insist in blaming it all on GWB... That's Liberal loigic.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Liberal idiot logic. 0bama and Hillary aren't responsible for anything ever. Neither am I, because as an adult baby liberal, I'm incompetent at life and can't deal with any real responsibility.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You mean like Libya, Egypt, and Syria? Those are all on Obama and Hillary

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hillary took hundreds of millions in FAKE DONATIONS (bribes) so she must have done SOMETHING for all that payola...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    ... not being in position to effect the outcome?

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