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Who are today's heroes? The Gandhis, the MLKs, the Abraham Lincolns?

We tend to view history with rose-colored glasses a lot of the time. It's interesting to think how the history book will treat the 2010s.

Who do you think are the people that will be reflected on as the moral leaders and pioneers of our time?

6 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think today's heroes are the guys in Tech.

    When the early 2000s are spoken of in the future, I bet people like Steve Jobs will get spoken of with hero worship more than any politician.

    I went back and watched some of Steve Jobs product introductions on Youtube, for things like the iPhone and iPod. Truly stuff that revolutionized our lives. In 2007, the iPhone was introduced, and now virtually everyone is walking around with them or competing versions.

    Other heroes of our age would be folks like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg,

  • 5 years ago

    Interestingly enough, those who are most hated and despised are often the trail-blazers who we deify in the future. The sort of alternative to that is recognizing those who just weren't on ANYONE'S radar during their lifetime. People who created things and either went unrecognized, unrealized, or perhaps what they did was not understood or the purported significance of it wasn't seen or even perceived to be useful/relevant at the time, and in some cases people who were moved to do things, perhaps create great works in some field or another, but were not interested in the 'publicity' or attention it might bring if they were to speak openly and advocate their life's work. Today we are constantly discovering the latter by means of revised history, and as more educated people are able to pursue more avenues and missing links from the past. It's truly fascinating and worthy of discussion on so many levels, and this (your question) is but one of many many others that will spark a genuine appreciation for the vastness of human potential. We moved out of the dark ages, and ever since things have, if not vastly improved, the tendency towards making 'progress' has been an upward climb for good or ill. I think an issue I'm fascinated with is stepping back from it all and asking "what is the intrinsic value and the utility of consistent progress that even outstrips the pace of human ability? Is 'progress' inherently assumed as good, and are there drawbacks to assuming this?

    One thing that is prevalent in our world is that progress, at the very least is synonymous with time. We're all aware of it, we're all aware that we're constantly building better mouse traps and making better ways of doing so, but the process isn't anything we can refine. It is very dependent on circumstance, and trying to guess what TYPE of progress gets made. Today it's in the form of mass communication mostly, and in the past those who indulged their desire to forecast what the future would be like tended to envision flying cars, and a generally scientifically advanced state of robotics...and that HAS HAPPENED, but the concentration of it has been placed on computers, and creating ways and means of communication, particularly remote communication that can be done with little space/time interference. The "bigger is better" is more often not the case when it comes to technology...people want small phones, smaller computers, even if they do want larger TVs and such, they want a smaller medium to manage where at all possible.

  • Athena
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The Gandhis, MLKs and Lincolns were not heroes then.

    They are only heroes now.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Those people weren't heroes in their own times. It may be that Obama and Hillary will both be recognized as positive pivotal figures in the future.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No one. The history books will look down on this millennium.

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