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Umer ali asked in HealthMen's Health · 5 years ago

my friend said that he was masturbating and some blood came out his penis he only 14 years old same as me?


Is this normal

Update 2:

plsssss answer

Update 3:

it really embarrassing to go to a doctor and tell your dad or moher

Update 4:

Their no blood after he washed it and no blood now

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Don't muck around with blood coming out of penis, get that checked out by doctor straight away if he wants to keep his penis

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It happens more often than you might think. Blood vessels inside the penis can bust temporarily due to holding/stroking too hard and/or fast. Unless it was a lot, or didn't stop, then there's nothing to be concerned about with his penis.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    are you sure "he" was masturbating and not menstruating?

    quite probably what is termed a urine infection which has caused a little internal inflammation and soreness. doc will sort it out with some antibiotics.

    if "he" is too shy to go to the docs it could get worse and far more painful. worst case scenario would be the infection would become septic, this could cause septicemia so it's much better "he" gets it sorted out.

  • kelvin
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    he needs to have his dad take him too the doctor

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