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I have asked my liberal friends why they call trump racist and sexist but none could answer so I thought I would ask you fine people. Thanks?

23 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    it's kinda hard to explain something to a person when it's literally happening right in front of their face. Even with all of the video evidence showing him saying racist and sexist things at his rallies and on live TV during interviews, if you're still not convinced that any of it is racist/sexist, then I wouldn't be surprised if they're lost for words that you still haven't been convinced at this point(seeing how Trump has already been elected). Keep in mind that people back in the 1960's didn't realize that what they're doing was bad until decades down the line, heck a lot of people still aren't convinced that what they did back then was racist and sexist.

  • 4 years ago

    The thought occurs to me to that maybe you couldn't get an answer because you don't actually have any liberal friends. But heck, I'll play.

    1. Trump suggested that most and perhaps all immigrants from south of the border (who most often have noticeable non-European characteristics) are rapists and other criminals while some might be good people but he doesn't know.. When challenged on this he asked "If they aren't doing all the raping, who is?"

    2. Back in the day, Trump got dinged by the Justice Department for not renting to black people regardless of their credit history. Before he even started playing around with politics his mistrust of black people featured in the tell-all books his former subordinates would write

    3. Trump declared his intent to shut down trade with Japan, China and Mexico via unaffordable tariffs.

    4. He passed on a lie about how over 80% of white murder victims were killed by black people and threw his full support behind any cop who killed someone in the line of the duty without consideration of circumstance, and said he wants to bring back stop and frisk.

    5. His proposal to ban all Muslims from crossing the border and register all the Muslims inside the borders, and his proposals to legalize torture of terrorism suspects (not for any practical purpose, just for revenge), and assassinate their families. While technically a religion is not a race, and an argument can be made that Middle Easterners are not a separate race from Europeans, and there are many terrorists who are not Middle Eastern, the reality is that Muslims of European extraction are few and far between, and Trump does not seem to have have been thinking of of non-middle eastern terrorists when he suggested those ideas any more than when he repeated that canard about Pershing suppressing the Moro uprising in the Philippines by burying the prisoners he executed with pigs. Nor were the "thousands" of people cheering 9/11 that he falsely claimed to have seen apparently of European extraction.

    7. Trump has repeatedly and publicly evaluated a woman's personal worth as being a matter of her appearance. He once said in an interview that when it it comes to women "You have to treat them like (excrement)" He said that putting a wife to work is a dangerous thing because, like his buildings, once they become successful they start to bore him.

  • -j.
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    He called a Latina woman "Miss Housekeeping". That's racist, no two ways about it.

    He said a judge couldn't be impartial because "he's Mexican" (the judge was born in Indiana). Trump later followed that up with an interview with Jake Tapper, who asked if he didn't think that saying someone couldn't do his job because of his race, was racism. Trump: "No, I don't think so at all". That's either racist, or Trump is too stupid to know what racism is, or both.

    I'm sure you will see other examples and ignore them also.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    did you point a machine gun at them at the time you asked?

    Trump is on record for plenty of racial and sexist remarks. starting 1973, when the United States Department of Justice went to court with a racial discrimination complaint against the Trump family business. Donald Trump sued right back but lost.

    He also has been quoted as "I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.” which he did not dispute and said himself it is probably true that he said it. The whole birther movement has been regarded as essential racist in which Trump was heavily involved.

    As to sexist "grab them by the pussy" says a lot...

    I could go on, but it is all part of public record and you can google "misogynist Trump" to find some of them.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Why do I think your friends say Trump's a racist and sexist?

    To play lawyer, my clients have no further statements to issue.


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Probably racist from the Illegal immigrant comment and sexist from his grabbing vagina comment to Billy Bush.

    Neither comments are directly racist or sexist, but they do tend to show a lack of respect that could easily move toward racism and sexism.

  • Andy F
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Hmm. I wonder if you're who you claim to be.

    To answer your question, (A) I think it was hugely racist of him to keep alive the "birther" conspiracy theory about Obama, the first nonwhite US president, supposedly being born in Kenya. Whether Trump meant to be racist in repeatedly attacking Obama as an alien, allegedly born in Africa, his position encouraged a lot of racist white people to vent against Obama in particular, and against black people in general.

    (B) Trump's remarks about Mexican immigrants consisting of "rapists" and "murderers" may have been rooted in a few individual cases of real rapists and murderers, but it was a huge over-generalized stereotype that fed into anti-Latino, white, anti-immigrant racism.

    (C) His sexism to me seems so obvious that I'm amazed anyone is asking about it.

    (C1) He slammed Carly Fiorina in the GOP primary debates, based on her looks.

    (C2) He attacked Megyn Kelly for a critical question by indicating that he thought it came from her being on her period, and

    (C3) there's the video from several years ago in which he's bragging to Billy Bush about having groped the genital areas of pretty women.

    I think you already know all this and you're posting this question as an anti-Trump troll. If you're seriously unaware of why many people consider Trump racist and sexist, please wake up and smell the coffee.

    My understanding is that millions of Trump supporters, including Christian evangelicals and Republican women, voted for him DESPITE disliking his sexism and racism. In fact, he got something like 39% of the Hispanic vote.

    But to give these people credit, at least they're not ignoring the evidence of what he's been like. You shouldn't either.

    -- democratic socialist

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I have asked my liberal friends why they call trump racist and sexist but none could answer so I thought I would ask you fine people. Thanks?

    BS > ur just another LYING, STUPID HATE MONGER deserving elmination so Life can be GREAT ! !

  • 4 years ago

    Easy. Look at the way he talks about women he dislikes - calls them fat, pigs, etc.

    For race, look at the example of the American-born judge Trump claimed couldn't be impartial due to his Mexican ancestry. Or alternately, look at Trump's hesitation to denounce white nationalism or the endorsement of Ku Klux Klan hero David Duke.

    Trump's nasty record speaks for itself.

  • 4 years ago

    There was that time in 1993 where Trump, with the help of his political toadie Roger Stone bought a bunch of pretty damned racist ads that stigmatized native Americans as the source of "crime, broken families, bankruptcies and, in the case of the Mohawks, violence." in his bid to discourage the construction of Indian Reservation Casinos in the Northeast.

    How is attempting to raise public ire through race based stereotyping for your own gain not both racist and sleazy as hell?

    You're welcome.

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