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Is it safe to say that darkness and space are the ONLY things God did not create and kind of Alpha -Omega too?

14 Answers

  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Actually, scripture indicates that light in its various forms of energy has always existed, and that darkness is what needs to be created.

    It has long been a mystery, that only somewhat recently seems to be understood, why the sky is dark and not mostly bright.



    The space this universe occupies even if seemingly empty contains a space-time field, if I understand what is taught. Outside this field, our universe probably doesn't exist. This is why scientists talk about the inflation of our universe, its expansion. If there were unlimited space in all directions, inflation could not happen.

    The Bible speaks about our universe being created which means it is a virtual one. If it is a virtual universe, it would naturally be limited just like a game in a computer would be.

  • 4 years ago

    Your question reveals an ignorance of science. Space came into existence as part of the big bang, not as a pre- existing place for expansion . Darkness is only within the context of a universe, as in you saying something is dark, it's not a thing in itself. As long as you're looping back to creation to find the creator, you won't have a proper concept of God.

  • 4 years ago

    Darkness is the absence of light and God is light. When God decided to start the creation of our universe (a creation additional to His dwelling where He is in unapproachable light, surrounded by angelic hosts He also created) time had to be created for the Big Bang to begin. This is supposing that the BB was the process triggered for matter to start expanding. It takes time for matter to expand, you see, and it takes space for matter to expand into.

    This seems, to me, to mean that what little info the Bible gives us, shows that God had to create time, matter, and space. Darkness was the condition of that matter and that space, until God then created light on Day One. Scientists tell us that light, in myriad forms but not visible light, would 'happen' at the start. But visible light took till stars formed, and that took a lot of time! However, the many other light wave forms that exist apart from visible light came into operation as God triggered His laws of physics at the start of this process.

    Your question is not 'safe' because it implies that visible light waves are the only ones in question. Not so. Visible light waves came much later on and could only begin when stars burst into incandescent, visible, light. But all the other light waves had been around long before, at the very start. I have no idea where you get the notion that God could not create space. If you think of our universe starting out with sudden, massive growth (expansion) like a balloon expanding with air pumped furiously into it, that might be appropriate as an illustration. Or maybe not. I'm not a scientist. The Bible uses the contrasts of darkness being filled with light; chaos being ordered; emptiness being filled. That's the simple Genesis account, yet its profundity matches that of the BB.

    As for your Alpha-Omega hint: before our universe started, God had already created His 'realm' and the angelic hosts. Another universe not ruled by time (for God dwells in eternity), full of His light, and comprised of spirit beings (for God is Spirit, not matter, and so are the angels). What, really, is "safe to say" when we know so little?

    Source(s): God, the Big Bang & Bunsen Burning Issues, Ed. Nigel Bovey (Authentic 2008) where 15 scientists answer questions on this.
  • 4 years ago

    No, I don't think that at all.

    Alpha means beginning.

    Omega means the end.

    God made both the beginning and the end.

    Also, John 1 tells us that if it exists, then Jesus created it.

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  • User
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    According to the Big Bang theory, space (the space that we know, the space that exists in our Universe) has not always existed. It began to exist when our Universe began to exist - that is, after the Big Bang.

    I would suppose that darkness has not always existed, either. (Consider the state of the "singularity", containing all matter and all energy in the Universe - all of the stars, for example - compressed to a "point". I would imagine that it was very, very, very bright on the "inside" of that singularity, which thing existed "before" the Universe existed, which thing became our Universe.)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Einstein proved that space is not empty. Have you heard of 'dark matter'? It is the mysterious energy that hol the universe together.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i disagree.

    if darkness n space are un-created, it means they are outside of God ..

    which means they have their own power or is subject to another power ...

    which makes no sense.

    in the bible, God tell us that He creates EVERYTHING ...

    John 1.3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    it pays to know the bible ... truth, truth, truth

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Theists will claim thats part of 'gods' 'plan' but its all horse pucky and ho hum but then again theists always claim they have the answer.

    As to the darkness of space question, thats one of those WTF things that nobody can answer its there thats about all we know and in many ways its fascinating to know so little about something that makes up so much of space.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    darkness is the source of all in cosmos as from this darkness the light was created. darkness is not evil as some would say.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    Darkness and coldness are not created because they have no source.

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