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lovechild asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 4 years ago

Can you visualize where this poem came to be?

60 MPH by LCF 2016 (for 5 more hours)

The feeling I get

careening down a dark road slick with rain

windshield wiper metronome

melodic squeal of tires

I revel in terrified delight

knowing a slight turn of the wheel

could stop all possible futures;

in that moment, no worries can assail me

the bills that I can’t pay,

the aches and pains as I wake,

the people I can never please no matter how I try

fade to insignificance

as I watch the headlights of the other cars

and the reflecting arrows

all happening in slow motion

at 60 miles per hour


Yep it is me driving, it is my greatest joy, especially on twisting precarious roads...

9 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    You don't say who's driving... is that on purpose? You say a slight turn of the wheel could end your future(s), but that still doesn't tell us you're in control. Why am I asking? I don't know---it just seems to matter somehow, when I try to crawl into the mind of the one writing the poem up there. Is she huddled in the corner of the passenger seat, fresh bruises on her face, a book of poems clutched in her hands? Or is she fleeing for her life...gripping the wheel with slippery palms...or maybe she's simply driving home from work. Your poem gives us clues to her life but cleverly hides more recent, potentially significant details. Anyhoo---your poem forced me to stop and re-read it a few times, and ponder it, and I guess you have yourself a real poem here. It's not perfect, but what is nowadays? It's pretty good. Especially the last two lines---a first rate ending. Good to see you LC... and Happy New Year.

  • 4 years ago

    It has been a while since I received anything from you. The poem was worth waiting for, I can not tell you where it happen but with me behind the wheel any road. As for the time it is now, the older I get more people seem to want to change me or mold me into what they see. Great to see you and a happy new year.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Very nice, which my autocorrect want to rewrite as Wet nigh. Works either way

    Poem by Autocorrect

    Bigger gravity plugs

    Light vesicles strike

    Hygienic lodge equals

    Khufu's shill welcomes

    Therapie Gnome drei Jahren

    This is what you get

    when you let

    Spell check 👋 the frets

    Source(s): Happy and Safe new year! Keep passing the Jersey barriers.
  • 4 years ago

    where it came to be, in the mind, as for why it came to be is another matter

    a journey whether real or imagined is never the less still a journey

    this particular one is a journey all can relate to

    a moment in time perhaps

    or a story that unfolds from the poet

    either way written in a manor pleasing to the eye

    of the them they will seek their own understanding

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  • 4 years ago

    Yes I can , In slow motion I can see the headlights the steering wheel moving the windscreen the dash flouting past in ( Slow Motion ) But I can not feel anything ... '' This poem is a journey a geographical journey for me .

    Really Good 'Really, good ... ''You've been there haven't you ?

  • doe
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Being on a spiritual level with all the frustrations of life makes the mind veer towards headlights. Just remember to keep the wheels straight. Hugs.

  • 4 years ago

    There are beautiful periods of time, or time capsules, that are

    a small window of time where nothing else matters. You captured

    that moment in cogent fashion LC. Good effort. Thomas

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    1998 around Las Vegas.

    Glad to sea U loveliest of ladies.

  • 4 years ago

    while watching the movie "need for speed" :)

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