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Why is there so much feminism?

Why is there so much feminism lately? I am a female who turned 18 in August 2016 and recently started college. I never thought about feminism unless I was in History class. But once I got to college, everyone thought that feminism was a big thing and not the classic feminism, the modern day feminism where all women are still suffering and blah blah blah. I mean, these people still think that we are being oppressed. We're not. I don't know if the world was always this way and I just couldn't see it because I was a sheltered little girl or if people have always felt this way. But why do they? I mean, I don't feel oppressed....

6 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    Because women still don't make as much as men for the same work. Because Donald Trump was able to be elected president despite his blatant misogyny. Because women still aren't trusted to make their own choices about their bodies, their healthcare, and their reproduction. Because pop culture still teaches men that they are entitled to women as rewards for achievement. Because nobody bats an eye if men go topless, but its the end of the world if a woman breastfeeds in public.

  • 4 years ago

    Feminism is about equality of the sexes. I have first hand experience with the wage gap and discrimination in the work field, get asked questions my male co-workers would never be asked, along with have to work twice as hard as them to get half the credit. You are young still, just wait till you go out into the world and experience it yourself.

  • 4 years ago

    American women still make 80 cents to every one dollar that American men make for the same job. That's partial oppression.

    It's way better for women now than it was in 1890. But, still.

    Also, because it's so much better for women, today, a lot of women ran with that, and it got to their head.

  • 4 years ago

    I think on principle, it has something to do with finally breaking the patrimonial barrier of equal-pay and/or career opportunity, and certain statistics can be pointed to loosely for supportive evidence that this still exists in pockets of modern society... but in actual practice it has to do with personal empowerment and looking for a cause to promote issues of so-called "social justice".

    To some extent, it should be "genderism" that should be viewed as the enemy not "patrimony". When patrimony is the enemy, then "feminism" is just another form of "genderism" warring against "masculism" and in such a battle "matriarchy" subconsciously becomes the goal. Just like the enemy should be "racism" of any kind, not simply the demonization of "White Privilege" in favor of some equally racist "Black Power" or "Asians First" mentality.

    The empowerment factor is what attracts people to feminism or other social justice issues, just as empowerment once attracted Democrats to the KKK or modern skinheads to White-Power movements. Most men and women (and also people of diverse ethic backgrounds) would do far better to cultivate complimentary relationships that celebrate and honor gender or genetic differences without feeling some need to hold issues over others' heads... but as you can tell, tribalism is alive and well and ruining things on college campuses everywhere.

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  • 4 years ago

    Because there is still sexism. But... To overcome it we only need empathy and compassion. To make a oppressed Vs oppressor narrative, we need feminism. Theorical feminism is about it, not equality. See for yourself. Read S.C.U.M, and wherever feminist writers, Beauvoir, Woolf, Andrea Dowrkin, Kate Millet, Betty Friedan, Emmeline Pankhurst, even Chimamanda. If you want to know, there is many girls that disgusts feminism, despite what they say.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Because most people are women.

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