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? asked in Social SciencePsychology · 4 years ago

Why are people ok with having a s.h.i.t body?

We only live once. So why are so many people fine with being very overweight and gross? Why don't people want to see what they're capable of and being healthy? Why don't they want to feel good about themselves? All it takes is a LITTLE self discipline and a person will be happy thier whole life. I just don't understand how most people are ok with it.

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    To really understand someone else, my experience is that you need to speak with them directly, not just post a question to the internet, where people give short and unverified answers. If you are truly interested in an answer, I'd say find one of your friends or associates that fits that description, and diplomatically ask whether they are happy with their weight, and if not, how they got there, and why they don't do something about it. Or are they? Again, ask diplomatically.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Life's short. So why waste it on eating grass (aka salad). Rather live short and delicious than long and disgusting

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