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Lv 6

If the Bible wasn't inspired, how could it predict where The Messiah would be born about 700 years before the birth of Jesus? Prophecy below?

Micah 5:2

2 And you, O Bethʹle·hem Ephʹra·thah,+

The one too little to be among the thousands* of Judah,

From you will come out for me the one to be ruler in Israel,+

Whose origin is from ancient times, from the days of long ago.

10 Answers

  • Great Point. According to the Jewish Bible, which accurately predicted the Messiah and His role and was **written centuries** BEFORE Jesus ever arrived.

    And we know for sure these descriptions of the arriving Messiah were written centuries earlier.

    How? Archeology… By the most important archeological discovery in the early 20th century – THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS - which predate Jesus.

    When the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in the mid 20th century (in a cave near the Dead Sea in Israel) – they had been there since the time of Jesus. So, we now had copies dating back 1,000 years past the oldest copies that we had up to that point.

    The Bible predicted about the Messiah:

    • Born in Bethlehem..... The Jewish prophet said so in Micah 5:2

    • Reach many in Galilee..... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 9:1

    • Born a descendant of David..... The Jewish prophet said so in 2 Samuel 7:12-13

    • Be a Leader like Moses.......... The Jewish prophet said so in Deuteronomy 18:18

    • Enter Jerusalem on a donkey..... The Jewish prophet said so in Zechariah 9:9

    • Arrive after King David died..... The Jewish prophet said so in 2 Samuel 7:12-13

    • A rejected man....... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 53:3

    • Die as a substitute for others..... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 53:5

    • Be pierced..................... The Jewish prophet said so in Zechariah 12:10

    • Rise from the dead...... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 53:10

    • Have followers from all nations...... The Jewish prophet said so in Daniel 7:14

    And even MORE important..............

    • Messiah was to arrive BEFORE The Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E..... See -> Daniel 9:26 (Rome destroyed the Temple in the year 70CE. And Daniel (written centuries before this event) said the Messiah would arrive before this was to happen.


    This is just the start…. Many more prophecies fulfilled.


    Again – these Jewish writers all wrote centuries before Messiah Jesus ever arrived. So how do people conspire over centuries to make a fallacy - i.e. I will write this prophecy 700 years earlier and you – in the future claim fulfillment in Jesus. Really – How?? They cannot talk to each other across time?? Important Point. Please explain that if possible.

    It would be like you writing a book TODAY and making prophecies about a man to live in the future year 2717 (700 years from now).

    A) Why would you even bother?

    B) How could you conspire with the people then (700 years from now) to make sure it was fulfilled?

    No other “religious book” has this. That is what makes the Bible so unique.

    And this is just the start…..

    The reasons list goes on and on,

    There is not a shadow of doubt - Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) was/is the Messiah of Israel.

    Source(s): . I am an Author and a Jewish Believer in Jesus (a Messianic Jew) for 30+ years. I have lectured in 26 States across the USA.
  • 4 years ago

    The Bible, large as it is, is just a synopsis of 6,000 years of history. But the detail given is enough. Bethlehem, as the birthplace of Jesus is supported by Roman Law. That is the way the census was ordered. To bad many depend on the bias of the unlearned to promote their own ideas

    True. The Bible really is the inspired word of God. And equally true, the adversary of pure worship can be counted on to promote any and all ideas to discredit Jehovah God. And many are the ones who will never inquire into the facts to find out for themselves as whether the Bible can be trusted. Could it be these ones do not want to get to know God? Or to learn to love him? Look for yourself at 1 John 4:8 and see why it is they cannot get accurate knowledge of the God who is the personification of Love.

    More at

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • 4 years ago

    Well since we have only the word of people in a book written at least 50+ years after the assumed event how, exactly, do we know Jesus (if he was even very born) WAS born in Bethlehem? We do know there was no great migration of people to their 'home towns' during that time since there is no record of it in Roman records (and Romans recorded everything of interest, and a world wide tax would have been of interest).

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Just a thought "about" is not a prediction and many have claimed the title of Messiah and the books chosen to create the bible in the fourth century were written long after the promoted event.

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  • Nous
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    But the Judaic prophesy defined it and Jesus failled big style to live up to it!

    The so called census is a total fraud since a census seeks to find people who live in an area and not where they were born. Better still Mary would have had to go to her birth town!

    Do please try and look at reality!

  • Corey
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    That's not a prophesy of Jesus. Jesus didn't rule Israel.

    What Matthew did was skim through the Hebrew Bible, taking anything he thought could be made sound like a prophesy, and then made up a biography for his version of Jesus to fit those appropriated prophesies. Since he was using a poor translation, you end up with a lot of stuff that's not even in the Hebrew Bible, in addition to all the things that aren't really prophesies, and the things that his Jesus doesn't even fulfill.

    Also note, that in the original Hebrew, Bethlehem isn't a reference to a city, but to a clan. We know this because cities in Hebrew always have a female gender linguistically. And if you read a few verses further in Micah, it's clear that he's talking about a military ruler.

  • Myles
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Those who wrote the New Testament would have been aware of this prophecy and, having an interest in its fulfillment, would have written something that appears to make this true. Unfortunately, Jesus (assuming such a person even existed) wouldn't have been born in Bethlehem, as he was supposedly born around the time of a big census. If such a census were underway, Joseph and his family would have been in their current town of residence, not the place of Joseph's birth - that is how censuses work.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


  • Den B7
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Some of what appears in the bible was spoken by God himself.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Do you know how the Sorcerer's Stone predicts that Harry Potter will defeat Voldemort and in Deathly Hallows that "prophecy" comes true? Same thing.

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