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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 years ago

How can we save the left?

In the wake of the UC Berkley attack/riot/meltdown how can we save the left? I do not like what my side has become.

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    It is not for me to save the left, I don't see myself as left or right,conservative or liberal, because in the end they are all wrong on some issues and none of them really cares about the average person.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Tell me about it. I used to be liberal, but they so moved away from their old views that now I am libertarian.

    Liberals used to be the champions of free speech. Now they are the champions of PC speech. I could not even imagine liberals of 15 years ago talking about banning "hate speech".

    My answer is simple. Recognize the truth. As misguided as liberals believe that conservatives are, they are not for destroying our country. They may be wrong, but they are NOT evil. They may not understand the social issues that come with being black, but that does not mean they are all racist.

    It used to be that liberals met the conservative beliefs with facts and discussed. Now they insult.

    Freedom of speech applies to all. There is no speech that is off the table. There should NEVER be a ban on "hate speech". The whole ideology is ignorant. How can you ever hope to engage with peopel and change views if you don't know the views in the first place?

    We are no longer even trying to reduce racism. We are trying to force people to be to afraid to even talk about what they believe and why. How can you ever hope to change beliefs if you don't even know what the beliefs are???

    Liberals USED to know that love and truth was the only way to reduce hatred and anger. Now they use hatred and anger.

    They need to focus on the truth again. If they can't make an argument using facts and logic, they shouldn't even be making the argument.


    Note I spend my time here mostly attacking liberals. They see me as the enemy. They do not even notice the other things I do.

    I attack racism here. I attack homophobia here. I attack sexism here.

    What they see is me attacking their views and thus I must be the enemy. In truth I am trying to HELP them. I don't want Trump for 8 years. I am a moderate. I am the one liberal NEED to win and election. I actually lean left. Thing is that I also live in middle America. I know how and why people here think they way they do.

    When I give a rationale as to why a liberal is wrong, that is their opportunity to hear exactly what argument is going to be used against them.

    You cannot hope to defeat your opponent if you know nothing about your opponent. In fact, you can't ever really defeat your opponent. We are together is this country. Defeating the "conservatives" will always lead to a backlash. Changing their hearts and minds, however, can change the US and the world.

    The liberals have gone from trying to change hearts and minds to telling those who disagree to shut up and sit down in the back of the bus. How likely are people do to what they are told to do as opposed to what they are convince they should do?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Specific to the current unrest, they could start by simply disapproving of that behavior. Right now, it is encouraged either through silence, through excuse making, or through outright encouragement like that of Mr. Obama and the Hollywood crowd.

    Bigger picture, I don't think that becoming the party of obstructionism is a good long term idea for either party. That is what got an outsider, Trump, elected. He knew he could not win the nomination over Hillary, because it was her turn. But, he is not REALLY a big republican either. He is an outsider. But, he promised to get things done and he was not part of what people are tired of seeing.

    I would suggest that they become the party that gets things done. That is the only way forward. If they become the party of obstructionism, that will play to the hardcore base quite well, but not that fickle middle chunk that you need to win elections.

    Also, they might want to think about working class Americans a bit more and fractured, trouble making, special interest groups a whole lot less.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The left will always live on by preying on people's ignorance and greed.

    A good example is your question. You *assume* - without any reason - that the left should be saved. Yet you are looking at their own disgusting violent fascism, and wondering how to save it.

    The left is in total confusion.

    It can be understood in two phases.

    Their original mission was to abolish the market for capital goods, because they thought - and still do - that employment and profit are intrinsically exploitative. This was a complete disaster, and caused tens of millions of deaths and the destruction of job, industries and lives. But they still think they are morally superior and know better than everyone else.

    Then they shifted their struggle to the idea that social relations are intrinsically exploitative, for their dream of total government control of everything. The UC attacks show the result.

    Leftism is all about violent attack against society. They prefer to do it through the State; and when they can't, they just do it anyway.

    Why would you want to save it?

    Why not *re-think* your beliefs, and actually support freedom for a change?

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  • Elliot
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    If you're blaming all leftists for the rioting at Berkeley, then you're probably just a conservative troll.

  • 4 years ago

    You know damn well the media camera will always be focused on the very worst offenders.

    Otherwise, the protest was perfectly justified and accomplished something worth accomplishing:

    Breitbart news is a fascist outlet, 100% dedicated to lies and a fascist society.

    They have no place speaking in an institution dedicated to knowledge.

    Yiannopoulos is a man who dedicated his life to lying and obscurantism. He does not deserve to speak at any university.

    And this is actually conservatism.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    By growing a brain and not basing all your political beliefs on your feelings.

    That's why you lost, you refused to look at facts and just thought about how sad everyone was and why we must help!

    Recently in the Lourve there was a lockdown because an Arab went running in with a machete screaming "Allah Akbar" and whenever Trump said there are bad people in that group of refugees, liberals just went,

    "Oh poor immigrants and nasty Trump."

    If Clinton was president, instead of a ban, we would have stronger police force and more surveillance on our lives.

  • 4 years ago

    How does the virtue parade?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    This is how grass roots activism comes into being. People are fired up. Eventually they will channel that into politics. There are stumbles along the way.

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