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Where islam born?

6 Answers

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Oh come on everyone knows the truth that Islam and the Qur’an is a mere 1,400 year old badly re written version of the 2,000 year old Christian religion!

    Whilst imitation is said to be the sincerest form of flattery no imitation can ever be better than the original

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    In Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

  • 4 years ago

    In the pits of hell some have said.....

    Muslims are a captive people in need of being rescued, because they are trapped by Islam.

    Islam is oppressive and uses sharia law and deception to control the people by force.

    It only benefits the few at the top and the people are trapped or killed if they try to escape.

    Escaping Islam ‘Seeking Allah and finding Jesus’

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Muhammad (c. AD 570—632) was from Mecca, a city near the Red Sea in what is now Saudi Arabia. An orphan from childhood, Muhammad was raised by an uncle, a man named Abu Talib, and became a merchant. Muhammad was a religious man, often going on retreats to the mountains where he would pray. During one of these retreats, he reported being visited by the angel Gabriel, who supposedly gave Muhammad a revelation from Allah, the Muslim name for God. Muhammad reported having several other revelations from Allah as well, and Muslims regard him as Allah’s last and greatest prophet to mankind.

    Early on in his endeavors, Muhammad did not win many followers; many of the Meccan tribes were hostile to him and opposed his message. Muhammad moved north to the city of Medina for protection. After eight years of conflict with the Meccan tribes, Muhammad gathered 10,000 converts, took up arms, and marched against Mecca. He and his followers took over Mecca and destroyed all the pagan idols there. There was very little bloodshed or resistance from Mecca, and the city fell to Muhammad relatively easily.

    From Mecca, Muhammad and his followers set out to destroy all the other pagan temples in western Arabia, and they succeeded. The rest of Muhammad’s life was given to the promotion and growth of Islam throughout the Arabic world. Sometimes Muhammad used his great wealth (from plundering) to bribe people into Islam. Other times, he used terrorism and conquest. Muslims swept through the Arabian Peninsula, conquering tribe after tribe. When approaching a city, Muhammad would offer terms of peace: accept Islam, the only true religion, and submit to Muhammad, and all would be well. If a city rejected these terms, Muhammad’s forces would proceed to sack the city. According to Abdullah ibn Umar, a companion of Muhammad, “Allah’s Apostle [Muhammad] said: ‘I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform all that, then they save their lives and property from me’” (Bukhari: vol. 1, bk. 2, no. 24).

    Muhammad claimed to have continued to receive revelations from Allah until his death, and Muhammad’s revelations were compiled after his death and canonized into what is now called the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book. Other respected writings in Islam include the Hadith, which is a collection of teachings, deeds, and sayings of Muhammad; and the Tafsir, which is a commentary of sorts on the Qur’an.

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  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    islam is an arabic word that has its roots in the word SLM which means Peace or submission of soul..

    we believe in the one true God.. the God of Abraham.. the same God that created Adam, Eve, Moses, Noah, Jesus, jonah, etc etc..

    so in the definition of the very word.. all those men that submitted themselves to the one true God are muslims.. whether or not they were born after Islam came to Suadiarabia or not..

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Medina, Mecca. Piously, the Garden of Eden.

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