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Lv 7
Skidoo asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 4 years ago

How come you lot aren't all up in arms about the recent documentary about Shannon Matthews?

I remember how many people commented on how genuine she was because she cried over her 'lost' child, like a 'proper mum', unlike another mother who's child had recently gone missing.

Nothing to say now?

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I don't see why people would be up in arms about the drama series. I had a rummage around in google and I can't really find much in the way of sympathy for Karen Mathews.

    It's pretty disgusting that Karen Mathews thinks she has any room to criticise Kate McCann.

    The whole debate around the McCanns got done to death.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    It wasn't a documentary. It was a dramatisation. There's a difference.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Shannon now is 18. Social services brought her up and now she has a new identity and name. It's for her own protection, and a secret.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Yes but Karen Matthews was council estate, the other one was a rich GP. Karen Matthews in my view has learning disability, the other one got her hand squeezed if she went off script.

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  • 4 years ago

    Because it's a waste of time, how about we try and prevent the creation of future mothers like this? Instead of just condemning the ones that already exist, which does nothing but allow people a chance to virtue signal and feel superior to others.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    How come ?

    The answer is simple when you aim it at the sad idiots on these pages

    Because the dirty brainless bittch was not Muslim immigrant or ethnic

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    We're looking forward to the other case you mentioned being solved. There will then be a drama about that with Rosamund Pike and the bloke who played Gollum being the two central characters.

    With detective Amaral now cleared of libel, the way is open for proper investigations to start again.


    I dunno what you mean about 'genuine mother' and whatever got said during the Matthews case


    it was pointed out that one mother was charged with child abuse, but the other got away with it


    why U raking this up, are you on libel commission? I'm still paying off the bill for the letters I had to get a solicitor to write when I was harassed by lawyers

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