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Is the biggest problem we are facing in the United States today the fact that the American people cannot trust their own government?

There seems to be a growing bipartisan distrust of government, each for their own reasons. This isn't a 'Trump' thing or an 'Obama' thing. Regardless of who is in power, we don't feel we can trust our President, we can't trust our intelligence agencies, we can't trust the various 'departments' to do their job for the American people rather than for their own interests.

The federal government over the past twenty or thirty years has lost the trust of the American people. Is this reasonable? And how can the federal government get it back?

12 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    I've been skeptical of "news" items as reported for over 4 decades.

    But it has either become Far worse or we are just being made more aware of it.

    I first (personally) notice huge problems beginning in the 1960's when news anchors started to report stories like: "The car wet out of control and hit a tree" instead of saying: "The driver lost control of the car and hit a tree". Soon the automobile manufacturers were being sued over their carts going out of control as if the cars were driving themselves.

    Then there was the era of Dr. Martin Luther King. His activities were reported in some news markets as being sponsored by and directed by Russia.

    So News Bias and scam reporting have been easy to spot if the viewer is intelligent enough to listen and apply logic.

    As for bureaucracies? The EPA is Classic! I saw an EPA officer in the 1970s get out of his vehicle and start to get aggressive with someone who was spraying weeds growing along the railroad tracks next to his property and when the homeowner continued spraying the EPA officer pulled his gun out and arrested him on the spot.

    The Government seeks enough Power to Dominate Everything and Everyone. They want you to Fear the Government. The Government is Not there to Help.

    Yes, that may be at the top of the list of America's problems. If we could trust Government we could coordinate our efforts and accomplish a great deal more .

    Destructive Progressives burning and looting businesses and killing cops doesn't help create something good.

  • 4 years ago

    I think you are completely right. The only way I really see trust being won back is a total revamp of congress. Pretty much kick everyone who has served more than two term out. Bring in all new blood, no one over 50 can run for office. Get the 'good ol' boys (and girls) OUT of power. The same needs to be true for all government agency heads. Also, bring in third parties, such as Libertarians, Greens, and Independents. Make this a coalition government that has to work together to survive!

  • not
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Government protecting each other from their mistakes. When you see one of them going out of their way to cover for the other instead of just demanding truth and fact be put on the table you know where their alligence lies.

    So who believes for a second that someone would invest millions in you and not expect a return on investment? The amount of money invested makes it pretty clear that politicians are bought.

    Carear politicians is a big part of the issue: Even as good employees, we all know that if we worked with the same group of people our whole lives that those people could gather some dirt on us and blackmail us. We know we would end up oweing favors to save our jobs and reputations. In a world of no politician intending to be crooked the system still fails with carear politicians.

    Getting trust back is simple and carear politicians want nothing to do with it. Less money allowed in the game and shorter terms. Serving as a politician should part of your life, not your life.

  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The only solution I've ever found is to reduce the size and scope of government. That won't necessarily make government more trustworthy, but it will make it less powerful and less invasive--no matter which party is in control.

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  • 4 years ago

    This is EXACTLY what the Progressives set out to do in the beginnings of their movement in the US

    Obama still has many Progressive sycophants planted inside every government agency and department, who remain loyal to tearing down the US Government from inside and replacing it with a Collectivist government which they control.

  • Vela
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    I think a bigger problem is most people in general do not have a basic understanding of science

  • 4 years ago

    our biggest problem is having too many white liberals

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    This is true now that Trump's in office.

  • 4 years ago

    That's fair. There's long been a perception that politicians aren't in the game to help people, but to line their own pockets. No politician has really gone out of their way to defeat this. They're all party-first types.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Whites are celebrating themselves being outbred and displaced by non whites

    What evidence do whites have that the US will be safer, wealthier and more united if or when whites become a US minority?


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