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I do not need school.?

Seriously why the f*ck am I going to that f*cking sh*thole everyday? I just want to become a fire-fighter. What the f*ck does f*cking algebra have to do with physical work. In fact what the f*ck does every subject except for gym and english have to do with this job? English is important for when you have to write a report. Other then that I'm fine cause I don't get good grades but I have a 94 in english , 100 in gym , then 70s and 80s for everything else.

2 Answers

  • Alisyn
    Lv 5
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey, I know how frustrating it can be. I want to be a nurse and my state requires a Bachelor's degree instead of an Associates- 2 extra years of tuition, time, effort, etc.

    It's just what needs to be done these days. I don't agree with the bureaucratic nonsense either but the courses have to be done in order to earn the jobs we want.

  • 4 years ago

    Because you don't want to be a dumbass

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