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Failing final exam in 7th grade?

So I'm doing virtual schooling at the moment (OVLA) and on the 8th I have to go to the school gym for my final exam in ELA. The problem is: I haven't read either of the books we had to read for this semester. I had been skimming over chapters just to find answers to questions. I've been going over chapter summaries for both books (Sounder, The Westing Game) in hopes of getting a general idea of the plots, but I'm not sure I'm gonna pass. I've also been behind on the schoolwork itself, as I only have about 23/36 assignments done in both if my current classes. If I finish the majority of my work, but I fail my English final, will I be held back?

1 Answer

  • 3 hours ago

    Also, I have about a 85-90% average in both classes :|

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