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  • Failing final exam in 7th grade?

    So I'm doing virtual schooling at the moment (OVLA) and on the 8th I have to go to the school gym for my final exam in ELA. The problem is: I haven't read either of the books we had to read for this semester. I had been skimming over chapters just to find answers to questions. I've been going over chapter summaries for both books (Sounder, The Westing Game) in hopes of getting a general idea of the plots, but I'm not sure I'm gonna pass. I've also been behind on the schoolwork itself, as I only have about 23/36 assignments done in both if my current classes. If I finish the majority of my work, but I fail my English final, will I be held back?

  • Swallowed a chewable pill?

    I accidentally swallowed a chewable Claritin because I wasn't thinking, what should I do?

    1 AnswerMedicine15 hours ago
  • How do I ease my girlfriend's concerns?

    So I've been with my gf for about 2 months now, and I feel like she doesn't feel I'm committed. I used to date this other girl named catie back in March of 2020, and then we were forced to break up by her mother who thought I had possessed her with the demon of homosexuality. Today my current girlfriend, Reileigh, asked me if I still had feelings for catie, and I said no (which was the truth, I have been over her for months now). Reileigh kept asking me if I was sure about this and said "it's okay if you still love her, just don't lie to me." How can I convince her that I don't have feelings for catie?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • Will my cat forget me after month?

    I have two cats who stay in my room at my mother's house (we're currently trying to move them to my dad's house so they don't have to be locked up all the time), and I have been the only person that cares for them for several years. But my stepdad is currently doing work on my bedroom, so the cats are staying in my brother's room. It was originally only supposed to be for a week or two, but my stepdad discovered the ceiling is rotting, so it might take up to a month until I see my cats again. Will they remember me when I get them back? Or will they be hesitant to interact with me? I just wanna make sure my bond with them won't be hindered :)

    2 AnswersCats1 month ago
  • Why am I not enough for her?

    I've been friends with this girl since 4th grade, and a month ago she confessed her love for me. We started dating and at first it was good, but now I'm having doubts. I feel like she gets annoyed when I talk to her and every time I try to be flirty (even when she prompts the flirting) she just turns me down. When we facetime she looks bored out of her mind. I don't want her to leave me, I love her and this is my first irl relationship (I live in a very small town with few gay people). Also there have been several times where we'd be texting and she'd say "go away, you're being annoying." What can I do to be better? She's also had feelings for me since before I started my transition (I'm nonbinary and was born female, she's bisexual), should I detransition? She seems to prefer pictures from when I was a girl, and presenting femme makes me dysphoric, but should I do it for her? Help