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  • How do I make Summer go by fast.?

    I am bored. My summer isn't going as great as usual. I also have summer school for about 1-2 hours for algebra 2. I signed up for bjj to keep myself busy, but I just can't for fall because school starts (which gives me something to do), and my birthday is in the fall. I can't wait until it reaches in the 40s, going pumpkin picking. Fall is maybe the start of a long school year but fall is awesome in my opinion.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care4 years ago
  • What is your guilty pleasure?

    Everyone has done something before that is wrong but we enjoyed it.

    2 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago
  • Parents won t accept what I want to be?

    I want to grow weed where it is legal and sell it. I will get a license for it if I have to. My parents yelled at me when I told them this the other day, and I told them I can get a side job besides farming. So I have my future planned out if they get out of my way (I m 16).

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • I take my anger out the wrong way, what to do next time?

    My parents saw my grades and took away my phone. They yelled at me and that $hit because of a 66 is algebra. I literally went in for help everyday in algebra during lunch for 3 weeks which is 15 days, I did all my homework and clearly worked hard. Even the comment said that I tried hard but they didn t care they like numbers. My parents are the type who think you need good grades to get a house and a pool because they are a$$holes. I really wanted to smack them across the face at that point. But I realized my mistake with this but I went to my closet pretend the wall was my parents the punched a hole. The hole was easy to hide so I hid the hole. Eventually they will find it but I took my anger the wrong what would be a way to take out anger next time something like this happens.

    4 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • Do guns make society safer or more violent?

    In my opinion more guns, more safe. Here is why because if a lot of people have guns then there will be so many guns that no one would try to do anything. Plus even if guns are prohibited, there are always people who manage to access them. Here is An example-

    Chicago which had the most gun violence has the strictest gun laws but did it work, No.

    4 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • I do not need school.?

    Seriously why the f*ck am I going to that f*cking sh*thole everyday? I just want to become a fire-fighter. What the f*ck does f*cking algebra have to do with physical work. In fact what the f*ck does every subject except for gym and english have to do with this job? English is important for when you have to write a report. Other then that I'm fine cause I don't get good grades but I have a 94 in english , 100 in gym , then 70s and 80s for everything else.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education4 years ago
  • I have to get myself together. I need advice.?

    I am 16 and in my 11th year of school (which would be 10th grade). I can't really handle the workload that much because I am easily side track and I tend to procrastinate alot! Hence the reason why my parents take my phone, bedroom door, and limit my electronic priviledges for grades. My grades aren't stellar my overall is usually in the 80s (we do numbers at my school). But I just have trouble sitting still. I am getting lazy with work ironically because I'm actually energetic, but you know what I mean by lazy. I mean figurtively not literally. I am trying to take steps closer to quitting the internet but it is just too hard to quit. Here are good habits I started lately. I started reading a book, writing, drawing, and I swim. Also I am failing math right now for the 5 week grades because I bombed a test, and anyone who takes trig understands how test are so important. I couldn't study for it. I'll admit I goofed off 10 minutes after looking through notes. But after that test I been getting the help I need everyday at lunch, been coming in and getting help. My teachers says I'm going to do alot better for the quartar which is good, but how can I prevent this from happening with other subjects. I just get too discracted.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education4 years ago
  • School is useless.?

    I don't get this. I learn more outside the classroom. The class room does nothing but inflict alot of stress. Here are the plans test,... show more. This time no stupid leftist answers.

    4 AnswersSpecial Education4 years ago
  • I'm gonna ask this again. Why is school useless?

    I don't get this. I learn more outside the classroom. The class room does nothing but inflict alot of stress. Here are the plans test,... show more

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Yahoo is not letting me edit my answer or question.?

    I made a mistake on a question and now I go these a$$holes making fun of me instead of answering the question.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers4 years ago
  • School is udeless?

    I don't get this. I learn more outside the classroom. The class room does nothing but inflict alot of stress. Here are the plans test, quiz,test,test,quiz,labs,useless sh!t. Hw doesn't help either. If they do away with HW then that would be like getting 2 elephants off my back. Be informed and watch the news. The only subjects I like are gym, and history. Then we have that useless class called algebra. You do not need algebra unless you are going to be an algebra teacher.

    1 AnswerHomework Help4 years ago
  • School is udeless?

    I don't get this. I learn more outside the classroom. The class room does nothing but inflict alot of stress. Here are the plans test, quiz,test,test,quiz,labs,useless sh!t. Hw doesn't help either. If they do away with HW then that would be like getting 2 elephants off my back. Be informed and watch the news. The only subjects I like are gym, and history. Then we have that useless class called algebra. You do not need algebra unless you are going to be an algebra teacher.

    35 AnswersHomework Help4 years ago
  • School is getting boring and taking up all my time.?

    School is getting boring. I'm in 10th and I don't even give A **** about my grades. I get around 83 or so on my report cards. The only reason I do that well is because my parents care about my grades but I don't care myself honestly. I have a few friends, and then there are the other annoying people who crowd the hall. When I'm trying to get to a class and they are in my way I push them out of my way. The classes are boring. There is only 2 classes I like, sometimes 3 cause one class is interesting sometimes. School gets in the way of me traveling and learning from the actual world. Don't tell me dumb sh¡t like you cant travel without a job and you can't get a job without school. Yes you can, it is possible. I don't want school. I want to either travel or live on an island and build my own hut....maybe get electricity.(ik ik how will I pay for electricity and property tax) but I'll deal with that later down the road. You may need school to travel (maybe). But you don't have to go to school to live on an island. No I am not depressed, I am happy outside of school. When I missed a week to visit family in Dominican Republic I felt my best, I was so ***¡ng happy in that place, felt so good to visit. I just wish I went to a school that traveled like suit life on deck, or lived on an island.

  • Swim coach is a f*cking tool!?

    Im on boys varsity swim and I hate my coach who is a total chump. I tried being nice to her before but in my freshmen year she was a total crab. Im now a sophomore and every time she ask me something and i answer with the truth which may seem smart mouth at first but is not, she yells at me for being "smart mouth". Example other day i missed practice i didn't tell her she was like "where were you" with attitude and i said "studying" and she said "tell someone next time" and i said "pardon i was busy so i couldn't" and this doofus yells at me. Honestly I really wanna floor this c**t or crash my fist in her face. She is not a good coach. She is young, and other people don't think she is a good coach either. And she sounds like a loser outside of swim as well. So how can I get her fired or any revenge? No horse **** answers like "just cause you dont like he doesn't mean you have to fire her". Those types of retarded answer will be ignored.

    Family4 years ago
  • Swim coach is a f*cking tool!?

    Im on boys varsity swim and I hate my coach who is a total chump. I tried being nice to her before but in my freshmen year she was a total crab. Im now a sophomore and every time she ask me something and i answer with the truth which may seem smart mouth at first but is not, she yells at me for being "smart mouth". Example other day i missed practice i didn't tell her she was like "where were you" with attitude and i said "studying" and she said "tell someone next time" and i said "pardon i was busy so i couldn't" and this doofus yells at me. Honestly I really wanna floor this c**t or crash my fist in her face. She is not a good coach. She is young, and other people don't think she is a good coach either. And she sounds like a loser outside of swim as well. So how can I get her fired or any revenge? No horse **** answers like "just cause you dont like he doesn't mean you have to fire her". Those types of retarded answer will be ignored.

    12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago
  • Am I going to be a fine man? Am I too soft.?

    I am 16 by far. In a day off of school I tightly up my room sometimes. My grades are usually 85 but sometimes I will struggle in a class. I am on a swim team. I also lift weights. I have friends, and with my friend I go in the woods with bbguns and sometimes chop down trees. Also I swear when hanging with friends but keep professional in school. I am republican. But here is some soft stuff I ve done before.... play coc for 2 years and I watch tv. What have I become! Also I ve played other mobile games.

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • How often does a legendary appear in the card shop at arena 9?

    Been at 3021 for 4 days and I am going to get a bundle that contains a wagon of gold. And with the wagon I am buying the rest of the legends i am missing. Sparky, lumber j, and inferno drag are the ones I don't have. So my question is how often are they in the shop? Some say 4 times a week. A clan-mate reached A9 the same day as me and got log and ice wiz in his shop already. For me still epics.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • I want A job but my parents won t allow me to.?

    Yeah my description lives up to the title. So I am going to be 16 in a couple of weeks. I m getting ready to be a responsible young man and land a job somewhere but there is a wall that is blocking me. A wall called "Mom"! My mom says that I need to focus in school. I understaf where she is coming from but seriously im a high 80s type student. 87 avg usually. She says that I need to focus on studies and that she d rather have me moe lawns, or do yard work for neighbors. But that is not what I want to do. I ve done that before when I used to save for something, but I mean a real J-O-B. Like any entry level fast food job. Ok sure I get taxed the hell out of especially here in NY but seriously! I want to work hard for and to start buying my own things. I want to be independent. I understand that I need to do well with studies but I tried to tell my mom that I have alot of time. School runs from 8:00 to 2:40. I ll have plenty of time to work, study, and get good sleep. There are 24 hours in a day. I know I can do it. As far as my dad goes, he somewhat supports working. My sister works and he likes that. He might like the idea of me wanting a job but my mom is mostly what is stopping me. I told her that I can work just on week ends, but she didn t answer me after that. How do I convince my mom to let me work?

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Wierd or not?! A dream goes wrong.?

    I thought I saw myself in the past in the corner of my room. I am 15 I am somewhat big. When I went to bed I turned off my light but left my tv on to watch tv to fall asleep, my phone was plugged in. I fall asleep around 11:00. So I wake up around 2:30 cause I felt lights and I see that my lights were on and that my phone was unplugged. Then I saw what appeared to be myself from the past from a few years back cause this kid was shorter and more thin. Then I am shocked but I try to get up to make him disappear. I walk to him and he keeps saying "Don t,don t, please don t" sounding terrified then As I approached him I was fully awake and he was was a hallucination from a dream yes I know I m crazy but do you find it weird? I been awake ever since that happened and I got a glass of water and put my normal day time close.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • My brother is playing my xbox.?

    I got my xbox 360 a few years back all with my own money I saved. For $230. I still play my xbox but recently he started getting games on my xbox even tho he didn't even throw in a single penny for the xbox. Thats not the worst part...MY Parents get him games for MY xbox. He was sick one time but my parents got a new game for him. I tried playing the games with him but his taste is a little weird... I like gta and wwe 2k but he likes sonic and rpg games. So my question is should I start charging him since he didn't put in a single penny for the xbox? No advice this is not dr. Phil, just strait up yes and no and why yes or no.

    1 AnswerXbox5 years ago