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I take my anger out the wrong way, what to do next time?

My parents saw my grades and took away my phone. They yelled at me and that $hit because of a 66 is algebra. I literally went in for help everyday in algebra during lunch for 3 weeks which is 15 days, I did all my homework and clearly worked hard. Even the comment said that I tried hard but they didn t care they like numbers. My parents are the type who think you need good grades to get a house and a pool because they are a$$holes. I really wanted to smack them across the face at that point. But I realized my mistake with this but I went to my closet pretend the wall was my parents the punched a hole. The hole was easy to hide so I hid the hole. Eventually they will find it but I took my anger the wrong what would be a way to take out anger next time something like this happens.

4 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    maybe you should fix that hole before your parents find it, and get some help for your anger issues before it gets you in trouble

  • A
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    well, I can suggest you take a deep breath but why not come up with a plan on how to do better in tough subjects? Kudos for going in for help, but maybe you need a different kind of help. Ask to talk to your parents, tell them you want to do better but need extra help, would they consider getting a tutor for you. your parents want you to do well, and yes you pretty much do need good grades in HS to get into college, to get a good degree and a good job. Offer up a plan,

  • 4 years ago

    It's a myth that anybody needs to "take out" his anger. Instead, the thing to do is stop exaggerating in your mind how big a deal your parents' reaction is. Things don't always go how you want in this world, and when they don't, the best thing to do is to reconcile with that; get back on your feet and try, try again.

  • reana
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Talk to your parents about your anger. You need to see a professional.

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