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Wierd or not?! A dream goes wrong.?

I thought I saw myself in the past in the corner of my room. I am 15 I am somewhat big. When I went to bed I turned off my light but left my tv on to watch tv to fall asleep, my phone was plugged in. I fall asleep around 11:00. So I wake up around 2:30 cause I felt lights and I see that my lights were on and that my phone was unplugged. Then I saw what appeared to be myself from the past from a few years back cause this kid was shorter and more thin. Then I am shocked but I try to get up to make him disappear. I walk to him and he keeps saying "Don t,don t, please don t" sounding terrified then As I approached him I was fully awake and he was was a hallucination from a dream yes I know I m crazy but do you find it weird? I been awake ever since that happened and I got a glass of water and put my normal day time close.

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    One more thing. I didn't think this was a big deal. I woke up and I'm like " ehhh just a strange dream". Should I be concerned, cause I don't think it's a big deal.

  • 5 years ago

    U r ill feeling the break up of ur parents and want their re- union

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