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Do guns make society safer or more violent?

In my opinion more guns, more safe. Here is why because if a lot of people have guns then there will be so many guns that no one would try to do anything. Plus even if guns are prohibited, there are always people who manage to access them. Here is An example-

Chicago which had the most gun violence has the strictest gun laws but did it work, No.

4 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    From 1993 to 2011 the following 3 things have happened.

    1. Data from NICS background checks show 140 million new guns sold in the USA.

    2. The number of "shall issue" concealed carry permit states went from 17 to 42.

    3. The gun homicide rate decreased by 39% and the gun violence rate decreased by 69%.

    Clearly putting more guns into the hands of law abiding people, and allowing more of them to have the guns with them does not equal more violence!

  • 4 years ago

    I just wish the police had better weapons. They have this tiny pistols and getting shot at by someone with an AK47, just isn't right.

  • 4 years ago

    Much more violent.

    In countries that have strict nationwide gun laws for the whole country, it does work.

    The United States of America is the only country in the world with the problem that Chicago has.

    Chicago is an example of somewhere that has violence because its gun laws apply only to one city and it is in the United States of America and surrounded by other places that don't have strict gun laws.

    In every other country where guns are prohibited, violence is almost nonexistent.

    Even if they manage to access guns, they don't use them, because they don't need to. In Chicago, they need to use them because they are in a country without strict gun laws in most of rest of the country. That's why doing it for just one city doesn't work. Doing it for a whole country does work, and is working, almost everywhere in the world, except the USA.

  • Sally
    Lv 7
    4 years ago


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